Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 76: A Pair of Dogs and Men and Women

Chapter 76

Although he was forced to marry his daughters, Xiao Tenglong insisted on hosting the first ten-thousand-table banquet for his three daughters in decades. .|

But this time it seemed a bit hasty. The chef of the Ten Thousand Tables Banquet was brought by Prince Hei Lian, and the No. [-] chef outside was also forced to come here temporarily. If it were to change to the past, those chefs would have to fight for such a grand event. The head also wants to squeeze in.

A person who can cook thousands of tables for His Majesty the Emperor must be a high-ranking figure in the catering industry of Wei State, but among the [-] people right now, there are quite a few mistresses who haven't had time to escape. It can only be fought.

Every 20 people are responsible for the production of one hundred tables of banquets, and it is not easy to make them in time for noon.

Lin Fei was assigned to the No.30 eighth group. The group leader was a half-century old man in his fifties. His eyes were tightly closed, making people think he was asleep.

Each group has to send five people into the palace to carry the materials out. No one is willing to enter the gloomy palace, but Lin Fei volunteered to carry the materials. Everyone else thinks they are young people who have never seen the world and want to go to the palace. Turn around and it will be allowed.


"Follow me closely! If you get lost or go to the wrong place, no one can save you!"

Following the large army of hundreds of people, Lin Fei's eyes were always squinted into a line, because he was afraid that if he opened them too much, people would find something abnormal in his eyes.

The Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Wei covers an area of ​​nearly [-] mu. There are countless luxurious buildings inside, and the golden walls are splendid, showing the royal style. Even the floor is a luxurious large jade floor, which ordinary people have never seen before.

However, Lin Fei was not in the mood to look at these things. He raised his eyes slightly, wandered around the palaces, and found that there were several black-robed Taoist priests sitting above each palace.These people's auras are stern, probably similar to the basilisk who killed in the canyon before, but weaker than that basilisk.

"What kind of ancient method has this black lotus prince acquired? How did he train so many dead warriors..." Lin Fei cursed in his heart. These black-robed Taoist priests at the top of the palace are not weak in cultivation, at least from the breath. A strong man in the secret realm of the Dao Palace.

There are countless palaces in the palace, and there are at least three such guys above each palace. In this way, there are at least hundreds of such strong men in this palace alone.

There are hundreds of experts in the secret realm of the Dao Palace. This is definitely a small sect on the Tianyuan Continent. At least all the monks in the Wei Kingdom can't add up to hundreds of experts in the secret realm of the Dao Palace.This is only guarding in the palace, and there are still a large number of such monks wandering in the imperial city. There must be a large number of such monks in the Black Lotus Kingdom, and even their cultivation has improved to a higher level. Such strength is really terrifying.

There were [-] people in the team carrying the ingredients into the palace, most of them were young and strong men. Lin Fei also lowered his veil and followed this large team.

There is a tall red door in front, stepping through the red door and entering the yard is the imperial dining room covering an area of ​​tens of mu. Lin Fei found that there were not many black-robed Taoist priests there, only about seven or eight. Opportunity.

"Hurry up, the ingredients are right in front, go in group by group, don't panic..."

The team was led by fifty armored soldiers, all of whom were covered by thin armor, only showing a pair of tiger eyes, looking very scary.

"Mr. Jun, we can't stay in chaos. Everyone cooks different dishes and chooses different materials. There is no way..." The one who spoke was an old famous chef in the imperial city, and some other cooks also There are postscripts.

The captain of the armored soldiers waved his iron halberd and shouted: "Then take whatever you want, and take as much as you want. If anyone is found to be greedy for food, they will be beheaded and exposed for three days!"

"Okay, sir, we won't get an extra point for keeping it..." The old celebrity chef was very prestigious, and shouted to the people below, "Everyone, promise to start work..."

Everyone responded in unison, and rushed into the huge imperial dining room one after another, and began to grab the ingredients they needed.

There are a lot of ingredients in the imperial dining room, and there are a lot of expensive ingredients. These guys don't care what ingredients are needed on the menu, and they pick up the good ones.

"Whether he needs it or not, he can make a lot of money without taking it home..."

"If you don't take it for nothing, even if you take too much, they don't know that I have saved materials..."

With such a mentality in their hearts, many people rushed to the most expensive ingredients and frantically scooped them up.



Something that made them palpitate happened. Two of the cooks were directly hacked by two armored sergeants because they took too many precious ingredients. It was livid, and the god of death was so close to them.

"Tianshan snow lotus, century-old Ganoderma lucidum, Shouwuer..." The iron-armored captain headed out came out, picked the ingredients next to the corpse with a long halberd, and hummed, "I have never seen such ingredients in my life, how dare I take them?" So much, will you do it if you take it?"

He raised his head sharply, with a fierce look in his eyes, and sternly said: "As long as there is a limit, I will not interfere, but I will never ignore it! This is the end for all greedy and unscrupulous people!"

The team that picked the ingredients became quiet in an instant. Many people turned pale, and the cook who was holding too many expensive ingredients was trembling.

"Bring the fire..." Captain Iron Armor yelled, and a black-robed Taoist priest hidden on the roof not far away landed, and several dark fires spewed out of his eyes, smashing the bones of the two cooks who had just been chopped off on the ground. Burn it clean.

"Hmph!" Iron Armored Captain was a little dissatisfied and snorted coldly.

The black-robed Taoist stared at the Iron Armored Captain with both eyes, and said with a cold snort, "I'm here to solve your troubles, why are you dissatisfied?"

Both sides were covered with their faces covered, only a pair of eyes were still exposed, the iron armor captain put his long halberd on the ground, smashed several cracks in the ground, and shouted: "It's not up to you to take care of my Royal Iron Armored Army!"

"That's all..." The black-robed Taoist said with a chattering smile, "There is no need to fight with you warriors, or it will hurt your self-esteem too much..."

After saying that, his figure floated away, and he didn't enter a treasure hall in front of him.

"Damn it!" Captain Iron Armor snorted coldly, retracted the long halberd, and scolded angrily, "What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and move things!"

The crowd gathering ingredients immediately dispersed, but no one noticed that a figure had just entered a treasure hall in front of them.


"call out……"

Lin Fei stepped on chaotic steps, squeezed out of the crowd smoothly, and got into a miscellaneous room on the left side of the imperial dining room.

He took out a gray paper talisman, on which some ugly curves and some ancient characters were drawn like a ghostly talisman, Lin Fei thought to himself: "I don't know if this broken talisman will work or not, it couldn't be from the bastard Baixian Just fool me..."

This gray paper talisman was given to Lin Fei by Baixian, and he gave him more than a dozen pieces similar to this one. Baixian named it as an earth escape talisman, saying that it can escape two to five miles. It is a short-distance In order to get these more than a dozen broken talismans, Lin Fei was forced to add fifty roasted pigs to him.

Originally, he wanted to use this talisman outside the palace, but Bai Xian said that there is a formation on the outer wall of the palace. If this talisman is used, it may detonate the formation. Lin Fei had no choice but to enter the palace disguised as a cook .

"Try it..." The guards in the palace were so strict, Lin Fei had no choice but to squeeze out a drop of blood from his finger, which stained the gray paper talisman.


After reading the word lightly, a strange force suddenly appeared and dragged Lin Fei in. When he woke up again, he couldn't help but took a deep breath. There was a very fragrant smell in this room, which was the smell of a woman.

With a flash of his figure, he quickly moved behind a curtain. Dingqing looked forward, and it turned out that this was a woman's boudoir. You can see her perfect curves in an exaggerated and charming S-shape.

"De Xing, what are you doing hiding by the door? Did you just come in to smell my concubine's fragrance?"

The woman's voice was languid with a sense of caution, extremely seductive, seductive, there was some small movement at the door, a young man in white robe walked over, and said with an evil smile: "Since you dare to come, Where is there anything I dare not do..."

"Since you dare to do it, why don't you come and do it?" The woman's voice made Lin Fei want to go up and give her a hard time, this bitch is so kind.

The young man walked over slowly, got into the gauze tent, pressed on the woman's delicate body, and cursed: "What kind of concubine are you, you are obviously a banshee who wants to eat people..."

"Then will you let me eat..." The woman continued to pick beans from the man.

The man pressed down violently, and shouted: "I eat you, not you eat me..."

"Eat your sister! Just do what you want, why are you so gibberish!"

Lin Fei, who was hiding behind the curtain, couldn't take it anymore, and swung the Void Mirror towards the two of them. Before the two could scream, they were blown away by the Void Mirror.

Lin Fei lifted the gauze curtain, looked at the few remaining clothes of the woman on the bed, almost spat out blood, and cursed in a low voice: "Fairy, you're the one! Could it be that someone in this world also invented the fierce mask?"

"What a fairy, she even has a small T-string..."

Soon he discovered something even weirder. This woman actually had a pair of T-string pants on the bed that looked like those on the earth, but the fabric on the bottom of the pants was more and softer. They were all made of silk, which was very luxurious. There are also several precious diamonds inlaid in the center.

After killing the pair of cheating dogs, Lin Fei began to search in the room and found two jade plaques, one of which was left by the man who was actually a commander of the imperial city's Imperial Guard.However, he is not the leader of the president, but one of the ten commanders. His cultivation base is not yet in the Taoist palace, so he dies as soon as he is photographed by the empty mirror. This woman seems to be some kind of concubine, but it is obviously not Xiao Tenglong's concubine. , Emperor Xiao Tenglong did not accept concubines.

"With this thing, it should be easier to handle..." Lin Fei weighed the jade badge of the commander of the imperial army in his hand, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Apparently this commander frequented this place, and there was the commander's armor in the cabinet in this room. Lin Fei put on his armor directly, and walked out with his commander's jade badge in his hand.

As soon as he walked out of this room, Lin Fei felt several stern eyes staring at him. It turned out that it was a few black-robed Taoist priests nearby who tried to come over.

"Why did this guy get over it so quickly today? I guess he's done too much and now he can't do it anymore. He was hollowed out by this woman..."

One of the black-robed Taoist priests thought to himself, usually there is nothing that can't be solved in half an hour. The girl inside is quite powerful, and I have also experienced it before.

Lin Fei didn't expect that his impersonation would be mistaken for a Yang Wei, otherwise he would never wear this kind of skin.

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