I practice covering the sky in the fantasy world

Chapter 53 Tribulation [Chasing, Treasure]

Chapter 53 Tribulation [Chasing, Treasure]

"Fellow daoists, don't worry about me."

Li Beimu smiled, noncommittal.

Compared with the remaining eight monks who were still struggling in despair, he already had a feeling of watching fire from the other side.

"Since Fellow Daoist Zhang is unwilling, we can talk about it separately." Taoist Letian continued: "Which fellow Daoist is willing to form an alliance with Pindao?"

At the same time, the voice of this Taoist sounded from the depths of Li Bei Muxin Lake, "Zhang Daoyou, do you think that the leader of the desperate can really go out?"

Li Beimu had long been immune to Bai Xiaosheng's words, and even smiled lightly and replied via voice transmission: "Listen to the Taoist priest's advice."

"This Pluto Palace was originally the immortal soldier of a great emperor."

"Is the Great Emperor still called Pluto?" Li Beimu asked with a smile.

"No, no, fellow daoist, I misunderstood. How can we call the emperor by the name of the dust?" Taoist Le Tian said to Li Beimu, while dealing with the questions of several people around him.


Except Yuanhuo who joined at the beginning, Huang Jiao, the Golden Lion Brothers and Zhao Wanqing all joined his alliance.

As for the other side, it was still Youquan and Li Youhan.

Only the woman in green, Li Miaomiao, was left on the scene.

"Zhang Daoyou, I wonder if I can go with you as a concubine?" Li Miaomiao stepped on it with crystal clear bare feet, and as she moved, a large piece of snow was still exposed from the depths of the green clothes.

"Little Lang Hoof!"

Cang'er's voice of hatred resounded in the depths of Li Bei's Muxin Lake.

The latter was slightly startled, turned his head and glanced at her, but couldn't see that this kitten was very jealous.

"We have different paths."

Li Beimu said something expressionless.

Li Miaomiao didn't seem to expect that he would be so direct, and then smiled awkwardly, and then calmly glanced at Cang'er who was holding his arms tightly to his chest, and said: "Friend Daoist Zhang beat you very hard last time. Great."

As soon as these words came out, Li Beimu could clearly feel the tightness of the two little hands holding his right hand.

green tea whore~
Li Beimu didn't want to worry about it anymore, he just stood where he was, and continued the sound transmission with Taoist Letian silently.


Li Youhan and Youquan looked at each other, and they both rushed towards the direction of the flashing green light.

As soon as they left, Yuanhuo wanted to follow.

"Don't worry, they won't get any benefits." Letian Taoist said leisurely.

Sure enough, as if responding to him, as soon as the words fell, there was a roar from the direction where the two retreated, and then one could see the vitality surging.

And Li Beimu is still communicating with this "omniscient" Letian Taoist.

He still understands the principle of sharpening a knife without cutting firewood by mistake.

As for the [-]% chance of getting out alive... It's going out alive and intact.

But it took a lot of effort to cultivate his body and body, and if he went out without arms or legs, he was also going out.

In this ancient city of despair, the only one who can believe is himself, just like the sound transmission of the Taoist priest in front of him.

"Okay, that's all Pindao knows."

"Thank you, Daoist. If I can get out alive, I will definitely come to your holy land to thank you." Li Beimu also cupped his hands away.

It can be regarded as "continuing the frontier". If the agreed cooperation in the ancient city of despair is not successful, then let this cooperation be left in this palace of Hades.

"Let's go too!"

Taoist Letian greeted him, and walked towards the direction of the flashing green light ten meters at a step, followed by the rest of the monsters.

So the only ones left were Li Beimu and Cang'er.

Different from them, Li Beimu and the two broke into nothingness along another direction.

After all, from the very beginning, they had a route for the Hades Palace in their minds.

And after they're all gone.

There was a humanoid creature covered in blood-colored scales, several meters high, like a straight lizard, falling from the mist above the hall.

He glanced left and right, and finally followed the direction that Taoist Le Tian left.


Li Beimu and the two walked to the blood column in the southeast, and let it make a few handprints, and soon, a door was opened from it.

The two stepped in one after another, and they entered a long and narrow corridor, with no way behind them, and on the stone walls on both sides in front of them, there were many murals drawn with blood.

"Zhang San, do you think we can really get out alive?" Cang'er asked suddenly, with obvious depression in his tone.

In fact, it's not just her.

The rest of the audience, including Li Beimu, felt a little powerless at the mercy of others.

From the ancient domain of despair at the beginning, to the top ten forbidden areas later.

After coming out of the forbidden area, he entered the ancient city of despair again, feeling deeper despair.

After the ancient city, there is still a battle to determine the last ten desperate and the leader of the desperate.

After that, he had to go through the Hades Palace before he could go out.

A heavy set of despair.

There seems to be no end.

"Trust me, you can get out."

"Okay, Zhang San, go out... After you go out, you will come to me, okay?" Cang Er seemed to be thinking for a long time, and there was firmness in his big moist eyes.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come." Li Beimu reached out and rubbed her little head, "But don't let me come when the time comes, but you run away with other wild men."

"Bah!" Cang'er finally mobilized his emotions, but was broken by Li Beimu's words.

"Shh, don't talk."

Cang'er was about to complain a few words, but Li Beimu's voice sounded from the heart lake.

After the latter fell silent, his consciousness scattered away.

However, it was discovered that as soon as the spiritual consciousness touched the cave wall, it disappeared without a trace, and could only explore along the road ahead.

The front is empty.

"What... what's wrong?" Cang Er was also taken aback by him for a while, his consciousness was gone, but nothing happened.

"Just now, didn't you hear anything?"

"What's the sound... don't scare me."

"Listen, there's a woman crying." Li Beimu held his breath, and then a vague cry drifted into Cang'er's mind.

In an instant.

Her eyes became blurred and became empty and lifeless.


Li Beimu sneered, releasing a bit of killing intent, covering the airspace, blocking the crying, and Cang'er returned to normal.

"Just now……"

She also sensed something was wrong with her.

Li Beimu's eyes were shining with golden light, and he looked at the murals on the cave walls on both sides.

"Look at this mural."


Cang Er followed and looked, and soon stopped talking, both of them were attracted by the content of the mural.

And the content on this mural also contains a lot.

It is about the ancient times, when all races came together.

At that time, the human race was also a big clan, ruling the ten regions of Kyushu, and the protagonist in this painting was from Yangzhou, one of Kyushu.

The two protagonists in the painting are a girl and a child.

The two are said to be siblings, but judging from the initial content in the painting, they are not related by blood.

Although there is no blood relationship, the relationship between the two has already surpassed that of blood relatives.

Besides, both of them are orphans, and they got together only by chance.

The single name of the girl - "Jie".

(End of this chapter)

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