The Dragon Clan: Filling the Pit Lu Mingfei

Chapter 52: The First Appearance of the Mysterious Manor "Please follow up, please pull the las

Chapter 52: The First Appearance of the Mysterious Manor "Please follow up, please pull the last page first!"I want to test the water push, thank you"

Seeing Finger's leaving back, Lu Mingfei's eyes darkened. He probably guessed the reason, so he didn't stop him.Brother Waste Chai may have thought of his girlfriend EVA, what he needs now, drowning in grief, is not comfort, but solitude.

"Let Brother Waste Chai go for a walk to digest food by himself! Anyway, he's not on a mission right now." Lu Mingfei hid it from everyone, and then changed the topic to the mission.

"Let's get down to business, Senior Brother Zhang Quan, can you tell us the specific information about the Conferred Gods Association?" Lu Mingfei's voice was calm, but his eyes were as sharp as swords and swords.After all, he and the Fengshenhui are "old enemies"!

"Speaking of which, I also discovered this organization by mistake." Zhang Quan looked serious when he mentioned the task. "In recent months, I have noticed that the mixed-race underground in Moscow seems to have completely disappeared."

"Norma observed through monitoring that they were leaving Moscow and heading to all over the world. At first we didn't know their purpose, but we just made a record. It wasn't until after the case of the artist in Chicago that Norma discovered the possible source of the incident through data comparison. it's here."

"We arrested a member of the mixed-race black forces, and the result was easily obtained through interrogation. The manipulator behind them is the Fengshenhui. They are very arrogant, and they don't seem to want to hide their identities. There should be something unknown means of self-confidence.”

"However, we have already found out the hiding place of the Conferred Gods Association, which is in an underground fortress in the Siberian Ice Field. After the news was passed to Teacher Anger, he said that he would send an elite team to deal with it, so we should not act rashly."

"Now that you are here, let's take the time to investigate!" Zhang Quan said with some excitement.

"Okay, I can't wait!" Lu Mingfei clenched his fists and clapped his hands in agreement, and then asked suddenly, "But, Senior Brother Zhang Quan, who will take care of your wife these days!"

"Oh, haha. I've already made arrangements for this. In the past few days, I will trouble a few friends in the executive department to take care of it first. After all, according to Teacher Anger's words, in order to avoid making trouble, we only need to send out the elite team. I trust you It's like trusting my jackknife.

So, I am really looking forward to cooperating with you brothers and sisters..."

In the Siberian Ice Field, in a red pine forest.Zhang Quan trekked along with Lu Mingfei, who was fully armed.When he vaguely saw the outline of a manor hidden in the woods, Zhang Quan signaled everyone to stop.

"According to Norma's positioning of the information obtained, this is here. Let's see how prepared we are, and then think about how to break through." Zhang Quan scanned the crowd and said rigorously and seriously.

"Then, it's up to you, Boss, do you specialize in surgery?" Lu Mingfei shrugged. He had full trust in Caesar when it came to obtaining information.

"No problem, leave it to me!" Caesar showed a bright smile full of confidence, his golden pupils lit up, and Yanling Kamaitachi activated:
In an instant, countless invisible wind demons swept out, flying silently like dancing elves, clearly displaying the manor's information in Caesar's mind like a 3D map back and forth.

"It's strange, the defense around the manor is not tight, only six people are patrolling in rotation. There is no one in the manor house, but there seems to be a problem with its underground. For some reason, my weasels don't seem to want to go in."

"That means that the headquarters of the Conferred Gods Association should be hidden in an underground building. Let's deal with the six patrols at the gate first, and the eight of us will go up together, so it's easy." Lu Mingfei looked serious, "Listen to my countdown, three, two, One, go!"

In an instant, the eight people who were ready to go rushed out like cheetahs, and their movements were as quick as electricity while the dragon's blood was rushing.Doing mental calculations without intention, five of them were directly knocked out by Lu Mingfei and others.

Zhang Quansui failed to knock down the remaining patrol captain, but with the help of Xia Mi's last knife, he didn't cause any waves.

"I'm getting old! I haven't carried out the raid mission for too long, and I can't keep up with my hands and feet. It's really embarrassing for Teacher Anger." Zhang Quan scratched his gray hair, looking emotional and a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, senior brother Zhang Quan, you're just a little rusty, and we can help you. Let's go in quickly, the most urgent thing is to investigate the Conferred Gods Association."

As Lu Mingfei said, he took the lead and walked into the manor. He was very excited at the thought that he would soon find out the fox tail of the "Fengshenhui".Seeing this, everyone hurried forward side by side.

In the main hall of the mysterious manor.Everyone followed Caesar to the place where the weasel had lingered before.Caesar pointed to his feet, indicating that it was here, and then shrugged to express his helplessness.

Chu Zihang's eyes were cold and hard, and he was about to use Yanling·Junyan when he took a step forward.It was seen that he was trying to do it, and Min Shibo hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't, don't, Senior Brother Chu. Don't be so reckless, you always rest, and you can start when you can do it. Professor Guderian has given me the key to break the door specially prepared by the principal."

I saw Min Shibo took out a small glass bottle from his arms, and poured out a drop of red blood in the place where Caesar pointed.

Immediately, he turned on the phone and played the pre-recorded Long Wen sound of the key singing the words of the spirit.As a result, the floor was silently and slowly cracked under the surprised eyes of everyone, revealing the stairs leading to the deep space below.

"Is this okay?" Lu Mingfei asked everyone's doubts.

"Oh, the principal said that the power of Yanling Key is also hidden in the blood. Under the guidance of Longwen, it should be able to play a role." Min Shibo pretended to be innocent, but his tone was pretending It's like showing off.

The price of climbing up the steps is...ah no, it's a play.Picking up the stairs and descending, everyone walked into the darkness.I don't know how far I have gone, and suddenly the front is bright.

This is a channel that is polished like a mirror on all sides. The reflections of everyone are reflected and folded, presenting a bizarre world.Girls should be lucky to wear combat uniforms instead of skirts, otherwise 100% will experience the risk of being exposed.

Just when everyone was wondering about this passage, a sinister and cunning voice sounded triumphant.

"Friends, welcome to the banquet prepared by the Conferred Gods Association, especially Mr. Lu Mingfei. Although we have never met directly, we are old friends. I wish you all a good time, hahahaha!"

Lu Mingfei's eyes were cold, and he guessed the identity of the voice.If it's correct, it should be the A-level fugitive who said his spirit was tied to the blood line!

"Oh, that's right! I also have to thank my friend Zhang Quan for sending us such a perfect experimental product, a collection! It's simply a surprise, hahahaha..."

 Please read it first, I have to pass my own level in the quality of Dragon Race, this second volume paves the way for an original world view, with various easter eggs, it is absolutely beautiful, please recommend and support for collection and investment.


(End of this chapter)

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