Chapter 68

Created a new QQ reader group, you can go in and discuss (criticize, remind, scold the author) Group name: "Guide to Cooking and Moving Away with Aloe Vera": 814474305
Reader "All Dependent Origins Become Empty" said: Author, you wrote a piece of shit in the second volume, overthrow it and start over, it's nothing compared to the first volume\_(ツ)_/
The author "Origin is all empty" said: If it is good, it will be changed immediately

Thoughts: Recently, I felt that after the second volume was opened, Kawenka felt uncomfortable, without the joy and coding speed of the first volume.Think too much, but the taste is wrong when you write it down.I'm still on the recommended position recently, so I shouldn't have acted rashly.But I am really dissatisfied with the quality.So get ready for a change.

The first point is that Brother Zhang Quan's character creation is not complete and full.I have been thinking about this person setting for a long time.As a result, I felt that after the solo dance, the taste was not right, and it could be said to be anticlimactic.It's a waste of time and it's not impressive, so be prepared to polish it up.

Also, the rhythm of the plot is not well controlled, the taste is wrong, the taste is wrong, the taste is wrong! ! !
Crumb author I'm writing a book for the first time, so maybe it's not very good.I hope everyone can enter the QQ** stream, for me, the three most important things are: quality, quality, or TMD quality!So I hope everyone will support it!
I am trying my best to write about Lu Mingfei, the growth of a teenager, growth and making up for regrets are the themes!

So I want to write the feeling of despair and sadness in the plain and funny, so that people can learn something after reading it.I know it's hard, but I want to do my best!

I will return to the good in the end, the Dragon Clan is enough!There is no need for me to be more tragic. In the end, the smoke will clear up and everything will return to a plain and beautiful life without lacking in small fortunes.

This will be the growth of bad children, and also the growth of all teenagers! ! !So what I write is still about growth, nonsense and funny jokes.It is enough to intersperse the suspense and blood of the plot.

So I hope you like it and give it a lot of support.Give me a little more motivation and confidence to insist on ensuring quality completion.

Unexpectedly, minors should not smoke, uncle... Brother, brother, I am not your brother (Dad is strange and betrayed Deadpool, the source denies
If life is as short as the bubbles in Coke, then how can it be considered as living? I am your father. Destroyed the branch in Tokyo overnight, the sky is clear, the S rank is high, and the focus is on growth

Sweat mixed with tears from the brave man in the Cowherd Shop
In fact, I don't like smoking, because it will not live long.The man grinned, but couldn't make a smile. He lit the cigarette with trembling hands, turned his back, and exhaled the smoke (a metaphor for the man disappearing like the exhaled smoke can be added later), and then he walked step by step into the darkness. Go, leaving only the dots of fire and the sound of cold wind blowing the windbreaker in the night.After a while, explosion, deafness, God said there must be light
Jiajia, (Meano Ruojia) give me a smile next time we meet

Greeted shyly when meeting each other, the incompetent A-level finally happily rescued the mother and daughter

Good morning!Miss Jiajia.Don't cry, it's dawn, you're saved. *28.9 Live like a middle-aged man, lifeless, like an uncle's social animal dream, there is no difference between salted fish

In fact, my dream is to be a little policeman and help the neighbors, but it is impossible

"Then... can you get a lighter sentence if you confess and report the accomplice first?" Lu Mingfei asked. "But we are your accomplices," said Caesar. "Isn't it a little too frank for you to ask us?"

Sevenfold Sorrow of Pluto

Thinking of you coming, I've been
The Sorrows of Young Werther You Are Like a Cloud in the Sky
Don't write directly about horror itself, the unknown is the greatest horror

A young girl stands in the busy traffic and neon lights, wearing a priestess costume, with a bewildered expression that reveals her nostalgia and longing for the world.

The girl's rosy hair is sprinkled with sunset and twilight, her plain white face is distressing, her almond eyes are round, her nose is slightly raised, her lips are red with cherry blossoms, and there is a part of orange in the middle of the sunset and two parts of the twilight. .Standing under the street lamp, staring blankly at the sky, the rosy red in his eyes was like falling cherry blossoms that couldn't be saved. "What are you looking at?" Lu Mingfei asked softly with a trembling voice, his tone was extremely soft, as if he was afraid that his exhaled breath would be too loud and shatter this beautiful phantom, just like shattering soap bubbles reflecting colorful dreams in the sun . "Watching the sunset! Erika is watching "The Little Prince" recently!" The girl raised her delicate face, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, as if she was waiting for a compliment.But then she frowned slightly, and said in confusion, "Eriyi doesn't understand why sad people fall in love with sunsets, and Eriyi doesn't see the sadness of sunsets!" Waiting for you to travel around the world, fall in love After entering this world, everything will be understood.

Every adult was once a child, but few people remember it when they grow up.

Come to my tombstone to see me on a snowy day. Let’s find someone to marry.
Yerin, when I said that I hope you make more friends, I don’t mean that you should play with those people or them more.I just want you to be happier.I heard that you usually play a lot with people in the dormitory at school, and you rarely have contact with boys.That's why I said I hope you can get in touch with everyone more.The real purpose is to make you happier, and it’s just a questioning tone. Of course, I will support you no matter what opinion you have. To be honest, other people are really not as important as you in my heart. I am definitely toward you, so I am not To convince you, I just want to make a suggestion to make you happy, so that you feel that there is no reference.Sometimes I really don’t mean to argue with you. I really just want to comfort you or make a suggestion that I don’t know if it’s feasible. I just want to help you share and make you happy.

Yilin, do you know that persistence is actually a very difficult thing, but liking you is precisely the thing I have persisted the longest.

And the outside world is not without any pressure.To be honest, I am actually a sensitive person, but I have already learned how to live carelessly.

But when I hear the evaluation of me from the outside world, like what kind of spare tire, dog licking, do you deserve it, I will also be sad, but I always prevaricate it in a joking way.

Because I know you are worthy of my love.Because you can give me affirmation when the outside world gives me negation.

In this way, the negation of the outside world seems dispensable to me.I don't care, because I know your gentleness and I like your kindness, so I don't regret it.

But I also get hurt.Some people say that the person you love knows how I moon shadow hovers in the treetops, neither high nor low, you stand in my heart, neither come nor go
It's nothing but a big dream, it's nothing but futility, it's just four years of time, it's just flowers blooming and fading; there's nothing to keep in mind
There are many ways to be happy, the easiest way is to miss you, the most direct way is to hug you
Flicking the sword and blowing the cherry blossoms, retracting the sheath, the heart lake is flat

Although I don't know too much about the world, but I have my own right and wrong in my heart, neither you are wrong nor I am wrong, what is wrong is secular prejudice
I am the free and lonely wind, after blowing, I neither miss nor stay
Literature, what is literature, literature is~
Memory is like a cassette tape, there is only chaos leading to the past, leaving only one path to the future

politics that can be erased
Loneliness is like wine, when you drink with a group of people, when you are drunk, you are alone

In a city full of steel and concrete, I long to breathe. I don’t know if I’m looking for the wind or the breath of freedom. I prefer electric cars. It’s like sitting on a sofa and traveling the world, holding an ice-cola in my left hand and holding on to the right hand. The colder the night, the more I feel. A gentleman who can feel the nature is as humble as water, as gentle as jade, and can make people feel like a spring breeze with every gesture

Secret love is one person's war, and everything in the end is just a lonely one. Looking back thousands of times, I just look forward to her looking back

Earthquake evacuation, landslides, men and women falling vertically to shop
In fact, I don't like smoking, because it will not live long.The man grinned, but couldn't make a smile. He lit the cigarette with trembling hands, turned his back, and exhaled the smoke (a metaphor for the man disappearing like the exhaled smoke can be added later), and then he walked step by step into the darkness. Go, leaving only the dots of fire and the sound of cold wind blowing the windbreaker in the night.After a while, explosion, deafness, God said there must be light
Today is my birthday, live to be a hero, die to be a ghost, a rose, a thief, and a thief,
Don't cut the knife for the sake of the knife, there are perfect transitions and transitions, death is just to live forever in people's hearts
Die one's life to go to the country in disaster, regard death as home suddenly.With the ambition of serving the country, how dare you mistake a beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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