I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 3 Dare to kill Zhang 3, seek death!

Chapter 3 Dare to kill Zhang San, seek death!
[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task.

Obtain reward: "Tao Sutra"]

Instead of looking at the Fire Seed Lotus in his hand, Li Beimu turned to look inward, looking at Qihai in Dantian.

I saw that the sea of ​​qi, which was originally full of vitality, has become empty at this moment. The only difference is that there is an extra golden page suspended above the sea of ​​qi, constantly exuding the breath of the ancient prehistoric.

This is the legendary "Tao Jing"?
The wicked "Tao Jing" that Ye Tiandi has complained about?
Li Beimu didn't know why, so he tried to practice the exercises according to the illustration on the gold page.But in an instant, the originally thin and free vitality in the magma pool seemed to have found a pouring port, rushing towards his body.

between breaths.

It seems that this magma pool is a few inches shorter.

After trying the beauty of the "Tao Jing", he didn't continue, and turned his eyes to the rock pool.

There are always some miscellaneous fish, thinking that they are great, jumping around.

This kind of person, no matter which world there is, is very annoying.

"What, Rakshasa girl, could it be that you hired someone to besiege this fire dragon?" A man with a leopard head looked at Cang'er's graceful body from a distance, and said with a contemptuous smile.

"That's right, looking at your unscathed appearance, you can't be the one who used your body to recruit? Haha, come on, tell me, did you recruit the golden lion or the old turtle?" A short and strong man next to him The middle-aged man laughed.

Available in the next second.

However, his body flew out like a cannonball, and before he could even scream, he disappeared.

And the one who stood there had turned into a handsome human boy in black.

Her long hair fluttered, and her body was spotless. Standing there, she seemed to be a scene of her own.

"who are you?"

An eagle demon snapped.

Li Beimu ignored it, and glanced around. A total of five Shaking Light Realms came, all of whom were desperate people whose names he could only look up to.

But at this moment...

"The treasures of Huo Jiao are all in my hands." As he spoke, he raised the storage bag in his hand.

"It was you who did it just now?"

The leopard demon who spoke earlier asked in confusion.

Li Beimu ignored him, but turned to look at Cang'er.

The latter noticed his gaze, and couldn't help taking a few steps back, the fear in his eyes was beyond words.

And this moment.

Those who came to prepare to fight the autumn wind all understood that the cultivator who was emitting a shocking vision and directly killed the Huo Jiao was the small but extremely handsome human race in front of him. juvenile.

How could they be able to deal with such an unscathed cultivator who was able to easily kill a Huojiao in the late stage of Fluctuation?

Just for a moment, the remaining five Fluctuating Light Realm wanted to leave.

He is greedy for life and afraid of death, seeing good things is like a cat smelling fishy, ​​but once something happens, he avoids it.

It is the characteristic of people like them!

Aware of their thoughts, Li Beimu smiled and said: "Meeting is fate, next Zhang San, newcomer, shouldn't seniors give some greetings?"

"What gift?" The Leopard Demon asked again.

Li Beimu was too lazy to play riddles, and spread his hands, "500 high-grade primordial stones per person, the same price!"

"I can't find death!"

"How dare you ask us for primordial stones!"

"kill him!"

All of a sudden, the Shaking Light Realm were all furious. They originally wanted to make some money, but now they didn't get any benefits, and they had to spit out 500 high-grade primordial stones by themselves. Who could bear it?

It's okay if it's outside.

But now that he has been in this hopeless ancient realm for a few years, the primordial stones on his body have already been exhausted.

The 500 yuan stones are already almost most of their net worth, how can they give it away so easily?
Li Beimu didn't bother to speak, a coercion that belonged exclusively to the ancient holy body radiated directly, enveloping several big monsters.

In an instant, the few of them were sober enough to know the soft-looking young man in front of them.

But it can punch and kill the existence of fluctlight in the later stage.

"I give!"

The Leopard Demon was the first to let go.

After speaking, he took out a storage bag and threw it at Li Beimu.

The latter glanced at him with his spiritual sense, and after realizing it was correct, he let go of the coercion directly, "Okay, let's go!"

The leopard demon took a deep look at Li Beimu, didn't say much, turned around and headed down the mountain.

The remaining four big monsters cursed one after another.

"Baofu you coward!"

"You're a shit!"

"Monster scum!"

Looking at the few remaining monsters, Li Beimu stopped talking nonsense, and with a renewed fighting spirit, he smiled and said, "It seems that you don't want to pay for this life?"

"Kill! The four of us will not be able to kill one of him!"

Saying that, the eagle demon turned into its own body, spread its wings, and rushed towards him.

But what Li Beimu didn't expect was that Cang'er, who had been hiding far behind, took out his daggers and shouted: "If you dare to kill Zhang San, you will die!"

After speaking, he rushed directly into Li Beimu's coercive range, crossed his daggers, and took the attack of the eagle demon.

Li Beimu suddenly wanted to laugh.

But I also think that Cang Er is a smart person, oh no, a smart catwoman.

At least know the current affairs!
This kind of person lives a long time.

But these few monsters in front of them... Li Beimu punched fiercely, without any rules, but relying on the dominance of the ancient sacred body, he was completely fearless!
The attacks of several monster clans landed on him, and although they could still cause wounds, they usually healed on their own within a short time.

But the fist he landed on Yaozu's body was like the sky!
Any random punch would make him fall backwards, spitting out blood.

This is when the vision has not yet been released, but if it is really going to be released, none of these monsters in the mid-fluctlight stage is an all-in-one enemy!
And the reason why he chose this way of fighting.

It's nothing more than wanting to hone his own fighting skills and get acquainted with this ancient holy body by the way.

The two sides fought for about a cup of tea on the top of the smoky volcano, and the monsters became more and more aware of Li Beimu's horror, and they all begged for mercy.

But how could Li Beimu let it go?

He obviously gave them a chance.

But they are useless themselves!
If he had given the money honestly like that rich man, he would have run away early.

Now that this is their own choice, they have to bear the consequences themselves.

As a monster who was involved in the ancient realm of despair, he should have such an awareness.

Naturally, there were other big monsters watching from a distance, but after sensing the movement above, they all avoided snakes and scorpions.

They are good at seeking benefits, and they are good at bullying the less, but they really have to fight with their lives.

It's all about running as far as you can.

half an hour.

Looking at the monsters lying on the ground, dead and dying, the golden light on Li Beimu's body was faint, and he was panting endlessly.

And not far away from him, there was a woman from the cat clan who was panting more violently, leaning on the body of the eagle demon.

Notice his gaze.

Cang Er couldn't help shrinking back, even the two cat ears on his head softened and stuck to his head, he said fearfully, "I...do I have to pay the primordial stone too?"

Li Beimu frowned.

The former became more and more afraid, "I'll give it, I'll give it, I'll give it 1000 yuan stones."

 Newcomers and new books, please collect and recommend tickets, big thighs~

(End of this chapter)

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