The Dragon Clan: Filling the Pit Lu Mingfei

Chapter 50 One Person Wants to Dance "Please read on, please scroll to the last page first!&quo

Chapter 50: Dance AloneI want to test the water push, thank you"

Please read it first, I have to pass my own level in the quality of Dragon Race, this second volume paves the way for an original world view, with various easter eggs, it is absolutely beautiful, please recommend and support for collection and investment.

"So, children, go find the person I arranged for you——Zhang Quan. He is my former student and the executive officer who has been stationed here. He also provided clues about the Conferred Gods Association. You can find He talked face to face."

Black chip audio ends here.Lu Mingfei picked up the photo. On it was a handsome man with a Chinese character face. He looked elegant and handsome, exuding a mature and steady aura.

Zhang Quan, Chinese, former senior brother, permanent executive officer, these few words made Lu Mingfei think about what kind of interesting senior he should be?
"Executive Officer Zhang Quan will support your actions. The chip will be automatically formatted in three seconds, good luck."

Three seconds after Norma's prompt sounded, the black chip went blank for an instant.Lu Mingfei, who wrote down all the information, took out the chip as required and destroyed it together with all the materials.So far, the top-secret SS files are only kept in the hearts of everyone...

Moscow Yesen Underground Ballroom.Lu Mingfei and his team stared at the location sent by Zhang Quan, and stopped at the door to confirm repeatedly.

"Is it really here?" Caesar looked at the neon lights flashing through the crack of the door, his face as handsome as a Roman sculpture was full of doubts.

"If the location is correct, it's here. I also thought that senior brother Zhang Quan would make an appointment in a private place." Lu Mingfei looked at the location red dot on the phone and scratched his head.

"Go in and have a look." Chu Zihang's expression was cold, without further words, he pushed the door open and entered.Everyone looked at each other and followed suit.

The light in the ballroom was dim, only the central dance floor lit up with a rotating laser light ball, and all the people present danced to the music.

The three major hobbies and characteristics of the Russians are: drinking and dancing to welcome guests. When it comes to Russians, everyone generally has the impression that they are enthusiastic, generous and gentlemanly fighting peoples.

In the cold and snowy land of Siberia, vodka, classical dance and visitors from afar can all awaken the fire and passion in the hearts of Russians.

Among the dancing crowd, Lu Mingfei and the others saw Zhang Quan in it at a glance.This is not only because he is one of the few Asians among the many foreign faces, but more importantly, this is a pas de deux, and he is the only one in the field who dances alone without a partner.

Under the rotating light ball, between the scattered light and shadow.The gray-haired Zhang Quan hugged the air with his left hand, and raised his right hand as if interlocking with the fingers of an invisible person. The dance steps under his feet were standard and elegant, and the expression on his face was affectionate and pious.

His eyes are full of surging love, as if he is staring at a true lover who is in nothingness in his arms.Muttering to himself, as if explaining the dance with the ghost, talking about love...

If you only look at Zhang Quan alone, this should have been a warm and beautiful scene.But against the background of dancers in pairs, pas de deux and the emptiness of the arms.It looked very weird and spooky.

Without disturbing Zhang Quan, who was immersed in the hearty solo dance, Lu Mingfei and others sat at the bar and waited silently, and ordered a few low-alcohol cocktails and fruit wine.

The bartenders at the bar were very enthusiastic when they saw Lu Mingfei and the others spending a lot of money.Feeling that they have been observing Zhang Quan, he took the initiative to explain in English:
"A few friends seem to be new faces. Are you interested in that guy who dances solo?" The boss had a coquettish look on his face, and said in a low voice mysteriously.

"Let me tell you, that guy is our famous lunatic. Obviously alone, obviously we have a special solo dance time here, but we choose to come during the duet dance time, even if someone invites him to be a dance partner, he doesn't agree.

I heard from the boss that he always came here with his wife before, but then it seemed that his wife had an accident, and he was stimulated, and he became the crazy look he is now..."

"As a virtuous gentleman, I don't really like talking about other people behind their backs." Caesar drank the cocktail in his glass, with a bright smile and sharp eyes, and pressed a large bill under the glass, "So don't do that in the future. "

"Okay, okay! You're right." The bartender looked at the banknote and felt the coercion of his gaze, feeling both scared and happy, and hurriedly agreed.

Both kindness and majesty, cow, boss.Feeling the charm of Caesar's damn personality that has no place to rest, Lu Mingfei quietly gave a thumbs up to show his admiration.

Not long after, the song ended and the dancers parted, bowing to each other.Zhang Quan also took a step back, and performed an elegant and standard ancient ceremony in front of the air in a personable manner.

Seeing Zhang Quan end the dance.Lu Mingfei hurriedly waved to him, "Senior Brother Zhang Quan, we are here."

"Sorry, I've been waiting for a long time. I didn't expect you to come so fast. You're so confused to be immersed in dancing. Have you eaten yet? Come to my house to have some?" Knowing that everyone was waiting here, Zhang Quan felt a little confused. Ashamed, he suggested enthusiastically with apology.

"It happens that we haven't eaten yet, so we won't be polite to you, Senior Brother Zhang." Seeing the weather-beaten wisdom and vicissitudes in Zhang Quan's eyes, Lu Mingfei smiled.How could this kind of person be a lunatic, he just doesn't bother arguing with people who don't understand...

The wall skin is mottled and peeling off, and the front of the small building is full of creepers.Lu Mingfei and others followed Zhang Quan to his house.Pushing the door open, the huge room was filled with coolness.

The cold wind blows the curtains through the window sash, making the already spacious room even more spacious and quiet.What is loneliness? Once upon a time, only the dancing curtains and the coldness of the room were waiting for you to go home.

The loneliest time is not when you are in the dead silence, but when you can hear a small sound amidst the noise.There are thousands of lights in the surroundings, and the smoke is curling up for joy and reunion, but you are half a lonely lamp, and the meals on the table are dull.Even though he is in the center of the dance floor full of people, but he is still chilled by a trace of youth in his memory...

"Let me make you my hometown special stew!" Zhang Quan looked at the room where Lu Mingfei and the others rarely looked angry, scratched his head and suggested with a smile.

"Okay, I just want to try your handicraft, Senior Brother Zhang Quan. We are fine, let's help you do it together."

Everyone started to get busy, Caesar and Nuonuo washed the vegetables, Chu Zihang and Xia Mi chopped the vegetables.Lu Mingfei processed the skin residue and pork, and Min Shibo prepared the seasoning.Fingal... Nothing to do (crossed out) is cheering.

In the laughter of all the people, the deserted and dead atmosphere was dispelled, and changed into a lively and lively atmosphere.In the end, all the ingredients were turned into a pot of steaming stew by Zhang Quan's craftsmanship, and the rich fragrance was sent far, far away with the wind...

 Please read it first, I have to pass my own level of quality in Dragon Race, this second volume paves the way for an original world view, with various easter eggs, absolutely beautiful, please recommend and support for collection and investment.crumbs author thanks




(End of this chapter)

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