Chapter 381

Sun Zhilong saw that his natal Gu worm was absorbed by Peng Jiang's natal Gu worm!

He hurriedly took out a pill from the storage ring and took it!

"Peng Jiang, don't be too complacent! Although your gold and iron horse can hurt my natal Gu, but your natal Gu is also seriously injured, and your natal Gu is only at the beginning of the first level. !

Now your natal Gu worm has been attacked by my toxin and has lost the ability to move!

Now, you can only obediently let me slaughter you! "

Peng Jiang burst out laughing after hearing Sun Zhilong's words!
"Hahahaha, Sun Zhilong, what are you talking about? You said that I only have the cultivation level of the early stage of the first order?"

"Yeah, I'm much stronger than you!

You are a waste now, and you can only be slaughtered by me! "Sun Zhilong said mockingly!

"Sun Zhilong, don't be too rampant, let's see how you escaped my palm today!" Peng Jiang yelled loudly at Sun Zhilong!
Seeing Peng Jiang like this, Sun Zhilong said directly to Peng Jiang:

"Peng Jiang, your gold and iron horse has been severely poisoned by me. Let's see how long you can hold on. You should obediently admit defeat and forget it!"

Seeing Sun Zhilong's arrogant expression, Peng Jiang became even more angry!

"Sun Zhilong, don't even think about it! I won't lose to you!

My golden iron horse can not only devour your golden iron horse, but also suck your blood! "

Sun Zhilong saw that Peng Jiang didn't know how to repent, so he beat Peng Jiang directly!
Peng Jiang's face turned blue and purple immediately, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth!

When Peng Hai saw Peng Jiang being beaten, he looked at the scene in front of him excitedly!
"Peng Hai, I think you should surrender obediently, or I will absorb your natal Gu worm later, and it will be your turn to suffer!" Sun Zhilong said to Peng Hai!

After Peng Hai heard this, his face became very ugly, but he didn't attack Sun Zhilong again!
"Hmph, Sun Zhilong, since we're already tied, I'm leaving now, and you wish for luck!" Peng Jiang gave Sun Zhilong a cold look, then turned and walked out of the room!
After Peng Jiang left, Sun Zhilong's face became pale and his body became very tired!

Sun Zhilong spat out a mouthful of blood on the bed, and passed out!
After Peng Jiang returned to the family, Peng Hai hurriedly supported Peng Jiang to bed and lay down!
Peng Hai said to Peng Jiang:

"Brother, I really don't understand why you did that to Sun Zhilong. Now that Sun Zhilong's natal Gu has been controlled by you, you can bully him as you like!"

"Peng Hai, stop thinking about it, Sun Zhilong is much stronger than me, I can't beat him at all, I can only let him kill him!" Peng Jiang said to Peng Hai!

"Oh, then I don't care about the grievances between you, as long as you can help me find my father's remains, brother, I am willing to give up the grievances with you!" Peng Hai said to Peng Jiang.

"You unfilial thing, you just want your brother and me to disappear. It's really wasted my raising you for so many years!" Peng Jiang said angrily!

"Brother, of course I hope you disappear, but as long as you can save father, I'm willing to do anything you ask me to do!

And I can also promise you that if you find the remains of your father, I can let Sun Zhilong go! "Peng Hai said to Peng Jiang pleadingly.

After Peng Jiang heard Peng Hai's words, he asked Peng Hai in disbelief:

"Peng Hai, is what you said true? Can you really let Sun Zhilong go?"

"Of course it's true, brother, don't you believe your brother? Your purpose now is to save your father. As for Sun Zhilong, I won't kill him either!" Peng Hai said to Peng Jiang.

After hearing what Peng Hai said, Peng Jiang felt that what Peng Hai said was very reasonable, so he nodded in agreement!

"Peng Hai, I'll tell you this secret. I do have a very important purpose. I want to use Sun Zhilong's body to find the relics left by my father. Only when I find the relics can I get rid of the Gu worms in my body. Restore the vitality of my body!
At that time, you can kill all those villains!To avenge my father! "Peng Jiang said to Peng Hai!

"Brother, you are really amazing. I didn't expect you to know how to use the human body to achieve your goals!" Peng Hai flattered and praised Peng Jiang!
Peng Jiang glanced at Peng Hai and said:

"Peng Hai, don't underestimate my wisdom, my wisdom is far beyond your imagination!

The reason why I can control Sun Zhilong's natal Gu is because Sun Zhilong still doesn't know me well enough. If Sun Zhilong understood my ability, he wouldn't dare to treat me so arrogantly! "

"Brother, if this is the case, please kill that Sun Zhilong as soon as possible, I don't have to endure him anymore, I want to kill him now to avenge my father!" Peng Hai said to Peng Jiang!

When Peng Jiang heard what Peng Hai said, he said to Peng Hai:

"Peng Hai, don't be impulsive now. I want to observe that Sun Zhilong carefully. If that Sun Zhilong has any doubts about you, or if he is on guard, it will be difficult for us to strike!"

"Yeah, brother, you're right, I'll be patient now!"

After Sun Zhilong returned to the family, he rested for another night. When he woke up in the morning, he sat down on the sofa facing the living room and drank tea!

Just when Sun Zhilong was about to enjoy his free time, he suddenly felt someone staring at him!

Sun Zhilong looked around vigilantly, but found that no one was staring at him, so he calmed down and continued drinking tea!

After Sun Zhilong waited for a long time without finding anything wrong around him, he walked upstairs slowly, returned to his bedroom, lay down on his bed, and fell asleep!
"Peng Jiang, you are waiting for me here, and I will definitely seek justice for you!" Sun Zhilong said to himself silently in his heart.

Peng Jiang stood at the door of the room and looked at Sun Zhilong, his eyes were full of murderous intent!
Peng Jiang watched Sun Zhilong lying on his bed and sound asleep, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Peng Jiang looked at Sun Zhilong who was asleep, opened the door quietly, took out a wire from his room, pried open Sun Zhilong's lock with ease, dragged Sun Zhilong to the bathroom, and took out his own A dagger cut through Sun Zhilong's neck!
Sun Zhilong was suddenly awakened by a sharp pain, and immediately sat up from the ground, only to find that his neck was bleeding, and there was a stranger standing beside him!

"Ah, who are you, why did you enter my room, let me out quickly, or I will call security!" Sun Zhilong yelled at Peng Jiang.

"Hehe, screaming, it's useless even if you scream, I won't let you shout!" Peng Jiang said sinisterly!

"Who are you and what are you doing?" Sun Zhilong yelled at Peng Jiang!
"You will know what I want in a while!" Peng Jiang said to Sun Zhilong!
"You, you, you, what do you want to do?" Sun Zhilong pointed at Peng Jiang and asked Peng Jiang tremblingly.

"What do I want to do, don't you know?" Peng Jiang asked Sun Zhilong with a gloomy expression.

"I, me, me, don't come here, if you come here again, I'll yell molestation!" Sun Zhilong saw Peng Jiang and walked towards him, scared and hid in the corner of the wall, stammering at Peng Jiang threatened!
"You shout, anyway, I'm here to kill you today, even if you shout out loud, no one will come to save you!" Peng Jiang said to Sun Zhilong coldly.

"You, you can't kill me. I'm the young master of the Sun family, and my father is the president of the Sun Group!" Sun Zhilong threatened Peng Jiang!
"The Sun Group, hmph, the Sun Group is nothing in my Peng Jiang's eyes. I'm going to kill you now to avenge my father!"

Peng Jiang raised the sharp knife in his hand, and stabbed Sun Zhilong's neck fiercely!


Sun Zhilong felt that his neck was pierced by the sharp point of the knife, and the bright red blood sprayed out and splashed on his clothes, and Sun Zhilong screamed!
Sun Zhilong felt that his vitality was rapidly disappearing, so he looked at Peng Jiang with despair and said:

"Peng Jiang, after you kill me, you will offend the entire Sun Group, and you will never have a good life in your life!"

Peng Jiang threw away Sun Zhilong's body and said:
"Sun Zhilong, if you want to blame you, you can only blame someone you shouldn't offend. Who told you to kill my father? Who told you to bully my sister! Hmph! I'm telling you, Sun Zhilong, this time you are dead !"

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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