Chapter 233
Peng Jiang stood up, turned and left the room, his back looked a little lonely.

Peng Jiang's figure disappeared into the night, and a sinister and cunning atmosphere permeated the room.

The girl in white looked at Peng Jiang's disappearing back, her eyes were full of complacency, and her plan this time was finally implemented.

Looking at the back of Peng Jiang going away, the girl in white couldn't help snorting coldly, then got up and walked to the door.

The girl in white pushed open the door, and a gust of cold wind blew over, messing up the bangs on the girl's forehead. The girl in white raised her head slightly to look at the sky.

The moon is hanging in the night sky, exuding a bright light.

The girl in white looked at the full moon in the night sky and murmured softly: "Sisters, tonight, we are going to take action. I hope you can successfully complete the task and make our plan come true as soon as possible!"

"Peng Jiang, you can't live up to my sister's expectations!"

"Peng Jiang, I believe we will succeed, you are my most trusted brother!"

"Peng Jiang, you must work hard!"


The girl in white stood in the night sky and muttered to herself, her voice was so small that only she could hear it, but in this silent night, the girl in white's own voice seemed extraordinarily loud.

After Peng Jiang came out of the room, he walked along the street silently. Peng Jiang lowered his head, thinking about something silently.

Peng Jiang was walking and stopped suddenly. He seemed to be looking for something.

Peng Jiang looked up and looked around, and found that no one was watching him, so he continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, Peng Jiang stopped, and his right eyelid couldn't help jumping. Peng Jiang quickly raised his right hand to touch the left eyelid. As soon as Peng Jiang's hand touched the right eyelid, Peng Jiang felt a sudden burst of violent pain from the right eyelid. Peng Jiang couldn't help yelling in pain, and his body fell to the ground instantly.

"Hey, what's going on here?"

Peng Jiang covered his injured eyes and kept rubbing them.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, I don't know if my eye was broken!"

"I can't be blind. If I am blind, my friends will be very worried!"

"I must bring those two stinky thieves to justice and make them pay a heavy price!"


Peng Jiang couldn't help thinking of his good brothers. They were all orphans adopted by Peng Jiang from an orphanage in the countryside. Peng Jiang treated them as his own sons.

Each of them is a kind and honest boy, and they are very loyal to Peng Jiang. Peng Jiang regards them as his family members, but he never thought that these family members would do such a thing to him!

They dared to hurt his good brothers, he would never spare them!
Peng Jiang gritted his teeth and stood up, his eyes full of anger.

"All of you will die! I, Peng Jiang, swear, I will let you experience life as bad as death!"

Peng Jiang secretly thought that he decided to get rid of the scars on his face before dealing with those two people.

"Huh? Why is there no one? Is it over so soon?"

Looking at the dark night, Peng Jiang couldn't help frowning.

"Do they know who I am?"

Peng Jiang couldn't help shivering as he thought about it, and couldn't help but think of the look of contempt in the eyes of his good brothers.

Peng Jiang looked around, but there was no one, so Peng Jiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But Peng Jiang still felt that they would definitely be bad for him, so he had to go to the hospital immediately.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Peng Jiang's ear.

"Peng Jiang, what are you thinking about?"

Peng Jiang looked at the girl in white who suddenly appeared in front of him, trembling with fright, and quickly knelt down on the ground.

"Heroine, spare your life!"

"Why are you kneeling? Do you want to die?"

The girl in white looked at Peng Jiang suspiciously, wondering why Peng Jiang suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Please, let me live, female hero! I am willing to be an ox and a horse to repay your great kindness!"

Peng Jiang knelt on the ground and begged.

"Peng Jiang, don't be afraid, I just want to ask you a few questions."

Seeing Peng Jiang's appearance, the girl in white felt a little sympathetic.

"Who am I? Why do you hate me so much?"

"My name is Bai Yundie, you should know it? I am your benefactor, why do you hate me?"

"Bai Yundie? I haven't heard of it, hero, please forgive me, I really don't know who you are, can you tell me a thing or two?"

Peng Jiang was terrified, and quickly shook his head to express that he really didn't know, and he had never seen Bai Yundie.

Although Peng Jiang didn't know who Bai Yundie was, but with Bai Yundie's temperament, Peng Jiang felt that he must know such a person. With such respect, he even knelt down and begged for mercy.

Peng Jiang looked at Peng Jiang who was kneeling on the ground, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart. This silly boy is so innocent, he doesn't know the sinister heart.

Bai Yundie walked up to Peng Jiang, squatted in front of Peng Jiang, and gently stroked Peng Jiang's head.

"Peng Jiang, I know you don't remember me anymore. It's okay. After I help you restore your memory, you will naturally know me. But then you will know who I am, okay?"

When Peng Jiang heard Bai Yundie's words, he nodded in agreement.

"Peng Jiang, do you know why there are so many beggars in this town, and they are all poor people?"

"Their families died of starvation, poverty, disease, and because they had no money for medical treatment, they had to beg to survive, and that's why these beggars gathered in this town, just for the money they had been waiting for. It's been a long time!"

"So that's the case, Peng Jiang, can you tell my sister why these beggars gather here to wait for the arrival of silver taels? Do you also need help?"

"Peng Jiang doesn't need it! Peng Jiang was sold by his parents to the begging team in this town since he was a child. They sent Peng Jiang here. They adopted Peng Jiang from an orphanage. He is an orphan."

"So, Peng Jiang, you are so kind. My sister has always admired you, so I decided to adopt Peng Jiang back and let you continue to be Peng Jiang. How about it?"

Hearing Bai Yundie's words, Peng Jiang was stunned at first, then ecstatic, but he couldn't help lowering his head when he thought that he was a beggar.

"Peng Jiang, don't worry, when you recover your memory, I will let you go back to where you should be, and I will never disturb you again, is that okay?"

"Okay, thank you sister, thank you sister!" Peng Jiang quickly kowtowed in thanks.

"Peng Jiang, get up quickly. I'll send you out of here now. Don't worry, Peng Jiang. After your memory recovers, you will find your way home and return to your own hometown." Bai Yundie said softly Said, Peng Jiang stood up obediently, followed Bai Yundie out of the town, got into the carriage, and left the place that Peng Jiang was nostalgic for.

Bai Yundie looked at Peng Jiang's leaving back and showed a gratified smile: "Peng Jiang, I hope you can live happily ever after."

"Master, isn't this too cruel?" Xiao Qi looked at Bai Yundie and said distressedly.

"There is no way, and I can't stop it, so I have to follow the trend." Bai Yundie said, "Don't be too pessimistic, Xiao Qi. I believe that Peng Jiang is a sensible child. No matter what he becomes, I will not would change his original intention."

Xiao Qi nodded helplessly.

"Let's go, let's go to the auction house in the town and see if we can buy something useful to me. Maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Xiao Qi nodded, got into the carriage with Bai Yundie, and drove towards the auction in the town.

"Hey, guest officer, what are you going to buy this time?"

A young servant saw a luxurious carriage coming towards them, so he hurried forward and greeted them warmly.

Bai Yundie stretched out her head from the car window and looked at the young man in front of her. This young man was very capable, with a burly figure and a simple and honest appearance.

"Hello, I want to auction an item, please take me to meet your auctioneer!"

"Oh, that's it. Guest officer, wait a moment, I'll report!"

The boy turned and left, and ran back after a while: "Guest officer, please follow me, the auctioneer, he is waiting for you behind."

Bai Yundie and Xiao Qi followed the boy to the back, Bai Yundie and Xiao Qi saw a burly man in gray clothes at a glance, this strong man looked at Bai Yundie with surprise in his eyes.

"Hello guest officer, my surname is Zhao, just call me Zhao Dahai. I can refer to you for what you want to auction!"

"I want to buy a piece of white jade!" Bai Yundie said unabashedly.

“White jade stone? Is there anything special about that stone?”

"This is a very precious gemstone, and its value far exceeds other treasures."

"Then, are you going to sell it to our auction house?"

"Yes, I want to auction this white jade."

"Then guest officer, what is the reserve price of this stone?" Zhao Dahai asked.

(End of this chapter)

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