Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 77 Three Princess Wives

Chapter 77

Out of this room, Lin Fei glanced at the splendid palace more than ten feet high on the left side, which was the Hall of Eternal Harmony. Lin Fei knew there when he stayed here before, and it was Xiao Tenglong's palace. Most of the halls will be held in the Hall of Yonghe. .|

As soon as he walked to the Hall of Eternal Harmony, two black-robed monks stood in front of him. One of them showed no mercy and shouted sinisterly: "Go back quickly, this hall is not for you to enter!"

"Show your token, or you will be killed!" Another black-robed monk was more direct.

Lin Fei was stunned, and handed over the commander's jade badge around his waist. One of them checked it and cursed, "Get lost! If we find you approaching this place again, you will be wiped out!"

After finishing speaking, he slammed the jade card at Lin Fei, and Lin Fei took the jade card aggrievedly, stepped forward and said with a flattering smile: "Hehe, the two fellow daoists are laughing..."

He handed over two bags, each containing 100 yuan high-grade spirit stones, the two black-robed monks were slightly taken aback, and when they opened it, their tone improved a lot, and one of them cursed: "You're a lousy commander, and you've made a lot of money..."

"How can this little oily water compare to the two fellow daoists? You two are unworldly experts in the secret realm of the Dao Palace. We, Wei, don't have many experts in the secret realm of the Dao Palace..." Seeing that person's tone change Lin Fei hastily stepped forward to flatter him, "For someone like me, I have been in the Wei Palace for decades, but now I haven't even entered the Dao Palace, I really feel aggrieved..."

"Hmph!" The other person put away the spirit stone, and snorted disdainfully, "You think you can enter the Dao Palace if you want? That also requires talent, I don't think you have any talent..."

"Hehe..." Lin Fei smiled awkwardly, and took out two more bags, each containing 400 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, handed them over respectfully, and said with a wry smile, "Because of poor talent, I don't want the two of you to say Friends, please help me, introduce me to the Black Lotus Kingdom, there are so many masters in the secret realm of the Dao Palace in the Black Lotus Kingdom, it should not be difficult to make me into the secret realm of the Dao Palace..."

"Naturally, it's not difficult..." The two of them weighed the bags in their hands, and one of them finally cheered up, and bought 500 yuan of high-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to what they could get in a year or two Lingshi.

Another person said coldly: "You are comfortable in Wei's palace, what are you doing in our Heilian country..."

"It's not difficult to introduce you, but I'm afraid it won't work with this little referral fee..." The other laughed.

Lin Fei cursed these two greedy ghosts in his heart, but he complained incessantly: "Two fellow Taoists, you also know that monks in a small country like ours can't get so many spirit stones, money, gold, silver and jewels. I have saved quite a lot, but it is really difficult to buy spirit stones in this place where the birds don't shit..."

"That's true..." One person was more straightforward, thought for a while and said, "How about this, bring another 1000 yuan of spirit stones at noon, and we will help you introduce His Majesty the Prince, and then you will also become a master of the secret realm of the Dao Palace... "

"Uh, 1000 yuan..." Lin Fei struggled, "I will find a way to sell all my wealth, and hope to buy 1000 yuan of spirit stones. In addition, after His Majesty the Prince marries our three princesses, he should immediately I will go back to the Black Lotus Country, how can I find you then, I don’t know where Your Majesty is now..."

One of them shouted: "I told you to get it! Where did all this nonsense come from! Could it be that we two monks in the secret realm of the Dao Palace would still cheat you with this little spirit stone?"

"Aren't I afraid that His Majesty the Crown Prince will leave and that we won't be able to find anyone? I don't know where His Majesty the Crown Prince is now?" Lin Fei asked cautiously. .|

The other person patted Lin Fei on the shoulder kindly, and said in a low voice: "How could His Majesty the Prince leave now, he is in Chaotian Palace, and is going to meet you three princesses, hehe, you understand..."

"Chaotian Palace?" Lin Fei was startled, he knew the origin of that palace.

That is not a main hall, but the apse of Emperor Xiao Tenglong. The most important thing is that Chaotian Palace is one of the most central palaces in the entire imperial palace, and it is quite difficult to enter it.

"Haha, that's good, that's good..." Lin Fei laughed loudly, and hurriedly bowed to the two black-robed Taoist priests, "Two fellow Taoists, please wait for my news. I recommend you two..."

"Definitely, you can go..." One of them waved his hand, indicating that Lin Fei could leave.

Lin Fei cursed the two animals in his heart, and rushed back to the room in a hurry.


"You idiot, you also want to become a strong man in the secret realm of the Dao Palace? You are only worthy of lying on a woman's body and waiting to die!" Seeing Lin Fei sneaking into the room again, one of them cursed.

The other person also said coldly: "It's a pity that the woman is not a good one, she played with our brother the night before yesterday, but that woman is really nice, I like it..."

"Indeed..." The other person also grinned, "It is estimated that he has learned some double-cultivation methods, and his combat power can be so strong that even our brothers can hardly bear it. That idiot has changed his command, and it is estimated that it will not be a few years." Alive..."

"Never mind him, wait for him to bring the spirit stone, just kill him..."



Back in the room, Lin Fei closed the door tightly, and a silver token appeared in the palm of his hand. He played with the token in his hand, and sneered in his heart: "You two foolish hats, I really thought that I would give you the spirits in vain." Where is the stone..."

This token came down from one of the black-robed Taoist priests. Lin Fei used the void mirror to lure it out, but they didn't find it.

After getting the token, Lin Fei did not leave immediately, but rummaged through the room for a while, and finally found a blueprint from a small drawer, which turned out to be the map of the imperial palace under the jurisdiction of the ruler.

"right here……"

Many locations were marked on the map, and Lin Fei quickly found a red dot on it, which marked Chaotian Palace.


At night, the city of Yang finally became quiet. A feast of ten thousand tables lasted all afternoon, and the tables were not removed until evening.

There is also a lot of festive atmosphere in the city. The custom in Wei State is to marry off their daughters at dawn the next day.

Tomorrow at dawn, the three princesses will accompany Xiao Tenglong to worship their ancestors in the palace, and then officially marry Prince Heilian.

In the middle of the night, in the inner room of Chaotian Palace.

"Father, are you really going to marry us to that villain Prince Heilian?" In the inner room, there were only four people, father and daughter Xiao Tenglong.

Xiao Tenglong's face was ugly, he moved his mouth but didn't speak, but motioned for the three sisters to sit down and talk.

The three sisters sat in a row, Xiao Xueer said in a deep voice, "Father, are you really going to worship the ancestors tomorrow?"

Xiao Tenglong nodded and said, "Yes..."

At the same time as he said this, he also sent a voice transmission to Xiao Xue'er secretly: "Put an earth escape talisman in your phoenix crown for your father. Tomorrow, you three sisters will get together and escape while taking advantage of the chaos..."

Xiao Xueer was taken aback, but on the surface she asked with a sullen face: "Father, do you really want us to marry him in exchange for your throne?"

At the same time, she secretly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Tenglong: "Then what are you going to do, Father?"

"There are some things that I can't explain clearly to you. There is nothing wrong with Prince Hei Lian. In the future, Hei Lian Kingdom will definitely ascend to the throne. Follow him and you will have inexhaustible glory and wealth..." Xiao Tenglong said Hearing these words, Xiao Xueer secretly transmitted her voice, "Be careful tomorrow..."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Tenglong got up and wanted to leave.

"Father!" Xiao Ling'er didn't know the content of Xiao Tenglong and Xiao Xueer's secret voice transmission, and shouted at Xiao Tenglong, "Do you really care about your throne so much? Is the country really that important? Married to Crown Prince Hei Lian, do you think you still have an emperor to do?"

Xiao Tenglong had already got up, he turned his back and sighed: "Jiangshan, emperor, hehe, you don't understand..."

After saying that, he stepped out, and then a black shadow passed over the sky and disappeared into the night. The three sisters were still locked in this small room.

"Bastard! Let us out!" Xiao Ling'er picked up a small object beside her and threw it at it, but instead of hitting Xiao Tenglong, it hit the stone door that was just closed.

It has to be said that this is a kind of sadness. I am about to marry, but I am locked up like a prisoner.

"Ling'er..." Xiao Xue'er looked natural, stepped forward to hold Xiao Ling'er, and persuaded, "Don't blame the emperor anymore, he has no choice but to do this for the sake of the people of Wei Kingdom..."

"Farting is just an excuse for him to be greedy for power and position. In his heart, our three daughters will be the water to be thrown out sooner or later. As for whom and where, he doesn't care!" Xiao Ling'er was obviously a little bit Excited, she shuddered at the thought that she was going to marry that yin man.

She remembered what Prince Heilian said before in the secret passage of Tianfenglou, "When I get tired of playing with the three of you, I will send you to my baby snakes..."

"I don't want..." Xiao Ling'er covered her ears, squatting on the ground in pain.

She seemed to see a group of giant snakes with fangs grinning slowly approaching her, and her three sisters were ravaged by Prince Heilian to the point of inhumanity. Seeing through the essence under the black robe of Prince Hei Lian, it is not normal human organs, but composed of snakes.

"Ah..." Xiao Linger felt that she was going crazy, she covered her head, her eyes opened angrily.

"Silly girl, what's your name..." At this moment, a familiar voice came from Xiao Ling'er's ear, and her mind suddenly exploded, and then she stood up abruptly, but was caught The two elder sisters, Xiao Xueer and Xiao Qianer, hugged each other in their arms to comfort them.

"Ling'er, don't be afraid...the sisters are with you..." Xiao Xue'er hugged Xiao Ling'er tightly in her arms. This secret room must have been watched, and she didn't plan to tell Xiao Ling'er about her escape plan tomorrow. .

However, Xiao Ling'er wiped away her tears vigorously, and leaned against the arms of the two older sisters, the familiar voice came from beside her ears: "Brother risked his life to save you, from now on, you can only marry Elder brother, otherwise I would have lost a lot of money..."

"This scum..." Xiao Ling'er was overjoyed, and suddenly let out another muffled laugh.

What made her extremely happy was that the voice in her ear belonged to Lin Fei, Lin Fei was not dead, he was still alive, and this scum had some conscience to save herself.

She huddled in the arms of her two elder sisters, but her beautiful eyes were quietly looking around, and she didn't find Lin Fei's shadow.

"Third wife, don't look for it anymore. Husband, I will blast this stone room later and bring you ten escape talismans. You can use them all the way. After arriving at Wanglong Inn, I will meet my master Wu Yazi. He will take you Leaving the imperial city..." Lin Fei's strange laughter came from next to his ears.

"This bloody scum, who is your third wife, your first wife, and who is your second wife? Do you want to classify my eldest sister and second sister as the first wife and second wife? This scum has too much ambition..." Xiao Linger thought He secretly scolded Lin Fei for being shameless.


"How's it going, have you contacted the three sisters?" In a corner of the palace, Lin Fei asked Bai Xian in his arms.

Baixian's hearing is astonishing, and according to the animal, his sound transmission skills are also excellent, and he can transmit sound within a radius of twenty miles.

"Don't worry, I have contacted them, they are in the stone room under the Chaotian Palace..." Bai Xian laughed, "I imitated your voice and contacted Xiao Ling'er, we can get in touch later Let's do it..."

"Well... that's good..." For some reason, Lin Fei was a little upset, and asked Bai Xian, "Did you imitate my voice? Did you not talk nonsense?"

Baixian smiled strangely: "No, is this immortal the kind of boring person, too lazy to waste time..."

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