Chapter 860 Seven

"It seems that we have made a fortune this time. There are too many ghosts here. Let's refine this batch first, otherwise there will be too many backlogs." Lin Fei laughed from ear to ear. With the support of many ghosts, he is already looking forward to what heights everyone will reach in 20 years.

Feng Ming and Concubine Yi, who had some doubts before, also felt that it might come true. They knew the benefits brought to them by the small ball of light. If they could swallow tens of billions of such ghosts and refine the light, They really might take a few more steps.


The four of them sank all the way down for nearly a million miles before finally seeing the continental shelf of the Luoxia Immortal Vein. It was a deep blue sea area, and there were only a dozen small isolated islands in a radius of 10,000+ miles.

The four chose one of the uninhabited islands, dug a small palace in the center of the island, and prepared to refine it here.


"Ah, it's really beautiful..."

Two days later, Tang Youyou finally experienced that fatal feeling. The process of refining the small light ball made her unable to extricate herself, and she was so excited that she could no longer hold back.

Like the other women, she no longer deliberately reserved, although she shouted loudly, she released the most real feeling deep in her heart.

For Tang Youyou and the others, this wonderful process will not end so quickly. There are still a lot of ghosts waiting for them to devour, and there are still a lot of small light balls that need to be refined. This is just the beginning, and there will be more in the future. It's good for them.


Three years passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Fei and Zhunu spent three years on the island.

In three years, they devoured all the ghosts within a radius of tens of thousands of miles in this area. Suddenly, the entire radius of tens of thousands of miles disappeared, and even some sunshine poured down. The changes here are not ordinary big.

It was originally estimated that it would take 20 years for Chenchen Kaikai to wait for the girls to enter the quasi-emperor realm. This time they have completed the task ahead of time.

Chenchen Kaikai and Lianqianai, and the four daughters of Xianyu stepped into the realm of quasi-emperors ahead of time, and also squeezed into the ranks of quasi-emperors. Now among Lin Fei's women, there are only sisters Mary Martha, Miaomiao And Mengmeng, and Feifeng have not stepped into the quasi-emperor realm.

However, after these three years of continuous improvement, the five girls are now making rapid progress, and Miaomiao, who was the weakest before, has now reached the realm of the high-ranking Great Saint Eighth Heaven.

There are still 17 years to go. According to the current speed, it is not a big problem to enter the realm of quasi-emperor.

After practicing for three years in a row, he changed the whole world. Lin Fei asked everyone to rest for a while. After these three years of practice, he himself has made great progress.

Although it is impossible to directly ascend to the fourth heaven, but now it has reached the third small realm of Emperor Zhun's third heaven. Every time Emperor Zhun ascends to the first heaven, he needs to pass through the ninth small realm.

In just three years of hard work, he has been promoted from the first small realm of the triple heaven to the third small realm, which is already considered extremely fast.

On this day, all the girls rested on the small island, preparing to move to other places to continue devouring ghosts and refining small balls of light.

But at noon this day, a few uninvited guests came to the sky.

"Boom boom boom..."

Lin Fei and his wives were resting in the palace on the island. They were about to eat when they suddenly heard a burst of violent cracking sounds. The whole island was shaking, and the trees on the palace were all broken.

"What's the situation?" Everyone opened their eyes and looked at the sky.

It turned out that there were two black clouds fighting high in the sky. It seemed that two ghost cultivators were fighting for life and death. Lin Fei frowned, sensing the strength of the two ghost cultivators.

The strength of both of them should be around the first level of Zhundi, and one of them is slightly stronger, reaching the seventh small realm of Zhundi's first level.

Since Lin Fei and others had already set up a magic circle around the island, the two ghost cultivators didn't see the island below, so they didn't know that there were still people living outside.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Go to hell you!"

The two ghost cultivators are strong at the quasi-emperor level, and when they attacked, they shattered the world into pieces, and there were a lot of dots in the void, all of which were the sound of space cracking.

"These two guys, what are you fighting here..." Xiao Ling'er pouted and snorted, "Why don't you catch them and ask about the situation of the Luoxia Immortal Vein, maybe they know it well... ..."

Lin Fei nodded secretly, Xiao Ling'er seemed to have a lot of inspiration in his head, he snorted coldly, turned his hands into two giant palms and grabbed the sky directly, Lin Fei dragged the two ghost cultivators out of the black mist come out.

The two ghost cultivators without physical bodies turned into two black lights and shadows, and were directly captured by Lin Fei to the palace on the island.

Due to the arrival of Ghost Cultivator, the temperature of the palace dropped suddenly, and it turned into an ice cave all of a sudden, and the food that hadn't been eaten in time was also frozen into ice cubes.

"You, who are you..."

"This, this is too strong, isn't it?"

The two ghost cultivators were frightened. They were still fighting just now, but they didn't have the slightest momentum to fight now. They were caught here by this man in a blink of an eye. The strength of this man can be imagined, and they are not something they can fight against.

"Human monks, so many female quasi-emperors have come to the Luoxia Immortal Vein..."

What made them even more surprised was that there were so many female Zhun emperors in this small palace, and all of them were as beautiful as gods. They were so beautiful. They had never seen such a beautiful female Zhun emperor.

Could it be that the outside world has changed a lot, and now the female Zhun emperors are gone everywhere?

"Are you ghost cultivators in the Luoxia Immortal Vein?" Lin Fei asked the two ghost cultivators in a cold voice.

One of them said in a low voice: "Hi senior, we are ghost cultivators in the Luoxia Immortal Vein. I didn't know you were resting here. I'm really sorry to disturb you."

"That's right, senior, you don't care about villains, just let us go." Another ghost cultivator also begged for mercy, his bones were not very strong.

"Open your sea of ​​wheels, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense..." Lin Fei snorted coldly, and directly asked them to open the sea of ​​wheels, so that he could get the information he wanted and save trouble.

One of them exclaimed: "Senior, please spare us, we really don't have anything valuable..."

"That's right, senior, you spared us..."

No one wanted to let others know their secrets. The two begged for mercy and hoped that Lin Fei would spare them.

"Hmph! I really don't know how to be flattering!" Lin Fei raised his right hand, and two miniature suns and stars appeared. The strong masculinity immediately frightened the two ghost cultivators of quasi-emperor level.

They are good ghost cultivators, and what they are most afraid of is this kind of masculine thing, not to mention that this is the Emperor Star of the Sun Emperor, if they are hit, they will probably be destroyed.

"Senior, don't be impulsive, I will open the sea of ​​​​wheels now!"

"I'll open it too, just search for..."

The two of them didn't dare to delay, and immediately opened their own wheel seas, and there were bursts of terrifying wind blowing out of it, Feng Ming propped up a red light curtain, wrapping all the girls in it, so that they would not be eroded by these dark winds .


Lin Fei didn't enter their wheel sea in person, but separated a red God Qing Yuqing, who entered the wheel sea of ​​one of them, and quickly got into his brain, and began to search for what he wanted. Information.


Because the brain area was penetrated by other things, the ghost cultivator immediately passed out, which made it easier for Lin Fei to check.

In less than 5 minutes, Divine Lord Yuqing came out of his brain, and Lin Fei immediately let him enter another person's brain. It also took 5 minutes to get the information he wanted.

"Senior, please forgive us..."

This ghost cultivator was a little stronger, he didn't faint, and thought he was saved now.

"Well, I'll let you go now..."

Lin Fei grinned, and the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram behind him suddenly opened, throwing the ghost cultivator into it.

"Asshole, you must die!"

Before his death, Guixiu scolded Lin Fei, but his fate could not be changed, and he was finally thrown into the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram, waiting for him to be refined into a small ball of light.

Another ghost cultivator was also thrown in by Lin Fei, and Xiao Linger made a face at him: "A certain person is really dishonest, saying that he will let others go and still treat others like this..."

"Hehe, Linger, do you know why this person became a ghost cultivator?" Lin Fei shrugged disapprovingly, and asked Xiao Linger with a smile.

Xiao Linger asked curiously, "Why?"

"This man is a good man. He slept his mother, sister-in-law, aunt, teacher-wife, sister-in-law, almost all the women in the family, and all the beautiful women in the sect. In the end, he was shot to death by his master. , and finally accidentally entered the Luoxia Immortal Vein, became a ghost cultivator here, and finally became a quasi-emperor..." Lin Fei said with a smile.


The faces of the girls changed slightly, and Xiao Ling'er was even more speechless: "If I didn't ask, such a person deserves to die..."

"Some people even want to punish him, we are just doing it for him..." Lin Fei smiled and said, "The cultivation world is either a friend or an enemy. It is almost impossible to have a harmonious environment..."

"Okay, don't sigh!" Feng Ming grinned and asked, "Did you get any valuable information?"

Lin Fei nodded and said: "It does have some effect. It turns out that the Luoxia Immortal Vein is divided into three large areas. The place we are in now happens to be the Yinhun area. In seven years, there will be a ghost area. A battle of souls."

"Soul Seizing War?" The girls were a little puzzled.

Lin Fei explained: "Actually, it is a competition to capture the true soul, and all the people who come to participate are relatively famous ghost cultivators in this region. It seems that the top three winners in this soul-snatching battle have a chance to get The opportunity to go to the fairy tomb, there may be fairy souls appearing there."

"In fact, it's not very interesting. It's just that a bunch of ghost cultivators are vying for the chance to enter the fairy tomb. But as far as these two people know, this Soul Seizing War is held every 50 years, and it has been held hundreds of times. Tens of thousands I haven't heard of any ghost cultivator who has obtained a fairy soul in a few years, the chances are really too small." Lin Fei curled his lips and said.

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