Chapter 69 being revised

Created a new QQ reader group, you can go in and discuss (criticize, remind, scold the author) Group name: "Guide to Cooking and Moving Away with Aloe Vera": 814474305
Reader "All Dependent Origins Become Empty" said: Author, you wrote a piece of shit in the second volume, overthrow it and start over, it's nothing compared to the first volume\_(ツ)_/
The author "Origin is all empty" said: If it is good, it will be changed immediately

Thoughts: Recently, I felt that after the second volume was opened, Kawenka felt uncomfortable, without the joy and coding speed of the first volume.Think too much, but the taste is wrong when you write it down.I'm still on the recommended position recently, so I shouldn't have acted rashly.But I am really dissatisfied with the quality.So get ready for a change.

The first point is that Brother Zhang Quan's character creation is not complete and full.I have been thinking about this person setting for a long time.As a result, I felt that after the solo dance, the taste was not right, and it could be said to be anticlimactic.It's a waste of time and it's not impressive, so be prepared to polish it up.

Also, the rhythm of the plot is not well controlled, the taste is wrong, the taste is wrong, the taste is wrong! ! !
Crumb author I'm writing a book for the first time, so maybe it's not very good.I hope everyone can enter the QQ** stream, for me, the three most important things are: quality, quality, or TMD quality!So I hope everyone will support it!
I am trying my best to write about Lu Mingfei, the growth of a teenager, growth and making up for regrets are the themes!

So I want to write the feeling of despair and sadness in the plain and funny, so that people can learn something after reading it.I know it's hard, but I want to do my best!

I will return to the good in the end, the Dragon Clan is enough!There is no need for me to be more tragic. In the end, the smoke will clear up and everything will return to a plain and beautiful life without lacking in small fortunes.

This will be the growth of bad children, and also the growth of all teenagers! ! !So what I write is still about growth, nonsense and funny jokes.It is enough to intersperse the suspense and blood of the plot.

So I hope you like it and give it a lot of support.Give me a little more motivation and confidence to insist on ensuring quality completion.

Don't care too much about what other people think.But for you, I can't be calm.I will try my best to maintain my image in front of you, I will be embarrassed, at a loss, and inexplicably worry about gains and losses.

I admit that I am inferior in front of you.I felt like I was walking in the cold winter wearing a dilapidated overcoat, desperately wrapping it tightly but leaking everywhere, embarrassed and embarrassed, trying my best to cover up but at a loss.Zhao Ziqi said that you are a person who is afraid and insecure, but I am actually more afraid and insecure.Fear of not being good enough for you, fear of not being able to give you the sense of security you want.But I will promise that I will do my best to protect and warm you.

If you ask me do I like you.I would say: of course.Yerin, I like you, I love you.but you know what?I am like a person who has lived in darkness for a long time and suddenly sees light, eager to get close but afraid to get close.Like too deeply and be afraid of abrupt beauty.I put a lot of pressure on myself, so I chose to escape in high school, and that has become the thing I regret most in my life.In fact, when I choose to repeat, you are my biggest motivation.But good luck tricks people, I was really desperate and wanted to give up.The feeling can only drift away from you.But now, I don't want to let myself have nothing but regrets.I will try to adjust myself.Let me better unfold myself to warm you and tolerate you.Close to you step by step until I hold you in my arms.

Sometimes, I really want to shout: Yilin, I like you!I love you!I really want to put my arms around you and announce to everyone: Yilin is the person I like, and none of you can take it away.In these years, you are the number in all my passwords; you are the most important person in my secret life; you are the joy hidden in my young heart; you are the one who I want to take with me for the rest of my life; It is the beautiful woman I want to protect forever; it is my firewood, rice, oil and salt, my poetry and the distance. . .

Yilin, I don't know if you noticed it or not.In the past two days, our chats have become less and less interesting.The relaxed and happy feeling at the beginning is gone.To be honest, I'm actually very irritable these days.So, I feel like we have a problem getting along.Maybe you are busy and it does play a role.But in order for us to get along better in the future, I have to reflect on it.This inability to meet face-to-face really has a big impact. There is no way to express love with actions, and chatting on WeChat feels cold.And I feel that you don't like to say what you feel or feel.Your character feels like I can't take a joke with you.But I quite like your character, but I don't know how to get along with you.I think it's good to be plain, but I'm always afraid that I don't know how you feel.Two people who don't like to express their emotions really only feel uncomfortable but just don't say it.I'm afraid that if you think I've done something wrong, you won't say anything.This can cause problems.We were in high school for this very reason.I really don't have much experience in dating, that's really my problem, hahaha.But of course I want to get closer to you step by step.I'm afraid that if I take one step too far, I'll pass it.Communication, lack of communication is the biggest obstacle.I don't know if you're willing to open up and let me know.But I think you must be willing.But if no one takes the initiative, there will definitely be problems.So I want to be this active person.Because it’s really impossible not to talk to others.So I have to be shameless, don't be annoyed by then hahaha.I'm looking for something interesting to share with you.Trying to make you happy.Share with you when you are busy and bored.You have to know that I always have a warm embrace open for you.I hope you will also generously share interesting things around you with me.Talk to me about anything you want.I like what you like.We chased stars together, complained about those weird people and things together, caled together, had fun together, and warmed each other together.Participate in each other's lives together, and support and move forward in the world together.Not only must there be firewood, rice, oil and salt, but also romance.Although I can't bend down to tie up your scattered shoelaces, I can't pull you into my arms and hold you when you are wronged, I can't help you carry your bag to see your cute bouncing back, I can't buy your love The food is stuffed into your hands, so I can't go shopping with you.But my heart will always be with you.It will always miss you, will be happy for your happiness, and sad for your sadness.I will bring you a small surprise gift, listen patiently to all your words, write your own love poems for you, and tell you the most beautiful love words.I will miss you, miss you, miss you, love you, be close to you, warm you, and accompany you all my life.When the holiday is over, I will take you to the movies and hold your hand quietly in the darkness reflected on the screen.I want to go shopping with you, you are responsible for bouncing forward, and I will carry something to accompany you.I will accompany you to the amusement park, seeing your happy smile is the greatest happiness in my life.I will protect you tightly in the haunted house, so that those ghosts will not have any chance to scare my baby.I will, I will know a lot, waiting for you to share it with you alone.Shh, don't let them discover the most precious treasure in my life, so that none of them can take it away.I will protect you tightly, um, even thinking about it, I feel unparalleled happiness.It's good to have you, it's good to have you.

.Fiction Inspiration 6
You don't have to grow into a rose, if you want, you can be a jasmine, a daisy, a nameless flower, thousands of thousands.

(Dad Strangers betrayed Deadpool, source denies
If life is as short as the bubbles in a Coke, then how is it ever lived?
"Then... can you get a lighter sentence if you confess and report the accomplice first?" Lu Mingfei asked. "But we are your accomplices," said Caesar. "Isn't it a little too frank for you to ask us?"

Sevenfold Sorrow of Pluto

The Sorrows of Young Werther You Are Like a Cloud in the Sky
Can't save the S-class, human nature

The secrets of the world are like stars in the sky.Traitor Zhang Quan, Odin's past (misleading) is too perfect.That 1000 years.Mom, Dad controls.A humble thing dares to be called a god.

During the criticism meeting, the principal went into a rage.God's secret.For the sake of profit, he refused to save Lu Mingfei.

Herzog, the mouse in the maze.Alpha: Plan ahead, it doesn't matter if Caesar is abolished, we have a more perfect child of him, Guerweger
The Cooking, Move Away Guide with Aloe Vera

Those souls of the old times should all be swept into the grave of history.crucify their coffin lids

Infinite loop must boss love?Chu Zihang?

I can forgive your absurdity, the absurdity is that I can't forget you go forget me
Don't just write about love, family, brotherhood, "Mother"

A mob criticizes heroes
My name is Lu Mingfei, an ordinary person.If you keep persecuting me, I don't mind being a godslayer.Because, I am a person who occasionally goes crazy.

Look for Lu Mingfei.Indulge in illusion.

Because Chu Zihang was saving Xia Mi himself, it was actually Xia Mi who was saving him.Reincarnation, time limit, in order to make Xia Mi believe in him wholeheartedly.Go to the aquarium again

Brother Zhang Quan, the love of fireflies.must be fuller

Drawing you can't draw your bones.The old man weaves bamboo dragonflies.Fang Siqi's secret.Little girl's teacher.Teacher, aren't you a teacher by example, don't you like to generalize the truth?
Lu Xun's criticism,
Don't call me God King.How can a boat be carried without water, and how can a king be called a king without a people.Sadness is overwhelming.

My dream now is to graduate from university in a few years, to be able to have more choices like other authors, to have the confidence to say that the income from writing novels is not bad, and to find a job can at least find a place to relax, and don’t let others say, write novels what's the use


(End of this chapter)

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