Chapter 75

"Go to the palace with me tomorrow..." Lin Fei lay on the wooden board, rolled a quilt from the cabinet over there to cover himself, and said to Bai Xian, "If you don't go, just lend me the bodhi branch and the bodhi branch." leaf……"

When it came to borrowing bodhi branches and leaves, Bai Xian hurriedly called out: "Are you kidding me, I really think this fairy is doing good deeds..."

Lin Fei closed his eyes and meditated, and snorted: "If you don't want to borrow it, don't think about roasting the fragrant pig. I don't have that much time to spare..."

"You're a fairy! Can I understand that you are threatening me?" Bai Xian snorted and sneered, "I am never afraid of threats from others. Even a fairy is polite to me, Xiao Linzi Ah, you have been dazzled by beauty, but you are only the princess of three small countries, how can you compare to the Holy Goddess, your ambition is a bit low..."

"You don't need to worry about these things. I have unique tastes, and I can accept both big and small..." Lin Fei turned over on the wooden board and snorted, "You just say whether you want to borrow it or not?"

"Okay, the Japanese Immortal will go with you tomorrow, go out personally, and accept that tricked prince..." Bai Xian snorted a few times, and then made a condition, "But this Immortal is taking such a big risk, and it's time to come out again." It’s something you’ve worked hard for, Xiao Linzi, you have to show something, it seems like you haven’t roasted a pig for me for a while, don’t tell me you want to be a white wolf with empty hands, talk about a princess..."

"One hundred, is there more!" Lin Fei directly gave a number.

Bai Xian said angrily: "You kid is too dishonest. One hundred fragrant pigs just want to exchange three princesses and sisters to go back to the warm kang. How about this? I will give you 150 fragrant pigs to exchange these three princesses and sisters. Help me?" I'll take care of it..."

"Forget it, 150 heads, if you want to help or not, if you don't help, I will pull out my imperial weapon, and just kill that black lotus prince..." Lin Fei sighed, turned around and walked away. Started to sleep soundly.

When Bai Xian heard this, he became anxious, and hurried forward and said: "Hey, Xiao Linzi, don't just go to sleep, you have suffered internal injuries now, let me show you quickly, 150 heads are 150 heads ! We have such a strong life-and-death relationship, let alone 150 fragrant pigs, even if we don’t want fragrant pigs, I can’t just sit idly by..."

It has seen the strange picture of Lin Fei before. Once the strange picture is released, the monster in the southern desert will be wiped out. If it is really shown, Lin Fei will definitely solve the problem of Wei Guo soon. , then the more than 100 fragrant pigs will be gone.

Can't do it, can't do it!

"You don't want a fragrant pig?" Lin Fei let out a sigh, and said happily, "Since this is the case, it would be great. I also believe in the strong friendship between us. What kind of pig is there to talk about in such a life-and-death friendship? It's really hurtful." Yaxing..."

"No...don't...Xiao's clear to settle accounts with brothers, right..." Bai Xian hurriedly stepped forward and explained with a dark face, "Our brothers are brothers of life and death, so we have to make a clear calculation, otherwise it would be easy Let’s make trouble, it’s not worth it for brothers to quarrel over a few pigs..|Let’s do this, just 150 fragrant pigs, brother, I will sneak into the palace with you tomorrow, and turn him upside down, brother will definitely help you Rescue the three siblings..."

"Okay, I'll go to bed first..." Lin Fei felt a little tired, and soon fell asleep after saying this.


That night, Lin Fei had a strange dream. He dreamed that he was covered in blood, but he was begging for love with the three sisters of the Xiao family in a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

It was an indescribable feeling, one side was the god of death, and the other side was heaven. This feeling of exchanging heaven and hell made him sweat profusely in his sleep.

Fortunately, when he woke up, he found that it was just a dream. He was still lying on the wooden planks of this room, and the earth-shattering snores of Mr. Liu and Baixian were still heard in his ears, but it was Xiaobao who pushed open the door and walked in. , carrying a steaming breakfast snack in his hand.

"Brother Xiaofei, you're awake..." Xiaobao walked up to Lin Fei and found that Lin Fei's forehead was covered in cold sweat. Brother, you are too tired, pay attention to rest, get up and eat something..."

Seeing that such an immature little treasure is so sensible, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little relieved, he recovered from the nightmare, sat up and smiled and said to Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, if you become a fairy in the future, what do you want to do most? "

He took the breakfast that Xiaobao handed over, took out a piece of snack and stuffed it into his mouth, Xiaobao rolled his eyes wide, thought for a while and said: "If I can become a fairy like you, Brother Xiaofei, I hope Can help the poor people, let them have meat to eat every day, and live a good life..."

"Hehe, I don't have a big wish, but it's the ambition of an emperor..." Lin Fei laughed, stroked Xiaobao's head, and asked, "Xiaobao, have you ever thought about becoming an emperor?"

"Emperor?" To Lin Fei's surprise, Xiaobao still knew this name, and snorted angrily, "If I become emperor, I will definitely not let my people be displaced and hungry every day. I heard that the emperor of our Hetu country is not a good emperor, he is a desolate and dishonest emperor who has harmed the people of our Hetu country..."

"Which one told you, Xiaobao?" Lin Fei was curious.

Xiaobao pointed to Mr. Liu, who was still sleeping soundly on the kang, and said with a chuckle, "It's all my grandfather told me. My grandfather was a scholar before, but he couldn't understand what their courtiers did, so he came here." The country hermit..."

"Oh, it's still like this..." Lin Fei stuffed another piece of snack thoughtfully, pulled Xiaobao to his side and asked, "Xiaobao, what do you think of your Baixian master?"

"Master, he..." Xiao Bao rolled his eyes, glanced at Bai Xian, and found that he was still sleeping, so he leaned into Lin Fei's ear and asked, "Brother Xiao Fei, Master, he is really a fairy!" , why do I feel that he is like those monsters in the legend..."

"Uh... yes, he is..." Lin Fei said seriously.

But Baixian suddenly jumped up from the kang, rushed towards Lin Fei, and shouted: "Lin Fei, you dare to teach my disciple badly, I will fight you..."


It was just dawn, but the sound of the golden bell was heard in the palace, and the bell echoed throughout the entire imperial city with a radius of hundreds of miles. This was the news that the palace was going to release to the outside world.

"At noon today, the whole country celebrates. Prince Heilian married the eldest princess, the second princess, and the third princess..."

"At noon today, the whole country celebrates. Prince Heilian married the eldest princess, the second princess, and the third princess..."

The bell rang like thunder, repeating the content of the announcement several times. It turned out that the emperor Xiao Tenglong agreed to Prince Heilian's marriage proposal, and at the same time married the three princesses to Prince Heilian.


"Your Majesty actually agreed to marry the three princesses to Prince Heilian, it's incredible..."

"What's unbelievable, I heard that the deadly soldiers of the Black Lotus Kingdom have already entered. If His Majesty no longer agrees, there may be a war..."

"The three princesses are pure and pure, kind and charitable. How can they marry a villain like Prince Heilian? It's really unfair..."

"Everything is fate. Becoming a royal princess has such a fate. I hope that after Prince Heilian marries the three princesses, he can stop and let all these hateful people in black go away. I really don't want to stay here... ..."


In Yangcheng, there were many discussions, all of which were opinions on this marriage.

Most people think that if the marriage is good, if the two countries get married, the war will be avoided. Prince Heilian can't come and beat his father-in-law.

There are also some knowledgeable people who think that this is not advisable. In this way, it means that Wei State has compromised with Hei Lian State. Hei Lian State is a subordinate state of Wei State. How can Wei State compromise with a subordinate state.

However, regardless of discussion or protest, no one can stop this marriage. A notice was posted in the palace that a three-day banquet will be held outside the palace starting at noon today to celebrate the blessing of the country.


"Getting married today? This Black Lotus Prince is really in a hurry..." Lin Fei, who was in the inn, couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the news.

Bai Xian shrank his head into the black fur shell, and said with a strange smile: "Xiao Linzi, it seems that you have to hurry up, otherwise your three wives will become someone else's..."

Mr. Liu and Xiaobao were arranged by Lin Fei to live in the next room. Now there are only Lin Fei and Baixian in this room. Lin Fei scolded with a sullen face: "If you enter the palace later, you will have everything Listen to me, if you mess up things, see how I will deal with you..."

"Xiao Linzi, don't be so fierce, anyway, this fairy is here to help you save your wife, why did you threaten me..." Bai Xian cried out endlessly.

Lin Fei shrugged his shoulders and said: "The three-petal black lotus held by the black lotus prince is probably a sacred artifact, and it is even more terrifying than ordinary sacred artifacts. It is estimated that there are still people secretly protecting them. This time our task is to rescue the three sisters of the Xiao family, and leave after saving them. Don’t have any other ideas..."

He stared at Baixian, his eyes flickered with real fire, Baixian smiled shyly, and said: "I don't want to make fun of myself..."

"You beast, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!" Lin Fei snorted coldly, stared at Baixian and said in a deep voice, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, that black lotus is definitely not a mortal thing, it is probably a Dark holy artifact, if you want to use the bodhi branch to snatch the black lotus, then you can try again after I take the three sisters away, don't get me involved..."

Lin Fei naturally knew what Baixian wanted to do. The animal most likely wanted to follow him into the palace, and then take the black lotus that belonged to Prince Heilian.

Bai Xian seemed to have seen through Lin Fei's mind, and hummed impatiently: "I don't lack any holy artifacts, and all I will use in the future are imperial artifacts. How could those trash bastards be interested in you? Do not worry……"

"That's good, control your hands, control your mouth..." Lin Fei didn't say anything more, got up and left the inn to inquire about news.


The three princesses got married, and nearly a thousand armored cavalrymen were dispatched from the imperial palace, and they began to urgently gather chefs from various restaurants in the imperial city, and gathered them all on Daqian Street in front of the imperial palace, to set up this grand table. feast.

Lin Fei entered a well-known restaurant, knocked out one of the chefs, took his letter, and came to the palace.

In just half an hour, nearly [-] cooks gathered in front of the palace, all of whom were recruited by force. Most of these cooks were unwilling to do this job, but few of them dared to speak out.

"Your Majesty the three princesses are getting married today. You will try your best to organize the banquet of 20 tables. Every [-] people will be responsible for [-] tables of dishes. After a while, you can follow the master manager into the palace to pick up the ingredients. The banquet of [-] tables in three days Afterwards, everyone will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver..."

A general wearing golden armor stepped out of the armored cavalry, without saying a few words of nonsense, he just explained the matter of the banquet and left.

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