Chapter 386

"This is my plan. I have been writing this plan for a long time. I think it should be fine!"

While talking, Peng Jiang printed out his plan!

"Hmm! Perfect! I'm sure your plan will work!"

Sister Liu walked into Peng Jiang's studio and saw that Peng Jiang was concentrating on his work, so she walked to the side and sat down!
"Sister Liu!"

"Well, I'm here! If you have anything to say, just tell me directly, you don't have to be so polite!"

"It's okay, it's called getting used to it!"

"Well, it's okay!"

Peng Jiang continued to do his work!
"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door!
"Come in!"

Peng Jiang looked up!
"Come in!"

"Officer Peng, here are your car keys, and this bank card, which contains part of your savings, and the password is six zeros."

"Thank you, Sister Liu! You gave me the car yourself at such a late hour. Thank you so much!"

"This is what I should do! You pack up your things and leave here! Lest you have long nights and dreams!"

"Okay, I know!"

"By the way, do you have time now? If you have time, can you go shopping with me?"

"I don't have time, I have to go to work, and I have to find a house to live in!"

Peng Jiang refused.

"Oh, that's fine! I have no choice but to give up. I hope you will find your house as soon as possible. I'll wait for you!"

"Sister Liu, don't worry! I will definitely find my own house!"

"Well! Then I'll wait for your good news! I'll go first! Bye!"

Sister Liu waved her hand and left.

"Hey, why don't I have a good friend like Sister Liu? What a pity! But it's okay, as long as I work hard to make money, I will find such a beautiful girlfriend sooner or later!"

"Yes, come on!"

Peng Jiang clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

After Peng Jiang cleaned up his room, he came to the first floor and saw a girl standing in the lobby waiting for him.

This girl is very beautiful, her skin is fair and delicate, as crystal clear as porcelain.

A head of black and smooth hair poured down like a waterfall, a pink one-piece dress set off her graceful body, her round and full chest was ready to be seen, and a white lace belt wrapped her plump buttocks, On the lower body, she wore a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of pink sandals and slippers, which perfectly outlined the legs, slender and straight.

Peng Jiang froze the moment he saw this girl!

"It's so beautiful!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Peng Jiang couldn't help admiring.

"Are you Peng Jiang? I'm your colleague Zhang Yuehua. I'm here this time because I have a document that needs your signature!"

"Okay, no problem, please wait a moment! I'll be right there!"

When Peng Jiang heard what Zhang Yuehua said, he quickly agreed, and then ran to the computer, turned on the computer and began to approve the documents.

"Okay, these documents have been reviewed, you can take a look!"

Peng Jiang handed the computer to Zhang Yuehua, Zhang Yuehua took the computer and read a few lines before signing.

"I will trouble you to sign this document, just show it to the leader!"

"Well, no problem!"

Peng Jiang took the document Zhang Yuehua handed him and left the company.

Peng Jiang came to a luxury car, opened the door, and got in.

Peng Jiang followed the address given by Zhang Yuehua to the downstairs of a high-end residential area.

Peng Jiang opened the car door and got out, then walked into the community.

Peng Jiang felt very comfortable looking at the community!

Peng Jiang walked towards the elevator.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

After the elevator reached the indicated floor, it opened, and Peng Jiang took the elevator to the 42nd floor.

"Ding dong, ding dong!"

"who are you looking for!"

A security guard looked at Peng Jiang and asked.

"I'm looking for Wang Hao! Please inform me!"

"Hmm! Okay, please wait!"

After waiting for a while, Peng Jiang heard a woman's voice at the door.

"Hi, hello, I'm Wang Hao's girlfriend, who are you looking for?"

"Ah! So you are Wang Hao's girlfriend! Do you have an appointment?"

"No! But I have something very important to tell Wang Hao, please accommodate me and let me meet him!"

"Alright! You wait a moment!"

The security guard called Wang Hao!
"Hello, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please wait a moment!"

"How could it be impossible to get through! Wang Hao should be at home during this time period! Isn't Wang Hao at home?"

"Not here! He hasn't come home all day today, and his phone can't be reached! Sorry! If you have anything, you can contact us!"

"Okay then! Then I'll come back another day!"

When Peng Jiang heard this, he turned and left.

"What's the matter with this Wang Hao? I don't know such an important matter, I think it's better to wait for the next time!"

After Peng Jiang left the community, he began to walk in the night.

At this time, there were not many people on the street.

Peng Jiang just walked aimlessly on the street.

Looking at the familiar scenery around, Peng Jiang couldn't help feeling infinite nostalgia in his heart.

"Hey, I really miss the time in school!"

Peng Jiang said with longing!

Walking on the street, Peng Jiang came to a square without knowing it. This square is the school's basketball gymnasium.

Peng Jiang went to the basketball court.

"Hey, teacher! May I ask if Wang Hao is here!"

"Ah, yes, what are you looking for him for?"

"Nothing, I just asked him if there is anything!"

"Well, good! He's training! What's your business?"

"Oh, that's it! Thank you then! I'll go find him first!"

"Well, ok, good luck to you guys!"

"Well, then I'll go first!"

"Okay, go slow!"

Peng Jiang turned around and walked to the basketball hall, and Peng Jiang walked to the training hall.

Wang Hao is playing against several players at this time!
"Bang bang bang!"

With a few dull sounds, Wang Hao overturned the basket, and the players all backed away.

"Wang Hao! Your speed is getting faster and faster, it seems that you have to strengthen your training again!"

"Yeah! Such a good seedling was wasted!"

"That's right! We must continue to work hard!"

"Okay! Then I'll rest first!"

Wang Hao walked out of the basketball hall and walked towards the classroom.

"Wang Hao!"

Peng Jiang walked to Wang Hao's side and shouted!

"Huh? Are you here?"

"Yeah! Is there anything your girlfriend wants from you?"

"Uh, no! Just asking what's the matter, nothing else!"

"Oh! I thought there was something wrong! You are quite attractive! Even beautiful women are interested in you!"

"Ah, yes, it's also because I'm so handsome!"

"You should be smug! By the way, is your girlfriend looking for you to talk about work!"

"Yeah! She approached me about work, but that's not what I do!"

"If you don't do this, what do you do?"

"I'm a doctor!"

"You? You know medicine!"

Peng Jiang said with a look of surprise.

"Of course. Do I look like a liar to you?"

"Hmm! Not like that!"

Peng Jiang said with a smile.

"Then it's over, so I will be a doctor, and I can teach others!"

"Oh, so it is!"

Peng Jiang laughed after hearing this.

"Let's have a meal together!"

"Okay! But I need to make a phone call first!"

After speaking, Peng Jiang took out his mobile phone and called Li Yunyao.

"Hey! Sister Yunyao, it's me!"

"It's Peng Jiang! Are you okay?"

"It's like this, sister Yunyao, I met a friend! Can you see if you can let us have a meal together?"

"Okay, then send me the address!"

"Um, ok, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

After hanging up the phone, Peng Jiang sent Li Yunyao's address to Li Yunyao.

Peng Jiang stood aside and waited for Li Yunyao's call. A few minutes later.

Li Yunyao called and asked Peng Jiang to eat at a restaurant called Paradise Hotel.

Peng Jiang hurried to the side to stop a taxi, and rushed to the Paradise Hotel.


Peng Jiang rang the doorbell.

"Come in!"

Peng Jiang opened the door and walked in!

"Peng Jiang, you are here! Please sit down!"

"Hmm! Okay, thanks!"

"Hehe, you're welcome, come on, try it! I made it myself!"


"Try how it tastes, if it's good, stay here forever!"

"Mmm, delicious!"

Peng Jiang said in admiration!

"Eat more if it tastes good! If you don't have enough, there is more!"

"OK, thanks!"

"Hehe, you don't have to be so polite, we will be friends from now on!"


While eating, Peng Jiang thought of the old days, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

(End of this chapter)

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