Chapter 96

After nearly three months, the Void Mirror was finally recovered, and Lin Fei also let out a sigh of relief. !Kwai_Shawen_Learning>

Not only because the Void Mirror is a powerful magic weapon, but also because the mirror is a thought left to him by his master, Ziyang Laodao opened the door of reincarnation with his life, and gave him the Void Mirror and Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram.To allow him to survive in this world, Lin Fei also relied on these two magic weapons to turn the enemy from danger many times and killed many villains.

"Let's go quickly, many masters are coming here..." Bai Xian called Lin Fei urgently, it sensed many powerful auras coming here, at least all of them were strong above the four-pole secret realm By.

Lin Fei put the Void Mirror into Lunhai, and steered the giant sword towards the Profound Sky Cave.


In less than two days, Wei State in the Northern Territory once again became the focus of heated discussions in the cultivation world of Tianyuan Continent.

This small country seems to have some kind of magical power, which has repeatedly attracted the attention of the cultivation world of the whole Tianyuan Continent over the past few years.

This time it was not because of some ancient waste body Lin Fei, but because he found the aura of a strong man from the peak of the Great Sage in the Motuo Mountain of Wei State. There are already thousands of strong men of this level in the Tianyuan Continent. Years have passed.

Many holy places, aristocratic families, and divine dynasties all sent people to Wei Guo to investigate. Thousands of people from the cultivation world wandered around Mo Tuo Mountain, and almost searched Mo Tuo Mountain all over.

"Someone found a strand of the Great Sage's hair!"

"Really! The hair of the Great Sage, it is rumored that even a single hair of the Great Sage can be refined into a treasure, which can kill the strong in the secret realm of Xiantai at will!"

"This is a strand of hair from a strong man at the peak of the great sage. It is enough to kill the saint!"

Soon, exciting news spread around Mo Tuo Mountain. Someone discovered the hair of the Great Sage!

Not a stick, but a strand!

Great Sage, hearing this name makes people look up, because they are the top group of people in the cultivation world.

Among the hundreds of millions of monks, it may not be possible to produce a great saint. They are a very small number of people who have been recognized by heaven.

The monks who can be called the great saints are the ones who really have the opportunity to prove the Tao. Of course, even the great saints can finally prove the Tao.

Only by cultivating the sea of ​​wheels, filling the gaps in the Dao Palace, achieving the four extremes, cutting the Dao to become a saint, breaking the sky and proving the Dao, can one become a great sage.

The bodies of the great sages have also been refined to become treasures, and every single hair of them contains their Tao, which can easily kill the weak.

As soon as this news came out, people in the cultivation world were once again excited. More and more monks rushed to Motuo Mountain in Wei State, hoping that they would have good luck and fortune, and that they could also find a hair and refine it into a treasure. Live in a domain, live a happy life. .Kwai~Sha.Wen^xue)

In just the third day, more than [-] monks have rummaged here in groups around Motuo Mountain in Wei State.

However, on the third day, some background figures also appeared. Several holy places in the Northern Territory and aristocratic families have sent outstanding disciples to Motuo Mountain.Among them, the most famous one is that Li Jie, the quasi-holy son of the Holy Land of the First Beginning, is here. His own strength has surpassed the secret realm of the four extremes. It can be said that he is a very powerful holy son; Lingfeng, the sixth generation grandson of the Ling family, is also here. , it is said that the strength has also reached the four-pole secret realm, and there are two unfathomable elder guards beside him, which has become a force that cannot be underestimated...

In short, this Mo Tuo Mountain is getting more and more lively, many powerful figures have appeared one after another, and the holy land and the family have sent people here.


"An eyeball of the Great Sage has appeared..."

"What! Someone got the eyeball of the Great Sage? Really or not, who is so lucky!"

"I don't know, it seems that people from several holy places discovered it, and they ran after that eyeball..."

"It is estimated that the people of the Great Sacred Lands will fight this time. The eyeballs of the Great Sage contain the Dao of the Great Sage's peak powerhouse, and they can be refined into the supreme Great Sage's peak magic weapon..."

On the sixth day, another shocking news spread from Mo Tuo Mountain. Someone found an eyeball of the great sage peak near Mo Tuo Mountain.However, this eyeball seemed to have spirituality, and when it was caught, it ran away by itself, and several holy places and some unworldly masters chased after it.

"Lingfeng, the sixth generation grandson of the Ling family, was killed!"

"No way, Ling Feng was also killed, who did it? He has the strength of the four extremes of the secret realm, and he is also a child of an aristocratic family. The magic weapon to save his life must not be small, and there are two unfathomable elders beside him!"

"Not sure, it is said that it was done by Li Jie, the quasi-holy son of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, and it is also said that it was done by a bald monk..."

"It shouldn't be Li Jie, right? The Holy Land of Absolute Beginning and the Ling family are both top powers in the Northern Territory. The two have always been on good terms. Which one is the bald monk?"

Within a day, news spread that Ling Feng, the sixth eldest grandson of the Ling family, was killed, and his life and circumstances disappeared, which immediately shocked the whole area.

The eldest grandson of the aristocratic family is also equivalent to a figure at the level of the holy son. Such a figure is the star of hope of the aristocratic family or the Holy Land generation. If he was killed like this, the Ling family must be furious.

The Ling family, among the top forces in the Northern Territory, can be said to be ranked high. Even in the entire Tianyuan Continent, the Ling family is an extremely powerful family.

Because the Ling family once had a great emperor, there is still an emperor weapon in the family, the bronze battle coffin of Emperor Ling Tian!

Not only do they have the emperor's weapon, but they also have the ancient scripture "Bullying Heaven" left by Emperor Lingtian. Although there are legends that it is only a fragment, it is enough to make the entire Tianyuan Continent proud. You must know that Emperor Lingtian is known as the ancient combat power The strongest emperor.

Regarding the murderer of Ling Feng, there are rumors that it was done by Li Jie from the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning, and there are also rumors that it was done by a bald monk who appeared inexplicably.

"Brother Ling's death was not caused by me, but by the baldy Tang Sanye..."

On the same day, Li Jie claimed that Ling Feng was not killed by himself, but by a monk named Tang Sanye.

Soon the monks remembered this person named Tang Sanye, the great monk who entered the Mountain of Despair last year, and the arrogant monk at the Tianchi Holy Meeting, didn't he call himself Tang Sanye?

It turned out that he killed...

"Tang Sanye took away Brother Ling's hard-earned eyeballs of the Great Sage, and he should be punished. Please avenge Brother Ling!"

Li Jie uttered his voice again, revealing the secret, saying that it was Tang Sanye who took away Ling Feng's hard-earned eyeballs of the Great Sage, and even killed Ling Feng's two guards of the elders of the Xiantai Secret Realm.

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to trouble Mr. Tang.

Just kidding, even the elders of the Sendai Secret Realm were killed. Didn't these people just die in the past?


All of a sudden, the state of Wei was in a state of turmoil, and countless strong men rushed to Mo Tuo Mountain in the state of Wei.

But the instigator of the incident, Lin Fei and Bai Xian, stayed comfortably in the cave of Tianxuan Cave, drinking and chatting with Wu Yazi Yuanye.

"So that's not the real body of the great sage, but just a trace of magic breath left by him?" Wu Yazi had just come out of retreat, and heard about Mo Tuo Mountain from Lin Fei.

Lin Fei nodded and said: "That's right, that trace of magic breath should be left by Zhundi Linley when he was at the peak of the Great Sage..."

"Emperor Zhun?" Yuanye on the side nearly spit out his wine and exclaimed, "I've never heard of such a number one Emperor Zhun as Linley. Could it be that he was a superhero in ancient times, or in ancient times?"

Wu Yazi said calmly: "The figure in the ancient times must be tens of thousands of years away. He is a figure who reaches the sky, and he has also controlled the emperor's weapon, the Thunder Wheel. More importantly, he is also a chaotic body! "

He looked at Lin Fei, and the white fairy on the side had a small face showing surprise, and said to himself: "What is the origin of this old thing? He knows such ancient secrets, even people from the Holy Land and the aristocratic family can't know about it. ..."

However, Wu Yazi's next words shocked him even more. He sighed and said leisurely: "If I guessed correctly, then what was suppressed under Mo Tuo Mountain was the demon shell of a great holy demon monk from the Western Regions. He joined forces with another great sage to suppress it at the location of Motuo Mountain. It may be that Linley at that time did not have the strength to completely wipe it out, so he left a ray of energy there to suppress it. I didn't expect it to be now That ray of energy hasn't been extinguished, but it has grown into a monster."

"This old thing knows everything!" Bai Xian was shocked, and floated to Yuan Ye's shoulder, trying to sense Wu Yazi's spiritual power fluctuations.

Lin Fei was also a little moved, and asked doubtfully, "Master, do you know much about Emperor Linlei?"

He was also very confused in his heart. Although Bai Xian was an asshole, many of what he said were true. At least now that the Mo Tuo Mountain Great Sage incident had happened for so many days, no one thought of it as Zhundi Linley.But Wu Yazi told the truth, and even knew the secrets of Linley back then.

Wu Yazi said: "The quasi-emperor Linley can be said to be a legendary figure. As a teacher, I once read a manuscript left over from ancient times, which told Linley's life experience. He had hoped to become emperor, but because of another Fu Lin, the daughter of a female quasi-emperor Fulong, gave up to fight for the final imperial road. Qundi Fu Lin and Lin Lei could be said to be the two most peak quasi-emperors at that time. Tianleilun, Fu Lin is in charge of the Nine Dragons Void Disk left behind by her father, if they enter the Emperor's Road, they may have a chance to finally prove themselves and become emperors!"

"But they both gave up in the end, and in that life, no one proved to be an emperor in the end. In the end, a trace of evil thoughts from Emperor Fulong was reborn, and he shot and killed the quasi-emperor Lin Lei. He actually destroyed his entire life and followed Linley..." Wu Yazi sighed.

Bai Xian suddenly snorted, and hehe asked: "Old guy, what kind of manuscript are you reading? It's been tens of thousands of years and it hasn't turned into fly ash. Let me take a look..."

Wu Yazi said indifferently: "That is a book of bronze, which has already merged with my Lunhai, I'm afraid I can't show it to you..."

"Phew...stingy old guy... I'm just looking at something, and it's not something I want to plot against you. Could I be interested in your little shit?" Bai Xian groaned, he had never been in harmony with Wu Yazi.

Wu Yazi was very kind, and he didn't get angry with Bai Xian. He smiled and said, "When I, Wu Yazi, die and disappear, the bronze inscriptions will reappear in the world. At that time, you, an immortal, will still have a chance... ..."

Lin Fei has been listening intently, but he is quickly sorting out the massive amount of information he has received in Mo Tuo Mountain in his mind.

He has been sorting out these messages for seven or eight days. Seeing that Lin Fei didn't speak, Bai Xian was taken aback, and secretly transmitted Lin Fei to say: "Little Linzi, has Linley's retrograde footwork been sorted out?" Yeah, hurry up and pass it on to me..."

When Mo Tuo Mountain broke through, Bai Xian stared at Linley's retrograde footwork, and now there was a silver light in his pair of small eyes.

"It's sorted out, I'll send it to you tonight..." Lin Fei echoed.

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