Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 818 Branded on the list of gods

Chapter 810 Eight

"You are a typical duplicity. If I really die, who will love you like me..." Lin Fei didn't care, this girl has such a temper, he hugged Feifeng tightly in his arms, He put his mouth close to her ear and said affectionately, "Feifeng, how does it feel to be a woman?"

"Not good!" Feifeng snorted.

Lin Fei withdrew his right hand, and suddenly grasped the plump right peak, Fei Feng said angrily, "What are you doing..."

"Let you experience the feeling of being a woman again..."[

After saying that, Lin Fei turned over suddenly, and pushed Feifeng behind him again. Feifeng's eyes were frightened, and he said anxiously: "Get up quickly, I'll kill you..."

"The heavier the better..." Lin Fei chuckled, bowed his head and kissed.

Feifeng shook her head from side to side, and said angrily, "I don't want it, get up quickly..."

"Stop duplicity..."

How could Lin Fei let her go just like that? Little Lin Fei was at the mouth of the wonderful valley, and suddenly entered Fei Feng's body.

"Asshole! It hurts!"

"It'll be ready soon!"


Feifeng was tossed by Lin Fei for a long time like this, and the two finally fell asleep for some reason, probably because the battle was too fierce, and they fell asleep because they were strong.

When they woke up, Lin Fei quietly branded Feifeng on his Goddess Book to prepare for the day after tomorrow.

Feifeng was completely subdued by Lin Fei. Every time she saw Lin Fei, she hid far away, for fear that the bastard would throw herself down again. There was an unprecedented feeling of death, but she didn't want to just give in to Lin Fei.

She thinks that she is a noble phoenix, how can she be caught by a man, even if she becomes the woman under Lin Fei now, it just means that she is still relatively weak.When I become stronger, I will teach this bastard a good lesson, and then treat this scum well, so that he will know how powerful my old lady is.

On the third day, the old dragon came out of retreat, and he successfully "forced" out all the poison in his body.

That night, Lao Long, Fei Feng, Feng Ming, and Lin Fei all came to Lao Long's secret room, where Lao Long wanted to remove Feng Ming from his list of gods.

"Are you ready?" The old dragon has a big secret, with a radius of fifty miles, he and Feng Ming stay in the middle.

Lin Fei and Fei Feng stayed aside, but Fei Feng always kept a few miles away from Lin Fei, and refused to get too close to him, and felt that he was going to collapse if he was too far away.

Feng Ming nodded and said: "It's ready, we can start now."

"Well, don't be distracted for a while, just follow my instructions." The old dragon looked up, his sky eyes passed through the Dragon Palace, and he saw the situation outside.

This is the time when the world is extremely cloudy, and there is such a day in Panlong Pass every month. When it is extremely cloudy, it is the time when the power of conferring gods is weakest, so you can take this opportunity to remove them from the list of conferring gods. [

The two finally started. First, the old dragon raised his hand and took out his list of gods.

"This is……"

It was the first time Lin Fei saw Lao Long's list of gods, and he saw that his list of gods was completely different from his own. His list of gods was about [-] meters long, and there were at least two hundred frames on it.My own list of gods now only has a few dozen frames, which is still much weaker than that of the old dragon, and it is not [-] meters long, only a few hundred meters at most.

"It seems that this list of gods will also change slowly. I have to work hard quickly. There are more than 100 wives in the Tiannv clan, and they will all be treated equally in the future, and they will all be included in the list of gods..."

Lin Fei thought to himself, but his eyes were on the old dragon's list of gods.

He found that there were only two portraits on Laolong's list of gods, one was Fengming, the other was a beautiful woman, and that woman was somewhat similar to Feifeng.

They are also beautiful and incomparable, but their temperaments are completely different. Feifeng is of the agile type, while the woman is of the dusty type, somewhat like a fairy in the sky.

"Is that the old dragon's wife?" Lin Fei guessed in his heart.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to speak, and could only watch from the sidelines. When the old dragon successfully removed Feng Ming from the list of gods, he would immediately brand her into the Goddess Treasure Book and transfer her to his list of gods .

Fei Feng at the side was also fascinated, and saw that Lao Long unfolded his list of gods, and Feng Ming's portrait on it began to shine with golden light, and a black mark slowly appeared between Feng Ming's brows on the painting.As for Feng Ming's true self, a kind of black armor began to grow on the surface of his body at this time, Feng Ming in the painting opened his red lips, and spit out streaks of red light.

These red lights entangled Fengming himself, and began to wrap Fengming slowly. Lin Fei vaguely saw something with his sky eyes, and saw that those red lights were slowly devouring the layer of black armor on Fengming's body. .


The old dragon snorted softly, and saw that he disappeared, replaced by his portrait on the Fengshen, but his portrait was moving.I saw the portrait of the old dragon came to the side of Fengming's portrait, suddenly stretched out a finger, tapped on the brow of Fengming's portrait, and slowly pulled the black seal out.


At this time, an inexplicable black gust of wind blew up in the secret room, confusing the whole secret, the vision of Lin Fei and the two fell sharply, but the old dragon was still busy pulling out the black seal.

"The black seal was pulled out, and the black 'black' armor on Fengming's body was devoured. This delisting ceremony should be considered complete."

Lin Fei and Feifeng stood aside, staring at what was happening ahead, Lin Fei was a little surprised to see Feifeng staring at him, but the strong wind at the side was a bit too strong, making Feifeng's figure a little unsteady.

The old dragon is a strong man who is close to the quasi-emperor's fourth heaven. The soul wind emitted by such a strong man is not as strong as usual. Lin Fei quietly passed through a wisp of mixed yang breath, which stabilized Feifeng's figure.

Feifeng felt much better, and glanced at Lin Fei, who took advantage of the situation and pulled her to his side, and said via voice transmission: "Silly girl, don't talk, just watch carefully..."

"Hmph..." Feifeng snorted coldly in her heart, but she didn't refuse Lin Fei's help, but there was a tinge of warmth in her heart.

The two of them stood in the secret room, waiting for the changes there, while Lin Fei was ready to brand Fengming on the Goddess Gamma, and the Goddess Treasure Gamma stopped in front of him.It's just that other people can't see it, no one has seen his Goddess Baojian, even the old dragon has not discovered the existence of Goddess Baojian.

After about an hour or so, the armor on Feng Ming's body finally completely faded away, and Feng Ming's portrait on the list of old dragon gods is about to be completely pulled out. [


Feng Ming's back suddenly showed a pair of fiery "colored" wings, only a few square meters in size, as thin as a cicada's wings, although fiery red, but transparent.

"Xiao Fei, it's your turn..."

The old dragon let out a deep sigh, and saw his figure come down from the list of gods, and he reappeared in the secret room, and immediately said: "I'll go first..."

He seemed to have anticipated what would happen next, and left alone, leaving only Lin Fei, Feng Ming, and Fei Feng's two daughters.

"Feifeng, you go too..."

Lin Fei brought Feifeng to Fengming's side, Fengming hurriedly caught her and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Feifeng, you will have a chance to become an immortal when you reach the list of gods..."

"Hmm..." Feifeng didn't want to give up such a good opportunity.

Although she is still in conflict with Lin Fei's feelings, a fool would refuse such a good thing.


Lin Fei hung in the air, pointing with both hands, the Goddess Baojian flew towards the two girls.


The two girls both let out a soft "groan", feeling as if their bodies were being pulled lightly by something, but they didn't find the existence of the Goddess Baojian, and the Goddess Baojian had already branded their portraits on it.

"Don't think about anything else, open your hearts, I'm about to start..."

Lin Fei told them some things in a deep voice, and told them not to be distracted. It is not an easy task to be on the list of gods, and both parties must cooperate well to succeed.Otherwise, if the soul is destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous.

The second daughter sat cross-legged on the ground, discarded distracting thoughts, opened her heart, and followed Lin Fei's instructions.




Two days later, two dull roars came from the old dragon's secret room, and Feng Ming and Fei Feng woke up from the trance at the same time.

Behind them, a pair of wings appeared, Fengming's was fiery red transparent wings, and Feifeng's was a pair of transparent white wings.Compared with Fengming's, it doesn't have that kind of fiery red color at all. At first glance, you would think that it is not the wings of the divine phoenix lineage, but Fengming said that these are the real wings of the divine phoenix lineage.

The most authentic of the wings of the Shenfeng lineage is transparent white, the whiter and more transparent means the purer the bloodline.

Feifeng's wings once again showed that she is of pure divine phoenix bloodline. After being with Lin Fei, if she can really give birth to offspring, then the bloodline will have the possibility of being maintained.

And in front of the three of them, the 300-meter-long list of gods floated, and now there were two more pictures on it, Feng Ming and Feifeng were successfully transferred to the list of gods.


Lin Fei took a deep breath, and after two days of hard work, he finally succeeded, and there were two more life beads in his wheel sea.One is the size of a soccer ball, the whole body is fiery red, it is Feng Ming's life bead, and the other is much smaller, only the size of a ping pong ball, the whole body is transparent white, the same color as her wings "color".

"Are we on the list of gods now?" Feifeng opened her beautiful eyes, looking at her picture on the list of gods in front of her, feeling a little fresh.

Feng Ming smiled and said: "Yes, now that we are both on the husband's list of gods, we can practice together with him in the future."

"Practice with him?" Feifeng pouted, "I don't want to practice with him..."

"Silly girl, after you have practiced with me once, you will never want to leave me again." Lin Fei smiled triumphantly, and came to the second daughter.

Feifeng quickly took a few steps back, and said cautiously: "What do you want you..."

She was also afraid that Lin Fei would pounce on him suddenly, and then she would be punished on the spot. Then she would not be able to survive these days, and would be beaten down by this bastard every day.

Lin Fei smiled wryly and said, "You silly girl, what do I want to do now? I don't have the energy. I've been working hard for you for two days, and now I'm almost exhausted."

"Honey, are you tired?" Feng Ming was very considerate, and immediately stepped forward to squeeze Lin Fei's shoulders.

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