The Dragon Clan: Filling the Pit Lu Mingfei

Chapter 51 The Past Is Like Smoke and Noisy Night Breeze "Please read on, please pull the last

Chapter 51 The Past Is Like Smoke and Noisy Night Breeze "Please read on, please pull the last page first!"I want to test the water push, thank you"

"Brother Zhang Quan, your cooking skills are really good!"

Lu Mingfei looked at the bowl full of stewed vegetables in front of him, and hurriedly picked up a piece of dregs (some called braised, made of sweet potato vermicelli) and put it in his mouth, it was so hot that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, hissing Blow and don't want to spit out.While chewing, he gave a thumbs up and praised.

The rest of the Kassel Academy also moved their chopsticks one after another, praising Zhang Quan's craftsmanship while eating.Even Caesar, who has always paid attention to the high quality of life and is picky about his diet, praised "Bravo!" with a bright smile on his face.

Everyone is a very warm person!Although the people here have bad boys, middle-aged patients, stubborn because of their mothers, desperate because of their fathers, pretending to be because of their girlfriends, and hiding because of their elder brothers...

But in the final analysis, the sameness among the differences is: we are all dead children!Do not bow to fate.No matter how you can learn to compromise and be smooth with disgust, you are like a stone that cannot smooth its edges and corners.Even if the head is broken, I don't want to learn the so-called maturity of an adult! (The maturity of some adults, such as the disgusting elders of the Caesar family.)
Looking at the younger brothers and younger sisters who were chattering and praising him, he felt the beautiful breath of their youth.Zhang Quan, who hadn't smiled for a long time, finally smiled, his face was full of tenderness:

"Thank you for liking this stewed dish! This stewed dish is my hometown dish. When I was a child, my family lived in a valley in Henan. At that time, my family was poor, and I could only eat meat during the Chinese New Year. When I bought meat, I also bought fatty meat. So much oil and water, so fragrant!
On New Year's Eve, the adults put the plump pork belly and skin dregs together with vegetables found at home, dried radishes, and stewed in a big pot.It's so delicious when it's hot and served in a bowl for one person! "

"It's really delicious!" Fingel took the steamed bun in one hand and put the stewed vegetables in his mouth with the other.Everyone was listening, only Fingel was eating happily like a sow licking the trough.

Fortunately, each person has a bowl of stewed dishes, otherwise Finger Lu Bu would have swept the crowd in the battle of stewed dishes today.

"Later, when I walked out of the mountain village and was at a loss, it was Kassel College, and it was the principal Angers who found and took me in. I was one of his early students, a class A student in the 81st class, Zhang Quan."

"Cassel College and the principal broke my confusion, and my current wife Katerina, whom I met at the school, is the light in my life." Zhang Quan, who was caught up in memories, had tenderness in his eyes.

"Our relationship has always been very good, and we were task partners in school. Dozens of large and small tasks have already allowed us to integrate into each other's lives, as inseparable as the threads of fate."

"After graduation, I was sent to be a local executive in Moscow as an A-level experienced person. At my strong request, Linna also came with me. So we got married and got a certificate soon, even more gluey.

On the night of weddings and candles in the bridal chamber, when the gold list is named.With a double harvest in love and career, I can't help being proud, young and frivolous.I really want to make some achievements to prove myself to Mr. Angers. "

"So, I cleared up the local mixed-race underground black power trade. After a series of victories, I was dazzled by the victory, ambushed by their design, and surrounded by Linna alone. When I was exhausted, Linna I was shot in the head to save me. Although the executive department finally arrived and rescued us, Linna became a vegetable because of the severe head injury..."

During the narration, Zhang Quan's tone became more and more serious.When he talked about his wife becoming a vegetable to save himself, he could no longer suppress his emotions.His fists were clenched tightly, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and a golden light was dancing in his pupils.The elegant and easy-going image changed, and the figure couldn't help trembling slightly, and the aura of the A-level mixed race swept across like a tide.

"Linna is obviously only a B-level, but she defends me, an A-level, from attacking. I'm such a waste! I'm just a fool all day long."

Zhang Quan held his head in his hands, and his slightly choked voice was full of self-blame and mockery, "After this, the light in my heart went out, and the energy in my heart also dissipated, and I became much older overnight. I don't think about anything anymore. To make contributions and establish a reputation.

I'm not a hero, after wandering around for so long, I realized that I'm still that boy from the mountain village.In the end, the bamboo basket fetched water in vain.Later, I just wanted to be with my wife every day, pinching her legs and wiping her body. This guarding lasted for 20 years.

Lina likes to dance very much, and I met her at the college dance.That time she was spinning in the hall, like a gracefully dancing butterfly, so beautiful that all the boys present were moved.

When everyone wanted to catch this naughty and beautiful elf, she stretched out her hand to me. May I have a dance with you, Shy boy (Can I have a dance with you, Shy boy)?That's what she said.

Although I didn't dance very well that time since I never learned to dance, but everything else is not important, that night I only remember her bright eyes that were full of encouragement and were more beautiful than the moonlight..."

"In order to pursue her, I wrote love poems one after another, and listened to dance songs one after another. Until the dance steps were flying and graceful. Finally, at a ball, I sent out an invitation: This time I invite you to dance together, Lin Na, are you willing to be my only dance partner in the future? She nodded lightly, and everything will come naturally after that...

Ever since she got hurt, I knew that as a Russian she wouldn't stop dancing.So every day I took care of her, and at night I danced solo and in underground dance halls.I only dance pas de deux because I can feel her god dancing with me. "

"I have persisted in this habit for 20 years, so many people think I am an old lunatic. I happened to be in the ballroom when you came, so I can only trouble you to come here. I am really, really sorry"

Zhang Quan scratched his gray hair before he was 50, and his lonely and desolate voice was full of apology. "And let you listen to my old man nagging for so long, alas, I love to talk when I am old."

"It's okay, Senior Brother Zhang Quan, we'd love to hear from you." Everyone laughed and said out loud.

They really wanted to break the bleak atmosphere.Everyone knew that A-level hybrids under 50 should still be in their prime. Brother Zhang Quan was not old, but his heart was old, and he withered away with his lover.

Lord Grim in the single dance hall, recalling his youth in fresh clothes and angry horses!
Just when no one knew how to comfort this ashen-hearted old man, Fingel, who had been eating sullenly, suddenly put down his bowl and chopsticks, and said in a low voice, "I'm full, go out and get some air!"

For some reason, he suddenly felt that the delicious food on the table was tasteless and a little hard to swallow.Without waiting for everyone's reaction, he got up and left silently. His originally strong figure was very funny under the shoulders and back, and his back was full of loneliness.

Look at that man, he looks like a dog!
 Lord Grim in the single dance hall, recalling his youth in fresh clothes and angry horses!It is Zhang Quan's regret.

  Look at that man, he looks like a dog!It was Fingal's hidden sorrow.

  Please read it first, I have to pass my own level in the quality of Dragon Race, this second volume paves the way for an original world view, with various easter eggs, it is absolutely beautiful, please recommend and support for collection and investment.


(End of this chapter)

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