Chapter 380

"Peng Jiang, do you see that my natal Gu worm is not an ordinary natal Gu worm! He is a golden armored god of war in the realm of Immortal Venerable, if you want to live, just hand over the god stone obediently, and then give it to me Knock your head three times, and I'll let you go!" Sun Zhilong pointed at Peng Hai and said loudly!

"You despicable villain! You actually used my natal Gu to deceive me, I will never forgive you!" Peng Jiang said tremblingly angrily!
Peng Hai smiled slightly at Sun Zhilong and said, "Boy, you are so courageous, you dare to deceive Peng Jiang, you really want to die!"

"So what if I'm looking for death, even if I die, I'll hold you back, you bug!" Sun Zhilong snorted coldly.

"Peng Hai, I think you should stop struggling! Better hand over the God Stone obediently!"

When Peng Jiang and Peng Hai were confronting each other, Peng Jiang's natal Gu worm shouted at Sun Zhilong!
"Hmph, Peng Hai, did you hear that! Your natal Gu has agreed to become a brother with you! Hahaha!"

"Hmph! Then it depends on whether you have that ability. My natal Gu worm is at the peak of the first order, and it is also indestructible. You can't hurt me at all!"

Peng Hai laughed loudly at Sun Zhilong.

Sun Zhilong frowned and said, "Hmph, if that's the case, then don't blame me for being cruel!"

Peng Hai snorted coldly: "That depends on your ability!"

After Sun Zhilong finished speaking, he sacrificed his Zixiao Sword!

"Peng Hai, your natal Gu worm is the first-order peak Immortal Emperor Realm, I will use your Immortal Emperor Realm to practice first!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Zhilong rushed directly towards Pengjiang!

"Hahaha, boy, you underestimate me too much. I'm a first-order peak immortal emperor. What can you do even if you use an artifact? You still can't hurt me at all!" Peng Jiang laughed. Taunted Sun Zhilong!
"You are wrong, you can try my Zixiao sword!"

After Sun Zhilong finished speaking, he swung the Zixiao sword and struck at Peng Jiang!

"Huh, what a trick!" Peng Jiang turned over and avoided Sun Zhilong's attack, and then once again performed a move of gold and iron horse to strike at Sun Zhilong!
Pengjiang's Golden Ge Iron Horse is a formal Jin Ge Iron Horse move. Once he uses it, he can exert a powerful power, and the speed is extremely fast!

Sun Zhilong saw the timing right, jumped directly over Peng Jiang's head!
"Peng Hai, you villain, how dare you bully me!" Peng Jiang roared into the air.

"Hmph, if I didn't cheat on you, then let you die under my golden iron horse!"

After Sun Zhilong finished speaking, he immediately performed Lingbo Weibu, came to the back of Peng Jiang, and then kicked away with a flying leg!
Peng Jiang felt a strong force and kicked him directly, so he quickly dodged when he was scared!

"Peng Hai, let me see where you can hide!"

"Peng Jiang, let me see where you can hide!"

Peng Hai yelled while dodging.

At this time, Sun Zhilong flew up and kicked Peng Jiang's head, severely injured Peng Jiang!

Peng Jiang's face hit the wall!


Peng Jiang spat out a mouthful of blood, then stared round and stared at Sun Zhilong in horror!
"Peng Hai, you are such a waste that you got hurt so easily!" Sun Zhilong sneered when he saw Peng Jiang's reaction.

"I, I, I must kill you, I must kill you!" Peng Jiang shouted angrily!

Before Peng Jiang's words fell, Sun Zhilong flew up again and punched Peng Jiang's chest fiercely!

Sun Zhilong's heavy punch hit Peng Jiang's chest, and Peng Jiang spurted a mouthful of blood immediately, and he flew upside down, breaking several pillars in a row!

"Peng Jiang, you'd better be honest, otherwise, you will have no chance!"

Sun Zhilong looked at Peng Jiang who was knocked to the ground by himself, and said contemptuously!

"You, you, you wait, I must smash your bones to ashes, and then cut off your meat piece by piece and feed them to my natal Gu worms!" Peng Jiang got up from the ground after finishing speaking, wiped Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he glared at Sun Zhilong viciously!
After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he yelled at his natal Gu worm!
"Peng Hai, I think you are lucky today. Today, you just wait to die!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he roared loudly!

After yelling, Peng Jiang shouted loudly to his natal Gu worm!
After roaring for a long time, Peng Jiang saw Sun Zhilong's natal Gu worm slowly coming out, and then ran towards Sun Zhilong's direction!
"Peng Hai, did you see that your natal Gu worms bowed down to my natal Gu worms! Hahaha!" Sun Zhilong said triumphantly to Peng Jiang.

"Sun Zhilong, today I, Peng Jiang, deserved what I have fallen into. However, I must kill your natal Gu worm, so that you can taste what it's like to be bitten to death by my natal Gu worm!" Peng Jiang gritted his teeth. Said loudly to Sun Zhilong.

"Hehe, Peng Hai, you are really wishful thinking, do you think I will be afraid?"

"Peng Hai, if you really want to kill me, then come here!" Sun Zhilong said provocatively to Peng Hai!
Seeing Sun Zhilong's appearance of not being afraid of him, Peng Hai was furious!

"Okay, I will let you try the taste of being bitten by my natal Gu worm!" Peng Jiang said through gritted teeth.

Right after Peng Jiang finished speaking, Peng Jiang directly took out a small black bottle, and then opened the small black bottle!

"Peng Hai, I think your gold and iron horse are still good?"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he blew on the bottle, and then shot a drop of black blood in the bottle to the top of Sun Zhilong's natal Gu worm!
As soon as the black blood touched Sun Zhilong's natal Gu, it melted into the body of the natal Gu as if it had melted!

"Peng Hai, let me see what skills you have. Today I will let you taste the taste of being eaten by my gold and iron horse!" Peng Jiang saw that Sun Zhilong's natal Gu worm didn't react at all!
Peng Jiang became even more rampant, he would definitely let his gold and iron horses eat Sun Zhilong's natal Gu worms!
Thinking of this, Peng Jiang blew another breath at Jin Ge Tie Ma!

After Peng Jiang blew this breath, the Jin Ge Iron Horse made a strange sound of "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow " , and then bit Sun Zhilong!

When Peng Jiang saw this, he showed a ferocious smile!

But at this moment, Sun Zhilong turned around to avoid the gold and iron horse, and then came to Peng Jiang!

Peng Jiang didn't react for a while, and was directly punched to the ground by Sun Zhilong. His mouth and nose were bleeding, and one arm was broken!

"Peng Jiang, just admit defeat!" Sun Zhilong shouted at Peng Jiang!

After hearing this, Peng Jiang said angrily: "How could I be willing to admit defeat? I must kill you, a despicable villain!"

Peng Jiang thought of his natal Gu worm at this moment, and shouted loudly at his natal Gu worm:

"Peng Hai, fuck me!"

As soon as Peng Jiang finished his sentence, the golden iron horse that was devouring Sun Zhilong's natal Gu worm turned around and opened its mouth to Sun Zhilong!
Sun Zhilong saw Peng Jiang's gold and iron horse rushing towards him, so he dodged Peng Hai's attack directly!

Peng Hai failed in one move and attacked again!

As soon as this move was made, Peng Jiang's gold and iron horse attacked Sun Zhilong again!
But this time, Sun Zhilong escaped Peng Hai's attack!

After Sun Zhilong dodged Peng Jiang's attack, he kicked Peng Hai directly in the stomach!

Peng Jiang was kicked away by Sun Zhilong's kick, and he fell heavily to the ground!
"Peng Hai, let me see what else you can do to deal with my gold and iron horse!" Sun Zhilong said proudly to Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang said unconvinced:
"Sun Zhilong, don't be complacent. Aren't you awesome? Aren't you amazing? I think it's more important for you to think about your life first!"

After Peng Jiang finished speaking, he stood up directly from the ground, and then rushed directly in front of Sun Zhilong!
Peng Jiang's speed is extremely fast!

Seeing Peng Jiang rushing over, Sun Zhilong blocked Peng Jiang's attack with a branch!
"Hmph, Sun Zhilong, your natal Gu worms have been absorbed by me now, your defense has been broken, now, what else can you do to stop me?"

Peng Jiang said arrogantly to Sun Zhilong.

(End of this chapter)

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