I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 4 Carnival of the Desperate

Chapter 4 Carnival of the Desperate
"It's quite rich."

After Li Beimu finished speaking, he put away the storage bags of the few of them, and then sat there, looking at the system layout.

Seeing that he had no intention of taking revenge on him, Cang Er didn't dare to run away, took out a handful of primordial stones, and recovered his vitality.

[Promotion progress of the Ancient Eucharist: 0.32%]

Under the character attributes, there is a sudden progress bar.

This only appeared after Li Beimu ate the fire lotus at the bottom of the magma pool.

As the Shrouding Party, he soon understood what was going on.Mostly, you need to collect the treasures of heaven, material and earth by yourself, so that they can be devoured and refined by the ancient holy body before they can be upgraded.


Li Beimu shouted.

Cang'er, who was holding a primordial stone, shook his hand and looked at him fearfully, even with tears in his eyes, "Then...then I'll give it to you, why not?"

After speaking, he carefully handed the half-absorbed primeval stone to Li Beimu.

Li Beimu: "..."

What about Rakshasa and Gao Leng?

How come after seeing her own strength, it's like a completely different person... Does this catwoman have any hidden attributes?
Don't dare to think. Don't dare to think.

"Who wants your spirit stone? If you have any natural treasures, give me some." Li Beimu said bluntly.

As for why he didn't go through the few storage bags he just got... It's also very clear, after all, it's his own.

But Cang'er's is different, it's not my own.

Even if you really have to guess wrong and waste it, it's not yours, so don't feel bad.

"Yes, yes." Cang Er quickly took out a humanoid blood ginseng from the storage bag.

"This is a millennium..."

Before she could finish speaking, Li Beimu took it and swallowed it in a few mouthfuls.

Then it turned into a wave of blood and dissipated everywhere in the body.

The progress bar on the system panel also changed from 0.32% to 0.53%.


After finding the promotion method of this ancient holy body, Li Beimu also put an end to his worries.

Then he started to take out a lot of primeval stones, put them by his side, run the "Tao Jing", and absorbed them.

Seeing such a scene, Cang'er, who was not far away, also swallowed in fear.

If I knew this earlier, why would I provoke this evil spirit!
So much so that now I have set myself up.

Woo woo woo.

With a lot of primordial stones turned into powder, Li Beimu's cultivation finally broke through from the early stage of insight to the middle stage of insight.

"Do you regret it?"

Li Beimu stood up, stretched his waist, and there was a "cracking" sound all over his body, and then looked at Cang Er with a half-smile.

"Later... I regret it."

Cang Er didn't dare to look up at him, she lowered her head, even the cat ears were attached to the top of her head submissively, and said in a low voice.

"Okay, if you know you regret it, you can still save it. You can follow me from now on."

Li Beimu didn't bother to kill again, mainly because this Cang'er also knew current affairs, had good eyesight, a nice voice, a good figure, and probably not bad in looks.

Hmm... The main thing is to have eyesight and know the current affairs, and it doesn't have much to do with looks and body.

After all, I am not that kind of superficial lsp!

Yes, absolutely not!

Hearing this, Cang'er's face, which was covered by the face scarf, flushed, and a trace of sullenness flashed across her face.

But how?
You can't really go to the death party.

One sentence easily convinced herself, and she could only accept her fate.

"Clean up these storage bags and classify everything." Li Beimu said and stuffed all the storage bags he just got to her.

Don't worry about her hiding it for consumption.

If you really want to find out that she is disobedient...then just make her speechless forever.

Now that the fire seed lotus has also been obtained, then the next step is to go...

Li Beimu thought about the nearest treasures of heaven and earth, and also looked for a suitable target.

As for morality, benevolence and righteousness... those who dare to talk about it in the ancient realm of despair have already gone back to practice new accounts.

While honestly looking through the storage bag, Cang Er looked at Li Beimu's side face, and suddenly found that as long as he doesn't kill people and get angry... it doesn't seem so scary, and even a little cute?

bah bah bah!
I was caught by him, how could I still have such an idea?

No one can understand Cang Er's heart, and no one knows her heart. In fact, there are many dramas.

"Let's go to the nearby Wangu Mountain." After Li Beimu figured it out, he said to Cang'er without looking back.


But as soon as Cang Er finished speaking, he was puzzled. Didn't Zhang San mean that he just came in?
Why didn't I feel that he just came in?

He even knew about Ten Thousand Bone Mountain.

Hey, I didn't even go in the wrong direction.

Did he...

An answer gradually took shape in Cang Er's heart.

Li Beimu doesn't care about what is exposed or not at the moment, but he is a little annoyed that the law of forbidden space in the desperate ancient domain can't control the air!

Wherever you go, you have to go on your own.

It seems that I should still catch a flying monster and use it as a means of transportation?
Gan, if I knew it, I wouldn't have killed that eagle demon!

after one day.

The two stood on the endless plain.

"Where is this Ten Thousand Bone Mountain?"

Li Beimu asked doubtfully.

From the memory of the original owner, the Ten Thousand Bone Mountain is clearly here, and he even passed by a few times from afar.

And Cang Er also frowned.

She can also be sure that the Ten Thousand Bone Mountain was originally here, but now... it really doesn't exist.

"It may be the last despair of the desperate, and it has begun."

Cang Er murmured.


It was only two months since Li Beimu came in, and he didn't know many things, so he was a little puzzled when he heard this from Cang'er.

Cang'er said: "This ancient realm of despair recurs every five years, and every fourth year, the 'Last Despair of the Desperate' will begin. It is also called the Carnival of the Desperate."

Li Beimu frowned, this doesn't sound very kind.

"Tell me in detail."

Cang Er didn't dare to hide anything, and said directly: "The last despair of the desperate is that the ancient domain of despair will gradually send the people inside to each forbidden area, let them kill each other or directly kill people in the forbidden area. , will not be re-transmitted until there are only five people left in each forbidden area. And this is also called the preliminary round of the 'Ten Fiends of the Ancient Domain'."

"What's the point of this? People are dying all the time in this ancient realm of despair."

Cang Er just wanted to look at him contemptuously, but then realized the identities of the two of them, and quickly changed into a smiling expression, "There are still too many people, because only thirty people will be able to walk into the ancient city of despair after a year. indivual."


Li Beimu was a little unexpected. It seemed that the original owner was too low in strength and status, and he didn't know many things.

Fortunately, I have awakened the Shading System.

Otherwise, even if I found out, I would have to die!

Li Beimu was just about to ask what was going on in the teleportation forbidden area, but suddenly he saw a bronze door suddenly appeared on the plain behind Cang'er.

The door is one foot high, exuding a faint air-conditioning, as if after opening it, it will be hell.

"The teleportation forbidden area you are talking about, shouldn't it be this?" Li Beimu pointed behind him and said.

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(End of this chapter)

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