Chapter 810 Nine

Feifeng on the side snorted and said, "It's best to be exhausted, so as not to bother us..."

"Fufu, girl, how about we have a bet?" While enjoying Fengming's wonderful service, Lin Fei teased Feifeng.

"What are you betting on?" Feifeng loves to play by nature, and she is interested in such things.

Lin Fei thought for a while and said: "Let's not bet too complicated. You are now in the first level of the high-level Great Saint. Let's bet that after you practice with me once, I will let you jump at least two small realms." ,what do you think?"[

"Drop two small realms in one practice?" Feifeng obviously didn't believe it, and snorted, "What are you bragging about? Are you thinking about double cultivation, I won't double cultivation with you..."

Lin Fei shook his head and said: "I don't want to double cultivate with you, I don't have the energy, you don't have to contact me, anyway, you are now on my list of gods, as long as you sit in the hall with everyone, In a few days of effort, you will advance."

"Isn't it? Are you kidding me?" Feifeng blinked a few times and asked, "Then what are we betting on?"

Lin Fei looked at Feifeng and said: "The content of the bet is not complicated. If I succeed in making you jump two small realms or more in a row, you will call me husband from now on and be my wife obediently."

"No problem, what if not?" Feifeng hummed.

Lin Fei said: "If not, I will let you go and let you find your Batian brother, I will never stop you..."

"Is this what you said?" A gleam flashed in Feifeng's eyes.

Lin Fei nodded and said: "I keep my word. If you really don't succeed by then, you can go to your Batian brother. I don't want to keep you anymore. There is no need..."

"Hmph!" Feifeng snorted, "I never said I was going to find Batian!"

"It doesn't matter who you look for, anyway, I allow you to leave, and I will never pester you again, but you have to promise that if you lose, you have to admit it..." Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Judging from Feifeng's performance, she seems to want to leave her very much. Could it be that she is really unattractive? This is too cheating.

Feifeng provocatively said: "Of course I mean what I say, but you just wait to lose..."

She spoke harshly, but Fei Feng felt a strange feeling in her heart. Seeing Lin Fei's disappointed expression, she couldn't help but feel distressed, and thought to herself, am I still reluctant to leave this bastard?

This bastard forced me to do that. I should leave him quickly and not get on his boat.

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Lin Fei didn't say anything more, turned around and left, only Feifeng and Fengming were left behind.

Feifeng was also about to leave, but Fengming held her back and scolded in a low voice: "Silly girl, how could you be so angry with him..."

"Why am I mad at him?" Feifeng was very puzzled, and said disapprovingly, "That's why he's mad at me..."

"When he told you to go find Batian, you acted so happy?" Feng Ming sighed. [

A few months ago, the two daughters became Lin Fei's women. These two daughters stayed together all the time. Feng Ming was naturally not stupid. In fact, Fei Feng's attitude towards Lin Fei was still slowly changing.

However, Lin Fei was obviously in a hurry this time. There was no need to rush Feifeng to the shelves in such a hurry. He could take it easy and wait another ten or eight years.Even if they don't have feelings, they've slept together for ten or eight years, and they can't be separated, let alone how can they have no feelings.

"No, didn't he say that himself, and I didn't say I was going to find Batian, it was his stinky mouth that mentioned it from time to time, as if I really had something to do with Batian..." Feifeng was also a little Wronged.

"Then you and Batian?" Fengming had never asked Feifeng these things before, no one knew what kind of relationship she had with Batian.

Feifeng hesitated for a while, then sighed: "Actually, Batian rescued me. I was trapped in a bad place on Tianyuan Continent before. He rescued me..."

"Oh? Then you treat him?" Feng Ming asked with a frown.

Generally speaking, it is common for heroes to save beauties and beauties care about heroes.

Feifeng struggled and said: "I don't know what kind of feelings I have for him. I was too young before, and I always treated him like a big brother. Maybe it was because he saved me that I was always grateful to him. However, Lin Fei said Batian was trying to devour my origin, and I never believed it."

"Hehe, silly girl, you have to think about it yourself. After you have recollected all the previous details clearly, maybe you will know Batian's intention." Feng Ming patted Fei Feng on the shoulder, comforting her. Said, "Although I haven't met Batian, Lin Fei told me about Batian. Back then, Batian wanted to devour Lin Fei, as well as Sister Ke'er, Sister Miqi and Sister Lian'er. Yes. I think judging from this matter, he is indeed not a good person, and maybe he will use you in order to restore the blood of the ancient barren body."

"I don't believe he will devour me. I have been with him for five or six years, and he has always been very kind to me." Feifeng shook her head in a low voice.

"It takes time to see people's hearts, maybe in the near future, everything will have an answer..."

It's hard for Feng Ming to say anything, after all, she has never met Ba Tian, ​​and she doesn't know who Ba Tian is, and she doesn't know what happened in the peak forest.

Feifeng was a little dull, he didn't say anything to Fengming, and went into Fengming's inner world by himself.


Finally, he completed the apotheosis of the two daughters. Lin Fei settled down and took a good rest for a day. On the second day, he and Bai Xian went to extract the spirit veins, and did not stay in the Feilong Palace anymore.

There are many spiritual veins in Feilong Ridge, and the quality is very good. After all the spiritual veins here are extracted, it will be enough for the wives of Baixian to use them for another year.Bai Xian's speed of finding the spirit veins by relying on the spirit-seeking talisman is relatively slow. Lin Fei just used the spirit-seeking technique to help him and speed up his extraction of the spirit veins, which can be regarded as contributing to Bai Xian.

However, Lin Fei didn't stay in Feilongling for too long, and his body is now being handed over to Laolong for help. Laolong will leave to find Tianhuacao in a while, and Lin Fei will take twenty or so wives deep into Longnan sea.Not for anything else, just for the breakthrough of himself and the wives, he must first find a large number of souls and souls to complete the bet between himself and Feifeng.

After staying in Feilongling for a month, Lin Fei and the girls finally left.

This time all the girls stayed in Fengming's inner world, only Concubine Yi, accompanied by Lin Fei and Fengming, to ensure the safety of the three of them.


With Feng Ming accompanying them, the three of Lin Fei had almost no obstacles in their journey. It took only ten days to arrive at the outskirts of Longnan Sea.

The Longnan Sea, the vast sea, is a vast black sea, shrouded in darkness all year round, and there is no light shining on this world at all. [

To the north of it is the Amosh Range, and the Amosh family is in charge of them.

Even the Amoshi family only set up a small city a million miles away from the Longnan Sea. There are no people living within a million miles, and very few monks drill in this direction.

It can be seen how desolate this Longnan Sea is. When Lin Fei first arrived in this Longnan Sea, he was also stunned by the place in front of him.

Below is a pitch-black water area, and even the vision of my own sky eye has been greatly reduced. Before, I could see four to five thousand miles ahead, but now I can see five hundred miles, which is not bad.And now he has not entered the sea, if he goes deep into the sea, he believes that his eyesight will be greatly reduced.

In order to prevent accidents, Lin Fei took out the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram and wrapped the three of them in it.

"Can this Taiji Yin-Yang diagram really swallow a large number of ghosts?" It's not the first time Feng Ming has seen a Taiji Yin-Yang diagram, Lin Fei used it before, but she hasn't found anything weird about this diagram yet.

Concubine Yi took her hand and explained: "Sister Fengming, don't worry, we have used this Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram many times, and it is no problem to swallow billions of ghosts at once."

"So strong?" Feng Ming was shocked by this number, billions of ghosts, how many must there be.

Concubine Yi nodded and said in affirmation: "There is a world in this Yin-Yang diagram, which can accommodate a large number of Yin and Yang souls. Now that my husband's strength has increased by a few small realms, the world in the diagram is even bigger."

In the past, the world in the picture only had a radius of a few thousand miles. Now that Lin Fei successfully broke through and entered the Seventh Heaven of the Great Sage, the world in this Tai Chi Yin Yang picture has grown to a radius of about [-] miles, an increase of dozens of times.Not to mention installing billions of ghosts, even tens of billions, I'm afraid it won't be a problem, but the density will be higher, anyway, just fill it in.

"Then this is indeed terrifying..." Feng Ming nodded, feeling a little startled.

Billions of ghosts, those are not some light spots, but they are all ghosts who are not afraid of death. Some ghosts even cultivate spiritual wisdom, and eventually become powerful soul cultivators or ghost cultivators.In Panlongguan, there are also some powerful ghost monks or soul monks, especially the most powerful ones are the soul monks, who generally have the ability to devour.If they are allowed to develop successfully like a snowball, it can be said that their strength can be shocking in the end.

The two women were talking, but Lin Fei's eyes showed two white "sunfires". He looked towards the Longnan sea ahead, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I want to devour the entire Longnan Sea..."

Lin Fei expressed his ambitions. Although he can only see five hundred miles away, he can see no less than tens of millions of ghosts within a radius of five hundred miles.These ghosts are strong or weak. Medium ones can be thrown into the world in the picture to refine a small light ball, and the poor ones can be killed directly. The high-level ghosts can be thrown into the second floor of the fairy tower. To slowly integrate it.

The only thing that makes Lin Fei a little depressed is that now he can't find more powerful bodies of the God of War, and the fusion of the bodies of the God of War is actually more difficult than the fusion of the primordial spirit.Because Yuanshen can find a large number of ghosts for fusion, there are many places where ghosts gather, but there are not many complete bodies of God of War. Last time I only found more than 1 statues in Shiling, not like ghosts. Stuff, everywhere.

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