Chapter 820

The sea of ​​Longnan is vast for hundreds of millions of miles, even Fengming Laolong and the others don't know how big this ghostly place is.

A large number of souls resenting death from the hundreds of mountains around, as well as many ghosts left over from the ancient times, will come to this place of gathering spirits, day after day and year after year, making the Longnan Sea continue to grow.

Previously, there were more than a dozen ridges beside this area, but because the Longnan Sea was slowly getting bigger, all the creatures in those ridges withdrew and were swallowed by the Longnan Sea.

The three of them didn't make too much preparation. Lin Fei took the two girls directly into the pitch-black water. As soon as they entered the Longnan Sea, their eyesight plummeted again by [-]%, and they could only perceive the situation within a radius of fifty miles. [

"Whoosh whoosh..."


As soon as they entered the edge of the Longnan Sea, a large number of dark ghosts immediately surrounded them and rushed towards Lin Fei and the others.

However, they were all blocked by the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram. Lin Fei did not use the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram to wipe out these ghosts. Put it in and take up a place.

The Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram propped up a two-meter-long square, and the three of them squeezed into the square, which didn't look too crowded, at least they could stand side by side.

"Aren't you devouring them now?" Feng Ming was a little surprised.

Lin Fei said: "These ghosts are too weak, it's useless to devour them, let's go deeper and wait until we see a lot of suitable ghosts."

"Well, pay attention to some soul cultivators and ghost cultivators, there should be a lot of them here." Feng Ming instructed.

Concubine Yi smiled and said, "Sister Fengming, don't worry, people outside this Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram won't be able to perceive our existence at all, as long as we keep out of their sight."

"There is such a miraculous effect?" Feng Ming did not expect that she is now in the picture, so naturally she does not know what is going on outside.

"Well, these two aspects of the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram are better, hehe..." Concubine Yi said proudly.

Lin Fei suddenly said: "It seems that there are some relatively strong black shadows coming from the front..."

"Huh?" Concubine Yi's two daughters glanced over there, Fengming Xuefeng opened his eyes, and immediately saw the situation thousands of miles away, "It should be two soul cultivators who came over..."

"Stay advanced in the dual world..." Without further ado, Concubine Yi used the secret technique of diving into the sky to draw a dual world in the sea water, and the three of them got in together.

"Honey, how did you find out about them? Didn't your eyesight greatly decrease?" Feng Ming asked Lin Fei after entering the dual world.

Concubine Yi was also a little puzzled, Lin Fei said: "I don't know what happened, I just saw it just then, now I can't even think about it..."

"That's weird..." While Feng Ming was speaking, after a while, the two black shadows gradually became clear.

Two groups of black shadows appeared in this area, and the surrounding ghosts fled in all directions. It seemed that they were very afraid of these two groups of shadows and did not dare to get too close to them.

The black shadow is not big, only a few square meters in size. In the dual world, Fengming Xuefeng opened his eyes, and swiped his right hand in front of him, drawing a light mirror, showing the true face of the black shadow. [

"How could it be..."

Lin Fei was a little surprised at what was displayed on the light mirror, it turned out to be two beautiful women, but their faces were a little pale, obviously not like living people.They were wrapped in black mist, but inside they were their true forms. Before they were alive, they were two beautiful women who were bubbling.

"Their eyes are too hollow, as if they were manipulated..." Feng Ming analyzed in a deep voice, "At least soul cultivators have their own consciousness..."

Concubine Yi was puzzled and said: "Maybe they look like this, you see they rushed over, it means that they are aware of us, they should be conscious individuals..."

"It's different. You can see that there is no soul fire in their real form. Every soul cultivator has a ball of soul fire. Generally, the soul fire exists on their foreheads, between the eyebrows, or in the dantian, or in the eyes. , but you can see that there is no sign of soul fire on these two women, they are more like two conscious soul bodies." Feng Ming said in a deep voice.

While talking, I saw the two women outside, and they suddenly started talking.

"Did you sense someone here just now?" One of the women said, her voice hoarse, not human.

Another woman said: "There should be no mistakes, my perception has always been very good..."

"Since you sensed it, there is nothing wrong with it, but where did those people go..." Another companion was puzzled.

"They just disappeared in an instant. I think it may be some kind of secret method to hide the breath, or they may have escaped to another space. There is a space secret method..."

"If such a character appears, let's quickly report to Pluto, and nothing will happen..."

The two exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then left here.

The three people in the dual world also looked at each other at this time, Feng Ming said to himself: "Are these two really conscious soul cultivators?"

These two people suspected that they had slapped Feng Ming in the face, just after she said that they didn't look like soul cultivators, they started talking in a blink of an eye, which really made her feel a little embarrassed.

"Maybe they are mutated soul cultivators, and this Longnan Sea may also be controlled by people from the underworld, and some ghost king appeared..." Lin Fei squeezed Feng Ming's palm, and held the other hand again. Concubine Yi said to the two women, "Our task this time may be even more difficult. This Longnan Sea may also be holding some kind of resurrection ceremony for the Underworld Emperor. I feel like someone is playing a big game of chess at the Nine Dragons Pass."

Being held by Lin Fei, Feng Ming had an inexplicable sense of security, and nodded, "You guessed it is very possible, it is possible that people from the underworld are doing something shady at our Jiulong Pass."

"Then we have to hurry up and refine the ghosts, otherwise we don't have enough time, and we can't afford to provoke people from the underworld." Concubine Yi was also a little worried.

Lin Fei said: "These soul cultivators have really strong sensing abilities. They can sense our existence through the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram from thousands of miles away. It seems that we have to be more careful. Hurry up and find a place to absorb ghosts." , and leave after inhaling."

The sudden appearance of two female soul cultivators made Lin Fei feel inexplicably uneasy, similar to the situation in Shiling back then.

Back then in Corpse Ridge, I almost ended up hanging in that ghostly place. If it wasn't for the Moonlight Treasure Box that allowed me to go back in time, I really didn't know how it would end.

After such an episode, the three of them were not in the mood to wander around here, and began to look for places where a large number of ghosts gathered, and ghosts became their primary goal.


Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

After three months of busy work, Lin Fei and the others had reaped a lot. They collected nearly [-] million ghosts in the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, and the second floor of the Immortal Tower also swallowed nearly [-] million ghosts.

During this period, they met soul cultivators several times, basically they were all female soul cultivators, and all of them were beautiful women before they were alive, they could be said to be top beauties.It's just a pity that after death, he became a superficial soul cultivator, and he seemed to be serving the so-called Pluto. Fortunately, the Longnan Sea is big enough, and the number of ghosts in it is also very large.

The three of Lin Fei's cultivation bases are also very advanced, and it is completely possible to avoid these few soul cultivators. After three months, the three of Lin Fei finally stopped to rest and prepare for the first round of cultivation.

They found a relatively quiet sea area. The ghosts in the vicinity are not particularly strong, they are all relatively weak ghosts, and there are many underwater caves in this sea area. Lin Fei and the three picked one that is [-] meters deep. Caves in the mountains.

The three of them used the hidden sky secret technique in this cave, and the rest of the girls also came out of the inner world, ready to meet Lin Fei for the first practice together.

It has been more than two years since the last refining of the small light sphere, and now it is finally time to start refining the small light sphere again, all the girls couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Is it that good, isn't it just a few small balls of light..." Feifeng didn't think so.

She sized up the girls and saw that all of them were looking bright, with expressions of anticipation and excitement in their eyes, and felt that Lin Fei was bluffing everyone.

Thinking this way in her heart, Feifeng still had some small expectations, because today is the time when she and Lin Fei realized the bet, if she can use this practice to jump two small realms in a row, she will become his woman.

If not, she can leave. Of course, she doesn't want to leave now, because there is a sea of ​​ghosts outside, and she doesn't want to be swallowed by ghosts here.

Before getting ready to start, Lin Fei secretly sent a voice message to Fei Feng: "Feng'er, are you ready? You will have to be my woman in the future, and I will love you forever..."

"Hoohoo, don't be too happy too early, it's hard for my cultivation level to increase, but he has the blood of the divine phoenix..." Feifeng felt strange in his heart, and replied through voice transmission, not wanting to admit defeat to Lin Fei.

She also wanted to improve her cultivation, but the reality is here, people may not be able to jump to a small realm even in a hundred years, but Lin Fei can jump to two small realms in a few days, which is different from the Arabian Nights , It's not that cannibalism improves the elixir so fast.

"Shenfeng's bloodline also put me to sleep, you have to be responsible for me..." Lin Fei smiled and said to Feifeng, while saying to the girls, "Everyone is ready? This time we will go all out , first refine it for ten days and then..."

"Damn scum, if you want to hurry up, don't procrastinate, I'm going to become a female quasi-emperor, and I will torture you to death..." Xiao Ling'er was very direct, and waved her pink fist at Lin Fei.

Xiao Xueer murmured in her heart: "Why are there not many secret rooms here? Wouldn't everyone gather together and yell like something..."

It's not just Xiao Xue'er who thinks this way, in fact, many beauties have this strange idea in their hearts, because they know that once they start refining, they will be uncontrollable and will inevitably yell.

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