Chapter 95

A huge silver aperture appeared in the pit, and a phantom in the aperture was confronting the void mirror. While emitting silver light to resist the phantom, the void mirror violently hit the silver aperture. .|

"Could it be that this is a trace of the magic breath of Emperor Linley?"

Lin Fei was shocked. He had just obtained a lot of information from the ancient tablet. Although he hadn't had time to sort it out yet, he understood some important information now.

Back then when Linley was in the Great Sacred Realm, he fought against the Motuo here, and in the end the Motuo stripped away a trace of the magic breath, because he couldn't suppress it, so Linley used the ancient tablet to suppress the magic breath here. .

"This phantom is amazing, I'm afraid it's at least a holy phantom..." Bai Xian's face became serious, he hadn't found this phantom just now.

Lin Fei said in a deep voice: "Is there any way to break the magic circle below?"

"Of course there is a way, but if this phantom is released, you and I may not be able to deal with it. This is at least a great saint. We are not opponents at all..." Bai Xian said seriously.

Lin Fei said firmly: "You just have to find a way to break through this magic circle. I'll deal with the monster inside..."

"You deal with it?" Bai Xian was slightly stunned, then came to his senses, and laughed, "I almost forgot, you still have a strange picture in your hand, as soon as the picture comes out, the monster below must be captured without a fight..."

Lin Fei did not answer with a sullen face, but he was thinking about another matter in his heart. He extracted a piece of information he had just obtained in his mind. This piece of information was about how to subdue this magic breath. It was left in the holy land.

"Bring 2000 yuan of spirit stones over here, hurry up!" Bai Xian shouted at Lin Fei, asking for 2000 yuan of spirit stones.

This time, Lin Fei did not hesitate at all, and moved 2000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones out of Lunhai, Baixian took a breath, and sucked the 2000 yuan of spirit stones over.

He immediately began to break the formation, and he floated to the edge of the light circle, and he kept throwing out the spirit stones around his mouth.

Lin Fei also came to the edge of the holy circle, and cut his finger with spiritual energy, drawing a stream of blood from between his fingers.

He took out his easel and paintbrush, and began to paint with his blood on the drawing paper. He concentrated on each stroke, and within a moment, he was already dripping with sweat, and his face was pale.

The void mirror inside floated up and down, and the impact became more violent, knowing that a helping hand came to help him.

Bai Xian rushed to another angle and threw another 100 yuan high-grade spirit stone into the void. He turned his head and saw Lin Fei was painting. At first he wanted to scold the animal, but when he saw Lin Fei's drawing paper When I saw something, I was stunned.

"Okay, brat, you got rich and got the inheritance of Emperor Zhun!" Bai Xian exclaimed, almost rushing over to take a look.

But Lin Fei shouted anxiously: "Don't come here yet! There will be a wisp of Qi from the Great Sage overflowing later, if you are not afraid of being destroyed, just come here!"

The great holy energy is very terrifying, even the strong in the secret realm of Sendai will be beaten to death, and the saint will lose arms and legs if he comes, and internal injuries are even more inevitable.

"Uh..." Bai Xian's face darkened, and he said embarrassingly, "For the time being, I should set up the formation first, but after you are done, you have to pass me a secret technique of Linley, the secret technique is called retrograde... "

Lin Fei frowned, and snorted, "Let's talk about it, let's see how you behave..."

Retrograde, this secret technique does have these two words in the massive amount of information just obtained, but now Lin Fei has no time to sort it out.

"Okay..." Bai Xian seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, his small eyes showed great excitement, and the spirit stones flying around his mouth were flying fast, and he kept hitting them into the eyes of the formation.

Lin Fei never turned his head away, and he didn't dare to distract his attention, because the person he was drawing right now was none other than Zhundi Linley.

Although Linley was in the Great Sage Realm at that time, he was indeed at the peak of the Great Sage, not too far from the peak of the Great Sage. It was really difficult to perfectly portray his image at that time.With Lin Fei's current level of skill, there is really a huge difference. Perhaps Lin Lei had anticipated today's situation and deliberately left his inheritance on the ancient tablet. Only the chaotic physique can be activated.

Lin Fei was very lucky to get his inheritance. In his inheritance, he also left a method of how to eliminate this trace of magic. The most important thing is to portray the image of Linley at that time, overflowing the image of Linley at that time. Only the holy breath can destroy the devil's breath.

It takes a lot of mental effort to draw each stroke, and Lin Fei's sea of ​​wheels is constantly overflowing with a pound of chaotic energy. Only the image of Linley portrayed by the chaotic energy can wipe out this ray of magic.Although Lin Fei is now a peak cultivator in the third heaven of the Taoist Palace, the energy of chaos he can use is still very limited. At present, his majors are burning sky eyes and tempering the sun and stars.

In terms of the chaotic body, he still learned the magic arts from the earth, and he didn't have a special book on the chaotic body.It can be said that Linley's inheritance has solved his urgent needs. He urgently needs to improve his combat power. Starting from the chaotic body is undoubtedly the best and fastest way.

About ten minutes later, Bai Xian appeared beside Lin Fei out of breath, but he didn't dare to make a sound. Watching Lin Fei concentrate on painting, only the last line of Zhundi Linlei's portrait remained. process.

As long as Linley's two eyes are illuminated, the painting will be considered complete.


Beads of sweat dripped continuously from Lin Fei's forehead, and there were still bursts of roaring noises in the magic circle. The Void Mirror and the phantom had already fought together, and the Void Mirror was knocked into the air without stopping. Obviously, the phantom is very powerful, and the void mirror has fallen behind.

If you don't go in to help, the void mirror will even be shattered!

Lin Fei's face was already pale, and the right hand holding the pen was still trembling slightly, pausing in mid-air without clicking.

"Success or failure depends on one action..." Lin Fei shouted in his heart, and asked Bai Xian at the same time, "Are you ready to break the formation?"

"Well, just wait for your order..." Bai Xian nodded, but he shrank back into Lin Fei's arms, so as not to be hurt by Zhundi Linley's aura.

The sun was shining in Lin Fei's eyes, and he suddenly leaned forward. The pen in his hand landed on the drawing paper, and he quickly tapped two points. Zhen Fei.

"Break the formation!"

While tumbling, Bai Xian threw out a jade token that activated the magic circle. Outside the circle of light circle, more than a dozen light spots suddenly appeared and merged together, condensing into a long spear.

With the power of destroying heaven and earth, the spear pierced towards the silver circle of light below.



Linley's aura, the attack stirred by the spear, landed on the silver light circle at the same time, and immediately blasted away the saint's magic circle. The void mirror quickly fled to the heights, and Linley's aura hit hard onto the phantom.


In just a split second, the lower body of the phantom was scattered by Linley's aura, leaving only a head still visible, but it became fainter and fainter.


At this moment, on Xuelong Mountain in the northern region, an old man covered in snow opened his eyes. Two beams of light penetrated the void and directly vaporized a short snow mountain in front of him.

"Northern Territory, there is a great sage. I don't know which great sage was born? The one in the Western Region is still Zhongyuan. I haven't heard of any great sage still alive in the Northern Territory. Could it be an older generation of strong people from a holy place?" Born?"


Southern Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land!

On Wanjian Peak, two old men who were playing chess left their seats at the same time.

One of the gray-haired old men showed a look of shock: "It turned out to be a great holy air machine! It hasn't appeared for nearly a thousand years!"

"From the northern region, is there still a great sage alive in the northern region?" Another black-haired old man was also moved. This person was the one who attacked and killed Lin Fei earlier.

The gray-haired old man shook his head and said, "I've never heard of a great sage living in the Northern Territory. There are only three great sages known to the world today, and one is in the Western Region. The other one is in Zhongyuan, and it has not been born for more than two thousand years, and it seems to have entered the ancient road to fight for hegemony; the last one is a casual cultivator, who has not been born for many years, and it is very likely that he has passed away. ..."

"Could it be that the new peak Saint King has entered the Great Saint Realm?" the black-haired old man guessed.

The gray-haired old man said with a condensed expression: "This matter is not trivial, let's contact some other saints in the southern region. When the great saint is born, you and I have to go to worship no matter what power it is. If the etiquette is not enough, if we meet in the future, If people want to kill us, they just need to raise their hands..."

"Hey..." The black-haired old man sighed, "If you don't enter the Great Sacred Realm, you don't know the way!"


Zhongyuan, Dalei Kingdom.

King Dalei was resting with his eyes closed, when he suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Xiaolei, come here..."

After a while, Princess Dalei Lei Yunlei came over and asked, "Father, what's the matter?"

"Pack up your things and go to Wei State in the Northern Territory. I will let Tan Guoshi tell you the details later. Go..." Lord Dalei closed his eyes again after speaking, and continued to adjust his breath.

Lei Yunlei was slightly taken aback. She had checked Lin Fei's origin before, and it seemed that Lin Fei was born in Weiguo in the Northern Territory!

Could it be that the father told him to go find Lin Fei?

She didn't dare to ask any more questions, and bowed her body back out.


Just when Lin Fei drew Linlei's aura, an ancient Buddha opened his eyes far away on the Lingshan Mountain in the Western Regions, and looked at Mo Yan, the real Buddha, with two calm eyes.

"Mo Yan, go to the Northern Territory and see where there is a great holy aura..." The ancient Buddha said leisurely, even if he uttered an ordinary sentence, it was like reciting an ancient method, which made people feel calm and peaceful.

True Buddha Mo Yan was slightly startled, and asked, "Master, has a great sage been born?"

The ancient Buddha said softly: "Probably not. Today, there is only one great sage who is the master and no other great sages in the Yuan Continent today. This may be the aura left by a great sage. Go and check it..."

"Yes..." Mo Yan saluted lightly, and his figure disappeared from the futon.

After Mo Yan left, the face of the ancient Buddha changed, with a trace of worry on his brows, and he said to himself: "This qi mechanism is at least from a strong man in ancient times, and he is also a top-level strong man of the Great Sage, several times stronger than me. , What is the background of this person, and who triggered the aura left by him. Could it be the aura left by some great emperor during the Great Sage period, otherwise why would it be so strong..."


"Void Mirror!"

Lin Fei and Bai Xian didn't think about it so much at this time, they were blown away by the qi machine for at least five miles, and they broke a lot of towering trees along the way, but fortunately, Lin Fei's blood body was Chaos The body and the body of the sun are strong enough, and they didn't suffer too much internal injury, they just vomited blood.

When he looked up, he saw a silver light rushing towards him, and it was the Void Mirror that he hadn't seen for two or three months, rushing towards him.

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