Chapter 54 Murals
When we first met.

The girl is only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the young boy is only five or six years old. Both of them live in a small and weak human city called "Yancheng".

The lives of the two of them are also maintained by working for small shops outside the home, but most of them also rely on starvation.

Fortunately, the toddler is still quite obedient, and he doesn't make trouble at home on weekdays.

As for the house, it is said to be a house, but in fact it is just a dilapidated Town God's Temple, which was cleaned up by the two of them, and it can barely live in it.

So the siblings spent the most difficult years in this way.

Later, until the young boy grew into a teenager, and reached the age when the girl first saw him.

Once a young man went out and met a passing fairy on the street. The young man was immediately favored, saying that he was worthy of a great emperor.

For the brothers and sisters who were born in poverty, this news is tantamount to reaching the sky in one step.

For them, what news could be more exciting than this?
So the boy was taken away.

The girl stayed in this small town of Yangzhou.

The following content begins to narrate from the perspective of a girl.

I don't know what happened to the young man when he went to Xianmen, but he only knows that every year on the girl's birthday, the young man will come back.

Every time I come back, I will bring a large amount of money and treasures to buy a house and things for the girl's own use.

No longer worrying about food and clothing, the girl became more and more beautiful. After a few years, she even became a famous beauty in Yangzhou.

Fortunately, the young man joined Xianmen, and within a few years, he gained a great reputation in Yangzhou.

So not many people dared to hit this woman's idea.

Boys finally become youths, and girls reach their young age.

They also understand each other's thoughts.

It's just that women don't want to.

The reason is also simple, the boy became a fairy, and his lifespan was tens of thousands of years.

And the girl is still a mortal, but after a hundred years, she is just a piece of loess.

She didn't want to experience such human suffering, nor did she want the young man to be hurt by it.

And when she was 23 years old.

He never came back. At first she thought it was because she didn't want to make the boy angry, but it didn't take long for him to heal.


In just a few days, news came from the fairy gate where the young man was, saying that the young man died at the hands of a cultivator from another sect while he was out fighting.

The corpses and souls are ashes.

On the day when the news came, the woman didn't sleep any more, she just sat in front of his spiritual throne for a whole night.

Gray hair overnight.

Day two.

Kalpa comes out from the mausoleum, stepping on the void, one step to shake the light, two steps to Nirvana, and three steps is the saint's exit.

From then on, Xuanming descended from the robbery.

She first buried the sect that killed the young man with one sword, and then turned around, and even the immortal sect where the young man was was destroyed by his sword.

To her, the reason why the young man died was because he coaxed him into the fairy gate. If he didn't enter, everything would be nothing.

Even so, Ke Jie still couldn't let it go, she always felt that the death of a young man was not that simple.

Afterwards, she went all the way, and finally inquired about other news in a holy place.

It turned out that the death of the young man was not accidental, but inevitable.

But the specific reason is not mentioned on the mural, it is only said that after Jie knew the news, he stepped out of the Holy Land and had a glimpse of the gate of the fairyland.

Since then, the murals have been cut off.

And Li Beimu, who watched the whole process, was also shocked by the sea of ​​consciousness.

As for Cang Er, he was already standing there, his clothes drenched in sweat.

"Where did you see it?"

"I see, I see the three steps of robbery... three steps of sanctification, I can't stand it anymore." Even through the black scarf, it seems that Cang'er's face is pale.

"By the way, that cry just now?"

Li Beimu turned his head, "In front."


The two were in front of each other, and Li Beimu was always releasing his killing intent, for fear that if he was not careful, Cang'er would be bewitched by the crying again.

The stone road was long and quiet, except for the footsteps of the two, there was nothing else.

After walking for about seven or eight minutes, the front suddenly became brighter.

The two stepped out one after another, and they both arrived at a pool of blood.

The pool of blood was about the size of a hut, bubbling blood continuously, it seemed to be scalding hot, and the hot air was blowing, bringing extremely stinky blood.

When they got here, both of them could feel the cry, and it was already close at hand.

Qi Qi looked to the right, and through a transparent bubble, it was clearly visible that Li Youhan and Taoist Le Tian were also standing by the same pool of blood.

"Can't they see us?"

Cang Er asked.

Li Beimu shook his head, "This is the reason for the ten percent rate."

As he spoke, he stepped forward step by step, stepping on the pool of blood, and saw a rainbow of seven colors suddenly appear above it, and lifted it across the opposite side.

Cang'er learned from others.

Then the two looked to the right again.

I saw bubbles billowing above the pool of blood, as if a great terror was being bred.

At this moment, the two watched the fire from the other side, and it was clear that Taoist Le Tian was slowly retreating, heading towards the way he had come.

next second.

The pool of blood spurted violently, and a woman in blood appeared stepping on the waves of blood. Her skin was as snowy as snow, her appearance was flirtatious, and her face was bitter.

But as soon as she appeared, the cry suddenly intensified, as if it went straight to the heart of the soul.

Li Beimu hastily let go of his killing intent, blocked by his scarlet blood energy, barely able to block the crying.

The two groups on the opposite side were not so lucky, and the woman in blood was right in front of them, crying and mourning.As soon as they appeared, Yuan Huo and Na Li Miaomiao's eyes were dull, as if they had turned into walking corpses.

As for the remaining few people, although they can still resist, they are not far behind.

"Kill her!"

"Otherwise everything will be closed!"

Li Youhan shouted loudly.

Immediately, he swung his right hand down suddenly, drawing a saber aura out of thin air, and slashed towards him.

Taoist Le Tian saw this, without saying a word, he hurriedly retreated towards the way he came from, and Zhao Wanqing, who was right next to him, also saw his behavior, without the slightest hesitation, he followed behind and retreated.

"Let's go too!"

Li Beimu knew that the guy had hidden a lot of news.

Seeing him running away at this moment, he also knew that something was wrong, so he pulled Cang'er's little hand to swipe further ahead.

But right after they left, the blood-clothed woman turned her bitter face into a smiling face. In an instant, the world seemed to be silent, leaving only the charming smile of a young girl.


Taoist Letian and Zhao Wanqing, who retreated along the way they came, also stopped in their tracks, because standing in front of them was a lizard man in blood-colored scale armor, holding a trident, exuding a terrifying aura from all over his body.

Taoist Le Tian spread his hands.

"no solution anymore."


Li Beimu and Li Beimu moved extremely fast, but at a corner of the corridor, they both disappeared suddenly.

appearing again.

Already in a temple.

A blood-colored coffin was placed in the center of the temple, and a blood-colored statue was enshrined directly above it.

As soon as Li Beimu appeared, he looked up at the statue.

However, he found that, apart from being able to see the statue as a strange beast lying on its stomach, he couldn't see the head of the statue at all.

And after just one glance, I felt a tingling pain in my eyes.

"Don't look at the idol."

Li Beimu just gave an order.

Cang Er said, "There are people inside the coffin!"

(End of this chapter)

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