Chapter 387

"Peng Jiang, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze all the time?"

"Eh? It's okay, I just remembered some unhappy things!"

"It's okay, just forget about the unhappy things, you will be very happy in the future!"

"Well, okay, I will remember this sentence, no matter what happens, I can't discard this sentence."

"Hehe, that's fine, but I think it's better for you to drink less alcohol in the future! Otherwise, it will affect your health!"

"Okay! Then I just don't drink anymore! By the way, this is my mobile phone number, you can call me anytime if you need anything!"

"Well, ok, I made a note!"

Peng Jiang took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunyao, then turned around and left the box, and walked out of the hotel lobby.


Peng Jiang let out a long sigh of relief, and his mood relaxed a lot.

Peng Jiang walked out of the hotel and drove back home, Peng Jiang's mood became much easier.

However, as soon as Peng Jiang got on the bus, a sense of nausea hit Peng Jiang's mind.

Peng Jiang hurriedly covered his mouth and rushed to the toilet.


Peng Jiang vomited in the toilet, slapping his chest continuously.

Vomit. Vomit. Vomit. Vomit.
Peng Jiang kept vomiting in the toilet, the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach was like being cut by a knife, it was very painful!
"Ouch! Mommy! It's so hard!"

Peng Jiang supported the wall and walked out of the bathroom!

Peng Jiang walked to the sofa and sat down.

"Whoa. Whoa."

Peng Jiang kept spitting, and it took a long time to calm down. Peng Jiang took out a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Ouch! What's wrong with me? Why did I suddenly vomit so hard?"

Peng Jiang rubbed his lower abdomen and thought suspiciously: Is it because you drank today?

Peng Jiang couldn't help but let out a long sigh, thinking to himself, he had never drunk alcohol before, how could he drink so much this time?Is it because of what happened yesterday?

Peng Jiang began to think carefully.

"By the way, the girl I met at the wine table last night, could she be Sister Yunyao?"

Peng Jiang just remembered, recalling the scene when Li Yunyao called him, and suddenly Peng Jiang thought of the situation when he was drunk last night.


Peng Jiang thought of Li Yunyao's beauty!

"I don't know if she still remembers me! If she remembers me, maybe she can help herself!"

Peng Jiang picked up his cell phone and was about to call Li Yunyao to ask her if she remembered him, so he made the call.

beep beep
The phone rang twice before it was picked up, and Peng Jiang heard a sweet female voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Hello! I am Sister Yunyao!"

"Hello! Sister Yunyao, do you remember me?"

"Well! Of course I remember! You are Brother Xiaotao's younger brother! I am Brother Xiaotao's girlfriend. Your name is Peng Jiang, right?"

"Yes, I am Peng Jiang, you have a good memory, you deserve to be sister Yunyao!"

"Hehe, brother Xiaotao's business is my business. You are his brother, and I will never forget it! By the way, Peng Jiang! You still have time, how about I treat you to a cup of coffee!"

"Alright then! I'll just listen to Sister Yunyao's arrangement!"

"Hehe, let's go then!"

Peng Jiang followed Li Yunyao to a coffee shop.

Peng Jiang and Li Yunyao found a corner and sat down!
"What would you like to drink, please?"

“Have a latte!”


The waiter took the order and left.

"Peng Jiang, do you hate brother Xiaotao very much?"

"Um, how is this possible? I like Brother Xiaotao very much!"

"Then why do you hate him so much? Is there any difficulty? If you need it, you can tell me, maybe I can help you!"

"Nothing! It's just that I don't like him!"

"Why? Is there any misunderstanding between you and Brother Xiaotao?"

"Well! There are indeed some misunderstandings, but this matter is a private matter between me and him. Even if I tell you, you will not be able to help me, but it will make brother Xiaotao hate you!"

"Oh! That's how it is!"

"Well, Sister Yunyao, the purpose of my calling you today is to tell you that you have to take good care of brother Xiaotao, and don't let him do some dangerous work, otherwise, I won't let him go of!"

"Don't worry, I will, Peng Jiang, don't worry!"

"Ah That's good!"

Peng Jiang nodded with a smile.

"Well, I want to ask Peng Jiang, where is your school? I want to go to class!"

Peng Jiang glanced at Li Yunyao, then pointed to the window.

"Oh! It's the school! In the university in the southern suburbs, you can sit next to me and look at the side of the road to get there!"

“Okay! Thank you Peng Jiang!”

"You're welcome, we are friends!"

"Yes! Friends! Hehe, friends should help each other and care about each other!"

“Yeah! I think so too!”

Peng Jiang nodded and chatted with Li Yunyao!

"By the way, what school are you from? I am also from the school!"

“I am a student of the Chinese Department!”

"Then do you usually go to class in the morning?"

"Well, I usually go to class around nine o'clock in the morning, but if there are special circumstances, I may go a few minutes late!"

"That's good! We are classmates! If you have anything to do in the future, come to me! Let's work together to bring the distance between us closer!"

"Okay! Then you will come to my house to play often in the future! My parents really want to see Sister Yunyao!"

Peng Jiang smiled and said.

"Yeah, ok! I will definitely go there often!"

"Well, then I'll go first!"


After Peng Jiang and Li Yunyao waved goodbye, they left the coffee shop.

As soon as Peng Jiang walked out of the coffee shop, he found Li Yunyao standing at the door.

When Peng Jiang saw Li Yunyao, his face turned red, and he ran to the road, stopped a taxi, and left.

After Peng Jiang left, Li Yunyao picked up the phone and called Li Yuntao.

"Hey! Brother Xiaotao! I am sister Yunyao!"

"Yunyao! Is there something wrong?"

"Well, yes, I just finished my class today and was wondering where to eat?"

"Oh, then just grab a bite somewhere!"

"Well, Brother Xiaotao, you are so kind! Then I will wait for you at the cafe on xx Road, come here quickly!"

"Okay, Yun Yao, I'll go find you now!"

After Li Yunyao hung up the phone, she walked towards the cafe.

When Li Yunyao came to the cafe, he found that Peng Jiang was already inside, and beside him was a beautiful girl who was also looking at Li Yunyao with jealousy in her eyes.

"Peng Jiang, Sister Yunyao is here!"

"Well, Sister Yunyao, please sit down!"

Peng Jiang quickly greeted Li Yunyao to sit down opposite.

"Sister Yunyao, why didn't you come to school this morning? I thought you weren't free today?"

"Well, Peng Jiang, Sister Yunyao has something to do today, so I didn't go to school. I don't have time to come to school today! Let's order first! I want to drink something first, and I will continue to order after I am full. !"

"Well, good! Sister Yunyao, you can order! I can do whatever I want, don't need to consider my feelings!"

"Well, that's good, you order!"

Li Yunyao saw the waiter and handed the list to Peng Jiang!
Peng Jiang took a look at the list, and then ordered two steaks, two bottles of red wine and two drinks!

After Peng Jiang ordered the order, he handed it to the waiter.

The waiter handed it over to Li Yunyao.

Li Yunyao picked up a brush and began to write. Not long after, Li Yunyao raised her head and looked at the waiter!

"Peng Jiang, take what you want to eat yourself!"

"Okay, then trouble the waiter!"

After the waiter left, Li Yunyao looked at Peng Jiang.

"Peng Jiang, I know you like me, what do you like about me?"

"I, I don't know, I just think we are a special fate!"

"Hehe, since that's the case, let's try to be together!"

"Really? That's great!"

Peng Jiang stood up excitedly and hugged Li Yunyao.

"Peng Jiang! Calm down, you haven't answered my question yet, what do you like about me?"

"I like your gentle and lovely character!"

"Well, Peng Jiang, I have this kind of personality. No matter who it is, as long as I can get in touch with you, I can accept it. Therefore, I hope you can be friends with me forever!"

"Well, Sister Yunyao, I know you are a very good person, but let's try to date, don't rush to reject me, okay?"

Peng Jiang looked at Li Yunyao pleadingly!
(End of this chapter)

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