Chapter 74

Prince Hei Lian was wearing a black skull robe, with long black hair hanging down his shoulders. Compared with a few years ago, his complexion was much paler. .|

"This black lotus is not simple..." Lin Fei's eyes were full of real fire, staring at the black lotus under the black lotus prince's seat, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

This black lotus came from a piece of black mist, and the black mist was mixed with a very ghostly yin energy, and there was a mysterious force hidden in the yin energy. In addition, the black lotus prince's limbs were slightly swollen, and it was obvious that he had already stepped into the black lotus. Four Great Secret Realms, this will be a strong enemy.

"If you dare to compete with Master Ben for a woman, you go down and buckle a few heads, and then come to Tian Tian Master Ben's shoes, and send Xiao Xueer back unharmed, then forget about it..." Lin Fei laughed.

Prince Hei Lian's face darkened, so gloomy that water dripped out, and a nameless black fire flickered in his eyes, darkening the void, and all the people and pedestrians in the vicinity fled in panic, fearing that it would hurt the fish in the pond.

"I remember you..." Prince Hei Lian said with a low voice and sneered, "You are that Lin Fei, an ancient waste body! It's a pity that you didn't die in the Mountain of Despair, but you will die in this small country of Wei today... "

Lin Fei guarded the two daughters behind him, raised his head and responded with a sneer, "Don't think that you just want to pretend to be a master just because you are wearing black clothes, if you have the guts, get off the black lotus, and fight this young master to the death..."

"That's right, it's my brother-in-law who won!" Xiao Ling'er was no longer afraid at the moment, and followed Lin Fei up, sneering at the sky, "Prince Black Lotus, are you afraid, are you afraid of dying in the future?" In Lin Fei's hands..."

Prince Hei Lian gave a cold smile and snorted, "Don't practice if you are afraid of death..."

"Then go to die..."

With a low shout, Lin Fei summoned the giant sword and took the two girls far away to avoid being affected.He himself was rolled up by the void mirror and charged towards the high-altitude Prince Black Lotus. He was particularly uncomfortable staying below looking up at such an animal.

"Looking for death!" Black fire was burning in the eyes of Prince Hei Lian, absolutely unexpected that Lin Fei would dare to take the initiative to attack.

He swooped down, and the black lotus melted away, turning into three divine weapons, a lotus shield, a black knife, and a black crown.

The lotus shield turned into black armor and attached to his body, and the black crown was worn on top of his head. He swiped over with the black knife, and suddenly a raging black flame flew towards Lin.

"What kind of fire is this..."

Lin Fei was startled, a silver light from the void mirror met the black flame, unexpectedly, the black flame resisted the silver light, and slowly swallowed the silver light.

"Go to hell! Trash!" Prince Hei Lian didn't dare to be too careless, the simple and simple mirror on top of Lin Fei's head was probably not a mortal thing, it could resist his holy weapon. .|

The black crown above his head flew out, and a black river poured out from the mouth of the crown, like a torrent gushing out, and a black divine dragon spewed out from it, the dragon's head slashed straight at Lin Fei and the void mirror.

"Be careful! That's the underworld dragon..."

Xiao Ling'er's urgent cry came from next to his ears, the underworld dragon was coming too fiercely, and its breath was too powerful, which made Lin Fei have an illusion for a while, thinking that the old black dragon in the Despair Mountains had appeared again.

Although this underworld dragon is far inferior to that old black dragon, it may at least be a holy weapon, not to mention that it has already transformed, and its unique attributes make people even more fearful.

Styx water spews out from the mouth of the Styx River. An ordinary monk who touches a drop of this weird river water will be completely wiped out. It is estimated that it will not be a short time.

Lin Fei opened his eyes wide, and the real fire of the sun rushed out, meeting the water of the Styx River and colliding with dazzling sparks.

As he moved to the left to avoid the water of the Styx River, his mind turned sharply: "Could it be that the Black Lotus Prince has something to do with Meiji? Meiji also used a weird gourd in Baicao Moyuan back then, which was also filled with Styx River water..."

Before Lin Fei could figure it out, Prince Hei Lian's figure flickered, he stretched out his right hand, and slashed at him with a black saber.

The four poles mean that the limbs of a person, the hands and feet have been strengthened to the maximum extent, and at the same time they can be stretched freely, within a hundred feet, the hands and feet can be reached instantly.

The black saber energy turned into black mist, instantly enveloping Lin Fei and the void mirror. At the same time, the Styx river water from Minglong's mouth also poured over, burying Lin Fei.

"Don't blame me for being ruthless..." Prince Hei Lian chattered strangely, looked at Xiao Ling'er and Xiao Qian'er sisters who were hundreds of meters away, and snorted, "Only I am worthy to be your man, you can only be me Heifeng's woman, come here by yourself, don't force me to be violent, I've always been sympathetic to women, but if you provoke me, I will destroy flowers with harsh hands..."

"Lin Fei!"

The two girls in the distance let out two screams, especially Xiao Ling'er's face was pale, the complexion she had just quarreled with was completely gone, she drew out the soft sword at her waist and was about to step forward to fight with Prince Heilian desperately, cursing: "You Bastard, I will kill you!"

Xiao Qian'er held her back, and said via voice transmission: "Ling'er, calm down, now is not the time to fight recklessly..."

"But he just killed that scum, and I called him from Tianchi Holy Land, and I want to avenge him!" Xiao Linger shouted angrily, her eyes were red.

Seeing that the black fog over there is getting less and less and thinner, but there is still no sign of Lin Fei, both women think that Lin Fei has been turned into a pool of black water, and there are no bones left, but the water of the Styx River Some of the most vicious things in the world, even the power of the Sendai Secret Realm can't avoid it.

"Hehe, you have plenty of opportunities to avenge him, but it's not here..." Crown Prince Hei Lian let out an evil smile, the three divine weapons returned to their positions, and once again formed a black lotus floating at his feet, he stared at Xiao Ling'er He smiled evilly, "After the prince of Daben married you, I hope you can work hard on the kang to avenge him. Just don't be like a dead fish..."

"I'll kill you!" Xiao Ling'er had never been insulted like this before, she immediately shook off Xiao Qian'er's hand, and rushed towards Prince Hei Lian with the fairy sword she had just obtained.

"Ling'er, come back!" Xiao Qian'er shouted urgently, trying to pull Xiao Ling'er back.

The corner of Prince Heilian's mouth curled up, and his right hand turned into a giant palm, and carried Xiao Ling'er over. The big hand wrapped around her neck, restrained Xiao Ling'er from behind, and took a deep breath on her neck. Taking a deep breath, he said intoxicated: "It smells so fragrant, so pure Yin Yuan, it really is the best..."

"Go to hell!" Xiao Ling'er's pretty face turned pale, and her hind legs kicked to kick Prince Heilian.

Prince Hei Lian was light and firm, so he restrained her so that she could not move. Prince Hei Lian is a strong man in the Four Extremes Mystery Realm, and Xiao Ling'er is just a newcomer to the Realm of Fate Spring. In front of Prince Hei Lian, There is absolutely no power to fight back.

"Kill me if you have the guts!" Xiao Ling'er was so angry that she was about to faint.

Prince Heilian smiled evilly and said: "Don't worry, when I get tired of playing with you three sisters, I will fulfill you, but your method of death is worth studying. I have raised dozens of baby snakes. You three sisters, I will give you to them..."

"You!" Xiao Ling'er's pretty face became even paler when she heard it, thinking that this time it was a miserable time, if she fell into this guy's hands, she might die a miserable death.

Xiao Qian'er in the distance also said gloomyly: "Prince Black Lotus, if you kill Lin Fei, aren't you afraid that Tianchi Holy Land will trouble you?"

"Tianchi Holy Land?" Prince Hei Lian was startled slightly, and laughed, "Don't you use any Holy Land to scare me, do you really think I, Heifeng, is a fool? Lin Fei is just an ancient waste body, the reason why they Bringing into the Mountain of Despair is nothing more than trying to use his chaotic blood. The Mountain of Despair is here, do you really think that those holy places and the family will treat Lin Fei as a fart?"

"To me, Heifeng, killing Lin Fei is nothing more than killing an ant. Others dare not kill him, but I, Heifeng, dare to kill him!" Prince Heilian smiled triumphantly, and with a wave of his hand, the ball wrapped around Lin Fei The flying black mist froze in an instant, but to his dismay, there was no figure of Lin Fei in the black mist.

"Huh? Did he just die?" Prince Hei Lian was a little surprised. According to him, Lin Fei was the body of the sun and the body of chaos. The combination of these two special physiques should not prevent him from being killed by the Styx River so quickly. To the bones of the dead.

The black lotus under his feet melted away again, and the lotus shield turned into armor to wear on his body. The black lotus prince is a very cautious guy, he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter this time.

A pair of black eyes carefully scanned the void. After observing for a long time, he didn't find the slightest breath of Lin Fei. He was relieved and thought to himself: "This kid just thought highly of him. His body of the sun is still there. It is far from reaching the stage of great success, otherwise the real Styx would be moved in, and I am afraid that he would not be able to dissolve him! What a pity that such a rare physique fell on such a waste!"

"I won't talk nonsense with you guys, let's go back to the palace with the prince, tomorrow will be our marriage..." Prince Heilian snorted coldly, beckoned to arrest Xiao Qian'er, and raised his hand with two black lights Then he took the two girls away, turned around and walked away.


Just half an hour after Prince Hei Lian left, a precious mirror finally popped out of the sky, and a young man in black wrapped under the mirror was Lin Fei who was in a coma.

The void mirror rolled Lin Fei into the night, hidden into a small inn in the north of the city, into the room where Bai Xian and Master Liu lived.


Lin Fei was placed heavily on the wooden board, and the Void Mirror got into his brow with a little tiredness. Bai Xian was the most frightened, and immediately jumped up. After finding out that it was Lin Fei in the night, he couldn't help being a little surprised, and hummed: "You son of a bitch, what kind of hero did you learn to save the beauty? Now you finally know the consequences. There are masters in this imperial city..."

After saying that, a palm-sized green leaf floated out from between his brows. He opened Lin Fei's mouth and let Lin Fei swallow the green leaf. Lin Fei's eyes trembled immediately, and he woke up soon.

"Why am I here?" Lin Fei was still a little confused, and closed his eyes again, even Fen Tian's eyes hurt a little.

Baixian hummed and said: "If Brother Jing didn't protect you, you wouldn't be able to come back. After receiving the breath of the Styx River, you can still survive until now. If you are lucky, you have to lose to me. Only the magic weapon can save your life..."

Lin Fei also saw the green leaf in Bai Xian's hand, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"This is the bodhi leaf cultivated by the bodhi branch. It takes ten thousand years to produce one piece. Today, I let you soak it up..." Bai Xian smiled, put the bodhi leaf between his eyebrows, and sneered at Lin Fei, " How about it, this time I overplayed it, the beauty was not rescued, and I almost let myself get caught in it..."

Thinking of the three sisters of the Xiao family, Lin Fei asked with a cold face: "Have you ever been to Tianfeng Tower, how are the three sisters doing?"

"I don't know about this fairy. Brother Jing brought you back. I've been sleeping here all this time..." Baixian's small face retracted into the black fur shell, transferring Lin Fei's anger to him body.

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