Chapter 411

"Yaoyao, I'm sorry! I was really careless just now! I didn't mean to put you on top of you." Peng Jiang apologized sincerely.

"Forget it! It's not your fault anyway! I'm not a stingy girl!" Shangguan Yao said.

"Yeah, let's find a place to sit down and rest first!"

The two found a bench and sat down.

"Yaoyao, you are so kind! You are the kindest person I have ever met!" Peng Jiang praised sincerely.

"Really? You are the first person I met, and you are also the most handsome!" Shangguan Yao said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Peng Jiang said shyly.

"Um, uh, what's your name?"

"Peng Jiang."

"Oh, Peng Jiang, this is not far from our college, why don't we go to the school to report together, and then I will send you back to school."

"Okay!" Peng Jiang happily agreed.

"Then let's go now!" Shangguan Yao urged.

"Well, okay." Peng Jiang replied.

The two stepped out of the bench and ran towards the school.

In the school, the students are still bustling and bustling, and everything is orderly and perfect.

"Yaoyao, look quickly! There are fun things over there!"


"Just ahead, there is a mountain! The mountain is full of flowers, trees, and fruit trees. Let's pick some fruits and eat them?" Peng Jiang suggested.

"Okay then, let's pick it!"

"Wait a minute, Yaoyao!"

"What's wrong?" Shangguan Yao asked.

"Yaoyao, your clothes are dirty, do you need to change?" Peng Jiang said with some embarrassment.

"Ah yes, I'm sorry." Shangguan Yao touched the stain on her chest and said.

Peng Jiang blushed: "Yaoyao, it's okay, I can borrow your shirt."

"No, let's go over there!"

The two continued to walk forward.

"Yaoyao, are these flowers and trees really edible?"

"It should be ok, although the smell may be a bit strange. But this is the flower we grew ourselves, so it shouldn't be poisonous."


"Yaoyao, the leaves of this plant seem to be very beautiful!" Peng Jiang said, pointing to one of them.

"It's pretty!" Shangguan Yao said.

Peng Jiang picked off the flowers: "Yaoyao, let's eat a flower!"

"Okay, Peng Jiang, take it and eat!" Shangguan Yao handed the flowers to Peng Jiang.

"Yaoyao, don't you want to eat?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Hehe. I'm already full, and I want to see if these flowers have any miraculous effects."

"Well! Yaoyao, I know! I don't force it, so I'll eat it!" Peng Jiang said happily.

As he spoke, Peng Jiang put a flower in his mouth.

Peng Jiang chewed a few mouthfuls slowly.

Suddenly Peng Jiang's expression changed: "Yaoyao, look quickly, what is that?"

"What's the matter?" Shangguan Yao hurried to Peng Jiang, only to see three sarcoid-like black tentacles growing beside Peng Jiang's nose.

"What is this!" Shangguan Yao asked.

"I don't know that I just picked a flower and suddenly became like this." Peng Jiang said.

"Let me try it!"

"it is good!"

Shangguan Yao reached out to grab the tentacles, and then gently pulled out the tentacles above, and the tentacles disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Shangguan Yao's hand was pricked, and it hurt a little.

"Yaoyao, are you okay?" Peng Jiang asked.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit of skin."

"That. Yaoyao, will this kind of thing hurt you!" Peng Jiang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, these things are not dangerous to me at all."

"Yaoyao, can I try?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Of course!" Shangguan Yao said and put her hand on Peng Jiang's nose.

I saw a light blue light coming out of Peng Jiang's nostrils.

"This is?" Shangguan Yao was a little puzzled.

"Yaoyao, this is a soul attack that can damage other people's souls."

"Isn't it possible to kill the enemy?"

"Well, this kind of attack is a threat to others, but it has no effect on me. I can bear it, so it will not cause any harm to me!" Peng Jiang said.

"Oh, so that's the case! Then I'm not going to be polite, I'm going to try it too."

Shangguan Yao closed her eyes slightly, released her mental power, and attacked Peng Jiang's mind.

Peng Jiang also looked at Shangguan Yao with his eyes wide open nervously, his heart beating faster, and he was so nervous that he was afraid that Shangguan Yao would be hurt.

"Peng Jiang, you don't have to worry, I just want to know how lethal this kind of attack will be!" Shangguan Yao felt Peng Jiang's nervousness and comforted her.

"Oh!" Peng Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, both of them closed their eyes and communicated with consciousness.

After Peng Jiang closed his eyes, Shangguan Yao also used his consciousness to communicate with Peng Jiang.

The two are communicating in consciousness.

"Yaoyao, I feel my soul is in pain!" Peng Jiang said painfully.

"Peng Jiang, bear with me. The pain of this kind of attack is beyond what humans can bear!"

"Yeah! Yaoyao, I know! But, this pain is too tormenting!"

"You have to remember, if your soul is attacked, you will be unconscious immediately! When you wake up, you are already dead!"

"Death, will you really die?" Peng Jiang said in fear.


Peng Jiang gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, trying to restrain his fear.

"Peng Jiang, what we have to do now is to be patient, just persevere! I will help you!"

"Well, okay, I'll be patient."

"Hmm! Okay. Let's move on!"

The two walked along the creek.

"Help!!!!" Suddenly, a scream came from Peng Jiang's body.

"Peng Jiang!"

Peng Jiang's body suddenly fell into the water, and bubbles appeared on the surface of the water.

"Peng Jiang, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan Yao hurried over.

"Yaoyao, I, I feel that my soul is being torn apart by an invisible force, I feel that my soul is about to be pulled away."

"What? What the hell is this!"

Shangguan Yao knelt down, reached out and stroked the top of Peng Jiang's head, and then put it on the tip of his nose to smell it.

"It smells so good! Peng Jiang, do you smell it? It smells so good!"

"Yeah! I smell it too, it seems very special!" Peng Jiang replied.

"Then Peng Jiang, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"There seems to be no discomfort, Yaoyao, I don't feel any discomfort now, let's go!"

"Well! Peng Jiang, you go back to sleep for a while! Wait a minute, I'm looking for it!"

"Okay! I'm going to rest first, Yaoyao, be careful!"

"Okay, you can rest easy and sleep!"

"it is good!"

Peng Jiang turned around and walked towards the cave.

Peng Jiang returned to the cave, lay on the bed, rested with his eyes closed, and prayed silently in his heart: I hope nothing unfortunate will happen!

After Peng Jiang lay down, he soon fell asleep.

Shangguan Yao continued to search.

"Well, Peng Jiang's soul seems to be here." Shangguan Yao finally discovered where Peng Jiang's soul is.

Shangguan Yao walked up to Peng Jiang, put her hand on Peng Jiang's chest, penetrated her consciousness, and wanted to see exactly what kind of form Peng Jiang's soul was.

Shangguan Yao's consciousness entered Peng Jiang's soul, and saw Peng Jiang's soul appearing as a person.

"Could it be that Peng Jiang looks like that monster?" Shangguan Yao thought.

"Peng Jiang, wake up!" Shangguan Yao shook Peng Jiang's shoulder.

Peng Jiang slowly opened his eyes.

Peng Jiang was shocked when he saw the surrounding environment.

"Yaoyao, why did you bring me to this place! It's so weird here! Let's get out of here!" Peng Jiang said and was about to stand up.

"Peng Jiang, don't move, the wound on your body will open."

"But it's too weird here, I don't want to stay here!"

"Don't worry, this place is just an illusion, not an entity! I have already seen the soul of this monster, it should not dare to appear in reality yet."

"Yaoyao, thank you!"

"Peng Jiang, we are friends, there is no need to say thank you! By the way, Peng Jiang, how uncomfortable did you feel just now?"

"I don't know! I feel like I'm going to die!"

"Peng Jiang, don't worry, I have already seen the figure of the person deep in your soul."

"What? Yaoyao, can you see the figure of the person in my soul?" Peng Jiang looked at Shangguan Yao in disbelief.

"Well, I can see it! I can also see that he is absorbing your soul!"

"Then will he eat me?" Peng Jiang asked worriedly.

"I haven't figured it out yet, because I didn't see his face. But, I don't think he will kill you so easily. Don't worry! As long as you cooperate with me, I promise you will live in peace Come down!"

"Well! Thank you! Yaoyao!"

"We're friends, you're welcome. I'll protect you against any attack!"

“Yeah! Thank you, Yaoyao!”

Peng Jiang chatted with Shangguan Yao for a while, then closed his eyes and rested.

(End of this chapter)

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