Chapter 860 Six

"It's definitely possible. This is the largest gathering place of spirits and souls in Panlong Pass. I don't know how many ghosts have wandered here through the ages." Tang Youyou nodded and said.

Lin Fei smiled and said: "This is the best. I hope that Chenchen Kaikai Qianai and Mengmeng Miaomiao can all be promoted to quasi-emperors here. The worst among us must be quasi-emperors." .”

"Don't be too optimistic, they are still far behind..." Concubine Yi took Lin Fei's arm.

The one with the worst cultivation in the group is Lin Fei's daughter. Of course, she is only a daughter in name, but she is actually his wife. Miaomiao is currently at the sixth level of the middle-level great sage, and she is the most cultivated among all the girls. Poor.

It is conceivable that it would be difficult to be promoted to female quasi-emperor in the Luoxia Immortal Vein, unless one encounters a great opportunity, or one really obtains the Immortal Soul.

"It's up to man. Our goal this time is that within the next 20 years, all Zhun Emperors will rise to at least one level, reach the second level of Emperor Zhun, and strive to reach the third level if they have already reached the second level..."

Lin Fei praised Haikou. You must know that every time Zhundi wants to ascend to the first heaven, sometimes it takes hundreds of years of effort to achieve it. It is almost impossible for him to ascend to the first heaven in this short period of 20 years. .

However, the girls didn't dampen his self-confidence. They were just talking for fun anyway, and they didn't want to pay.


Lin Fei and his party rested in the inn for three days, prepared a large amount of food and drinking water, and packed them into their inner worlds for use in the Luoxia Immortal Vein.

In addition, Lin Fei also used these three days to inquire about the news, learned about the situation of Luoxia Xianmai, and verified the situation of Yushu by the way.The jade book was exchanged for a small magic medicine. Except for the old man, he has not found out that other people also have it. It can be said that this thing is worth it.

On the fourth day, Lin Fei and his party finally set off, and they reached an altitude of [-] miles.

"It's so beautiful..."

Entering the Sunset Immortal Vein from the dense clouds there, one can see a majestic sunset from a distance, but it is very difficult to touch it, because in fact it is at least hundreds of millions of miles away.

"The more beautiful things are, the greater the danger often hides..." Feng Ming sighed.

Lin Fei hugged her waist, and asked with a smile: "You are so beautiful, wouldn't it be dangerous for me to approach you like this?"

"This shameless guy..." Feng Ming sighed inwardly, and quickly slapped Lin Fei's hands away, looking at Luoxia in front of him, "From the map, when Luoxia appears light red, it is the most suitable opportunity , we have to wait another half a day before we can go in."

Tang Youyou also nodded and said: "Now the hostility is very strong, it is indeed not suitable to go in."

"Since there is still half a day left, let's talk about life here first, or the four of us can play together..." Lin Fei grinned, his face full of evil.

"Bastard, what are you thinking? Shameless!" Concubine Yi glared at him angrily.

Just last night, Lin Fei got into her bed, and it was also the first time this guy touched all the girls since he broke through to the third heaven of the quasi-emperor.

His fighting strength has increased several times in vain. Concubine Yi is no match for Lin Fei at all. In the middle of the night, Feng Ming was pulled to save the battle. In the end, Feng Ming was no match for him. Xiao Xueer's three sisters came, but they were not his opponents.

In the end, Xianyu, Xianyi, Miaomiao, plus Guan Lian'er, Lin Ke'er, and Mi Qi were recruited, a total of 11 talents fought Lin Fei to a draw.

"Hehe, last night was really a wonderful night..." Lin Fei smiled triumphantly.

"Shameless!" The three girls blushed and pinched Lin Fei a few times angrily.

One dragon against eleven phoenixes, such a grand scene, Lin Fei never dared to think about it before.

But just last night, the dream became a reality, and all the girls volunteered, because they really couldn't bear Lin Fei's "anger", so they could only drag the sisters together.

Such a perfect, voluntary one dragon and eleven phoenixes is what Lin Fei is most looking forward to.

"One day, I will bring you all together, and on the day when everyone comes out of the Luoxia Immortal Vein, I will definitely call you all together, pamper all the wives, and try the real Baimeixiantu... ..."

The corner of Lin Fei's mouth was raised into a smile, and his sky eyes were looking at the majestic Sunset Immortal Vein in front of him. Even though his cultivation had reached this level, he still felt that his manpower was a bit small when faced with such a spectacle.

It may be true as the predecessors said, even if you become a fairy, you can't dominate this world, because this world is much bigger than human imagination, there are many unknown things that you can't discover, and you will never understand this world true colors.


Half a day later, the color of the sky gradually changed, and the color of the Sunset Immortal Vein showed a light red.

"Let's go..."

The four of Lin Fei looked at each other, and Lin Fei supported the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram and led the three women into the dense clouds.

"This is almost solidified..."

Stepping into the clouds, the thick clouds and mist, like pieces of white bricks, lay across in front of the four of them. A layer of faint black light emanated from the surface of the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, and a black air knife condensed out. Only by opening the way can we move forward.

"Can't teleport?"

This driving speed is really too slow, and one day's effort may not be able to advance a thousand miles. If the clouds are tens of millions of miles away, it will take years of monkeys and horses and moons to pass through the clouds.

"Try to go forward for a day like this first, and see how different it is from the one depicted on the map..." Lin Fei thought for a while and said, his sky eyes kept staring ahead.

The white sky eyes can only let him see the situation a hundred miles ahead. If ordinary monks come in, they can't see anything because their eyes are completely dark.

"All right……"

The three women have no better way, they can only try to walk around first, after all, they have to verify the accuracy of the old man's jade map, if it is a fake one, they will be cheated to death.


After advancing like this for a day, the four of them managed to travel more than 300 miles. However, when they stopped, the clouds in front of them became thinner, and the vision of the four of them suddenly improved.

"The jade book should be fine..."

Lin Fei showed a satisfied smile. Looking forward with his sky eyes, he could clearly see the situation ten thousand miles ahead. The clouds and mists in front of him were getting thinner and thinner. Basically, the ten thousand miles of clouds had dispersed, and there was no obstacle left.

"Then let's teleport away..." Yi Fei said.

Lin Fei nodded, raised his hand and led the three of them forward for [-] miles. This speed is really not an exaggeration.


As soon as they teleported thousands of miles away, a few people felt a fierce wind blowing, and a large number of black ghosts appeared in front of them, which was exactly what they needed.

"Sure enough, there are a large number of ghosts, and they are all pretty good. The worst ones have the strength of junior great saints, and they can refine small light balls..." Feng Ming and Yi Fei's beautiful eyes were shining, and they It is well aware of the benefits of small light balls.

Especially the process of refining the small ball of light, presumably no woman can refuse, just like making love with the man she loves constantly, reaching the peaks one after another, it is so comfortable.

The fact that you can enjoy it comfortably and improve your cultivation quickly is really wonderful.

"Uh, is the little ball of light really that good?" Tang Youyou felt disapproving.

She had been branded on the list of gods a few months ago, and hadn't refined the small ball of light with everyone, so naturally she didn't know what it was like, but she had only heard Feng Ming say it a few times, how wonderful it was.

However, refining is refining, after all, it is also a practice, and there is no special pleasure in the practice, it is all hard days.

"Well, the amount is relatively large..."

Lin Fei didn't change his face, and nodded calmly: "Everyone, get ready, our practice is about to start, now go crazy and devour ghosts..."

After speaking, the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagrams on the four of them flew out violently, hung in mid-air, formed a huge deep hole with a diameter of hundreds of miles, and began to frantically devour a large number of ghosts around them.



The ghosts seemed to know the horror of this thing, and fled to the surroundings one after another, but they were no match for the powerful devouring ability of the black hole, and a large number of ghosts were swallowed by the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram.

"This is really terrifying..."

It was the first time for Tang Youyou to see the Tai Chi Yin-Yang map. Ordinary people had to dodge and run when they saw ghosts. Lin Fei threw out a map, and these ghosts ran away like they met a powerful ghost king.

"So many ghosts have been devoured, and the energy is always balanced. It seems that our practice should be able to get a lot of improvement..."

Thinking to himself, Tang Youyou stood tightly next to Lin Fei and the other three, and followed them to devour the ghosts around them. Based on the principle of not letting any one go, he wanted to devour all the ghosts here.


The crazy devouring process lasted for three days and three nights, and the quantity and quality of ghosts in Luoxia's veins far exceeded Lin Feihe's expectation.

There are plenty of ghosts here, even more than in the original Mihai, and the quality of the ghosts is also very good, the worst ones have the rank of the Great Sage, which means that almost every ghost can be refined into a mysterious little light the ball comes.This is only the outermost part of the Luoxia Immortal Vein. It can be imagined that the more you go inside, the more ghosts there may be, and the quality will be better.

But now they are not greedy, as long as they can refine small light spheres, and if they are at the outermost edge, it is not easy to attract the attention of powerful beings inside, and their safety factor is also the highest.

In three days and three nights, what they looted was only a small area, compared to the entire Luoxia Immortal Vein, it was just a drop in the ocean.But in such a big place, Lin Fei swallowed nearly 2 million ghosts. In three days and three nights, more than [-] million small light spheres have been refined, and half of them are still in the process of refining. .

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