Chapter 234

"50 million!"

"50? Guest officer, I think you should forget about it. Although that piece of white jade is relatively rare, I think you should find another one. After all, the price of that stone is not cheap!"

"I said 50 taels, and it's just 50 taels. Where did all this nonsense come from!" Bai Yundie suddenly scolded Zhao Dahai angrily.

"Guest officer, please don't get angry, I'll take you to the auction hall right away!"

Bai Yundie looked at Zhao Dahai shivering in fright, smiled slightly, and motioned for him to lead the way.

Seeing Bai Yundie's smiling face, Zhao Dahai became even more afraid, and hurriedly took Bai Yundie and Xiao Qi to the auction hall.

"Miss Bai Yundie, I can't agree to your condition! Because we also have rules in the auction house, we can't accept other people's gifts without permission!" Zhao Dahai said to Bai Yundie with a serious face.

Seeing Zhao Dahai's appearance, Bai Yundie sneered, "Hehe, you mean to disagree, do you think my conditions are not harsh enough?"

"No, no, Miss Bai Yundie, your conditions are indeed very generous, but this is the rule of our auction house. Our auction house only conducts transactions, not exchanges." Zhao Dahai said quickly.

"Hehe, are you going to reject me then?"

"Miss Baiyundie, you violated the rules of the auction house by doing this, please forgive me. I will never accept your gift!"

"You really don't know good from bad. Since you say that, there's no need for us to talk anymore!"

"Miss Bai Yundie, please calm down, please listen to me!"

Zhao Dahai said.

Bai Yundie snorted coldly, "Say!"

"Miss Bai Yundie, this matter is like this, although our auction house will not steal your items!"

Bai Yundie narrowed her eyes when she heard the words, "Then you mean to only take what I give you?"

"No, you misunderstood. We will definitely collect the items you gave, and our auction house will pay you. We only collect the items you gave and will not keep them privately. Please rest assured, Miss Baiyundie."

"Hmph, that's pretty much the same, but after your auction house collects what I donate, you must collect it according to the standard I donated, and you can't be sloppy in the slightest!"

"It's no problem, Miss Bai Yundie just mention it!"

"Then show me some of the pills I gave this child just now."

"This is no problem, I will send someone to get it for Miss Bai Yundie."

After half a stick of incense, a man in black came in from the door.

"Miss Baiyundie, this is the pill you need."

"Well, let me take a look first, if there is no problem, you can do it!"

"Yes, please wait a moment, Miss Baiyundie!"

After that person left, Bai Yundie picked up the elixir on the table, looked at it carefully, and then looked at Zhao Dahai again.

"Zhao Dahai, is this your sincerity?"

Peng Jiang watched from the side as the two were playing tricks on each other, they were just trying to fight for more benefits!

"This, this, this, this, this..." Zhao Dahai was at a loss for words when asked by Bai Yundie.

Peng Jiang looked at Bai Yundie from the side with a cold look. He also couldn't understand the condescending attitude of the other party, and wanted to help Zhao Dahai with a few words.

"This, Zhao Dahai, this is the rule of your auction house, don't you know it!"

"I don't know, but, but"

"But what? But her conditions are too much!" Peng Jiang said angrily.

"Here, Brother Peng Jiang, you are also a cultivator. Don't you understand the rules of this society? We don't understand the world of the rich. I think Miss Bai Yundie is also unwilling to be with you who have no A kid who has experienced society is fussy, so how about it, you step down first, if there is anything, I will call you when we have an agreement."

Seeing this, Peng Jiang felt helpless. He is also a cultivator, so how could he not understand the truth behind it.

"Okay then, Zhao Dahai, if you dare to deceive us or violate the rules, you can wait to take responsibility!" Peng Jiang said, turned and left the room.

"Brother Peng Jiang, don't be angry, it's hard for me to do this!"

"Hmph, Zhao Dahai, we are both practitioners, let me tell you clearly, Bai Yundie is not here to auction things at all, but for the treasures of your auction house!" Peng Jiang said coldly With a snort, he walked out of the gate of the auction house.

Zhao Dahai looked at the back of Pengjiang in the distance, his face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth for a while.

This Peng Jiang simply didn't take him seriously, which made him feel very humiliated!

"Zhao Dahai, how is it? Is Bai Yundie okay?" Bai Yundie asked.

"She, she, she is simply too savage and willful!"

"Oh? Tell me, why is she so unruly and willful?" Bai Yundie said with great interest.

"Zhao, Zhao thinks Miss Bai Yundie, you are deliberately embarrassing Xiao!"

"Zhao Dahai, I don't understand what you said. I don't know whether I made things difficult for you or you made things difficult for me. You can tell me how I made things difficult for you. If you can give me A satisfactory answer, I will consider letting you continue to be my bodyguard! If not, then sorry, I will replace you!"

"Miss Baiyundie, I, I"

"Okay, Zhao Dahai, don't be embarrassed, I believe in your ability to handle affairs! How about this, I will give you three days, I hope you will not let me down!


Zhao Dahai heaved a sigh of relief when he heard what Bai Yundie said.

He was also afraid that Bai Yundie would not let him go, after all he could only rely on her now.

"Thank you, Miss Bai Yundie, for your generosity. I will definitely try my best to complete what you asked me to do."

"Well, then you go do it!"

After Zhao Dahai left, Bai Yundie sat on a chair, staring at the porcelain vase on the table.

Among the elixirs contained in the porcelain bottle was a ninth-rank golden elixir, and several eighth-rank golden elixirs!

The price of the ninth-grade elixir is no longer comparable to that of ordinary elixir. Even the elixir used by immortals may not be as expensive as the price of the ninth-grade golden elixir.

"I came here for one purpose this time, and that is to see what the immortals in the fairy world can do." Bai Yundie murmured.

"No, Zhao Dahai is angry now. If he finds out that I sneaked into the fairy world, then my plan may be ruined! No, I can't wait any longer! I'd better find a place to hide, and then quietly Lurk in, when I reach the foundation-building stage, it's my chance to stand up!" Bai Yundie made up her mind.

"Brother Peng Jiang, why did you come back so early?" Bai Yundie asked suspiciously when she saw Peng Jiang walking in.

"Hey, it's okay, Miss Bai Yundie, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!" After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he turned and left the auction hall.

"This guy!" Seeing Peng Jiang leaving, Bai Yundie couldn't help but cursed.

"Miss Baiyundie, who is this?"

"It's nothing, just a friend, you continue to greet other guests!"

"Well, okay, then Miss Baiyundie, take it easy!"

"En!" Bai Yundie nodded.

After Zhao Dahai left the auction house, he immediately returned to the inn, ready to make a plan to see what to do to solve the trouble in front of him.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, and felt that he should solve this matter in his own way.

Since Bai Yundie wanted to negotiate terms with him, then he just gave her enough benefits.

This night, Zhao Dahai has been thinking about how much benefit he should give Bai Yundie!
Thinking of this, Zhao Dahai thought of what Peng Jiang said to him yesterday, and thought to himself.

What Peng Jiang said was correct.

Although Bai Yundie seems to be a girl, she is actually a very cunning woman.

If she hadn't been pretending to be innocent, then people wouldn't easily ignore her existence.

"Zhao Dahai, Zhao Dahai, what's wrong with you? Haven't you already thought of a solution? What's wrong with you now? Why can't you think of a solution?"

Zhao Dahai thought and shook his head again.

Bai Yundie is a very powerful woman. If I want to fight her, it is absolutely wishful thinking, let alone fighting her, I am not even qualified to fight her!

"Forget it, if you can't think of a way, don't think about it. After you break through the foundation building period, when the time comes, hehe, Bai Yundie, I will let you know what is self-eating evil consequences!"

Peng Jiang was walking and thinking, his heart was full of hatred, and he was full of complaints against Bai Yundie.

Peng Jiang was wandering on the street, looking at one shop after another, thinking about what he wanted to buy.

Peng Jiang saw a restaurant named 'Tianxiangge'.

"Tianxiang Pavilion, Tianxiang Tower, Tianxiang Pavilion, okay, I'll eat here first, and then I'll settle accounts with that woman when I have money!" Peng Jiang walked towards Tianxiang Pavilion while muttering.

As soon as Peng Jiang entered Tianxiang Pavilion, a young servant greeted him.

"Sir, please wait a moment, our boss will come soon." The boy said with a polite smile.

"Then there will be Brother Lao."

Peng Jiang was sitting in Tianxiang Pavilion, drinking tea and waiting for the boss of Tianxiang Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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