Chapter 412

Shangguan Yao sat next to Peng Jiang, took out a needle, and pierced Peng Jiang's acupuncture point, causing Peng Jiang to fall into a coma for a while.

"Peng Jiang, I don't know if doing this will be dangerous to you, but I can't watch you die! You can survive this time, what about next time? You can't be so lucky every time, can you?"

Shangguan Yao sighed.

Shangguan Yao sat next to Peng Jiang, quietly guarding Peng Jiang, watching Peng Jiang gradually fall asleep, Shangguan Yao left with peace of mind.

After Shangguan Yao left, Peng Jiang slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his lips.

Peng Jiang, it's great that you finally made it through!You don't have to be sealed in this place at last!I can finally come out and breathe!
"My master, I have completed the task!"

"Well! I got it! Thanks to you this time! Otherwise, I would have failed!"

"This is all my duty! My mission failed, so I can't stay by your side. You must take good care of yourself and protect yourself. You are our most respected and powerful master, I believe , you will surely succeed! My master!"

"Okay, you have to take care too, don't stay in this place for too long, find a suitable body and start again! I'm leaving too! Take care!"

"Well, I will! Master, I'm leaving too! Goodbye!"

After speaking, Pluto's soul completely disappeared into the air and returned to Peng Jiang's soul.

Peng Jiang's soul also left his body and returned to freedom.

Peng Jiang opened his eyes and saw Shangguan Yao was studying something.

"Yaoyao, what are you doing?"

"I was just researching something to see if I could see some clues from it!"

"Oh, that's it! Then do you see anything?"

"No. But I can experiment."

Shangguan Yao took the silver needle, walked up to Peng Jiang, and pricked her index finger and thumb.

"Hiss~" Shangguan Yao gasped.

Shangguan Yao's blood dripped on the center of Peng Jiang's eyebrows, and suddenly Peng Jiang's body glowed with a dazzling golden light.

Seeing this scene, Shangguan Yao quickly took out a healing pill and swallowed it.

Peng Jiang recovered quickly from his injuries.

Shangguan Yao took out another talisman and pasted it on Peng Jiang's back to prevent Peng Jiang from fainting again.

Shangguan Yao wrote a few words on Peng Jiang's forehead, and Peng Jiang woke up instantly.

"Yaoyao, I'm fine!" Peng Jiang said with relief seeing that Shangguan Yao was safe and sound.

"Peng Jiang, I have performed a healing technique for you. As long as you take the medicine on time, your body will recover slowly." Shangguan Yao said.

"Okay! I will. I'm going home, I'm going home."

"Well, you go!"

"Okay! Then I'm leaving! Goodbye!" Peng Jiang said, stood up, turned and walked out.

"Well, Peng Jiang, goodbye!"

Peng Jiang left the room.

"Xiaoxue! Xiaoxue!" Shangguan Yao shouted.

"Sister Shangguan, what's wrong?"

"Xiaoxue, follow me to the place where Peng Jiang lives, and I want to check his pulse." Shangguan Yao ordered.

"Oh, Sister Shangguan, I see, you wait for me, I'll change clothes, I'll be here right away!"

"Well, hurry up!" Shangguan Yao said.

"Sister Shangguan, I've changed!" Xiaoxue changed into a white dress and walked out of the room.

"Sister Shangguan, do you want to treat Peng Jiang?"


"Brother Peng Jiang has no abnormality in his body now. Let's go find him, shouldn't it be enough?" Xiaoxue said.

"Peng Jiang is the only one we can save him, so I can't take it lightly. I'm going to take Peng Jiang to my master now!"


"Sister Shangguan, who is your master?"

"He's a great guy!"

"Sister Shangguan, did you heal Peng Jiang's illness?"


"Then can I call you sister Yaoyao?"

"of course can!"

"Great, I'll call you Sister Yaoyao!"


"Then let's go!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Peng Jiang's health was fine, but he couldn't leave this place, so Shangguanyao took Peng Jiang to Peng Jiang's master, begging him to help cure Peng Jiang and save Peng Jiang.

Peng Jiang's master was very surprised when he saw Shangguan Yao bring a boy to him.

"Peng Jiang, what's going on?" Peng Jiang's master said and saw the arrow wound on Peng Jiang's back.

"Master, I caused this myself! It has nothing to do with Yaoyao!" Peng Jiang quickly explained.

Peng Jiang's master frowned and looked at Peng Jiang: "You caused it yourself? How could you be injured if you caused it yourself?"

Peng Jiang lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Master Peng Jiang.

"Peng Jiang, tell the master, is it because you are unwilling to practice the secret art of the demon clan that caused your injury?" Peng Jiang's master looked at Peng Jiang seriously.

"No, master, no! I will not be ignorant, I just want to protect my beloved woman, that's why I am like this, master, please forgive me!" Peng Jiang explained quickly.

When Peng Jiang's master heard Peng Jiang's words, he frowned and thought about it. What Peng Jiang said was suspicious, but what could be suspicious?

Peng Jiang's master pondered for a long time, but did not get an answer, so he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, since Peng Jiang has already decided to do this, then I will not pursue it as a teacher, but, Peng Jiang, I hope you can remember what happened today. Things! You are a man, you should stand upright and be brave for your lover! In this way, even if you get hurt in the future, no one will blame you!" Peng Jiang's master said.

"Disciples follow the teachings!"


"Thank you master! I will definitely remember it firmly!"

"Okay, I'm going to rest, you can go back. Remember what you said for the teacher, you must be brave in the future!" Pengjiang's master said.

"The disciple will definitely!" Peng Jiang said solemnly.

"You can go!" Peng Jiang's master waved his hand.

"Disciple leave!"

After Peng Jiang left, Peng Jiang's master took out a piece of jade pendant and injected it with pure essence. The jade pendant immediately emitted a faint red light.

"Peng Jiang, I will definitely save you! You have to persevere!" Peng Jiang's master prayed silently in his heart.

After Peng Jiang walked out of the master's house, he saw a small flower bed in the yard, so he sat beside the small flower bed, thinking quietly.

"Brother Peng Jiang! Why are you here?" Shangguan Yao and Xiaoxue came in from the door.

"Oh! I'm resting, what are you doing here!" Peng Jiang looked up and said.

"Let's come in and take a look at you. I just heard movement from your room in the kitchen, so I wanted to take a look. Unexpectedly, brother Peng Jiang, you were injured!" Xiaoxue looked at Peng Jiang with distress.

"Well, I'm fine!"

"Brother Peng Jiang, I'm sorry, it's all my fault for not taking good care of Brother Peng Jiang!" Shangguan Yao said guiltily.

"Yaoyao, it's none of your business. You're not wrong. It's my carelessness." Peng Jiang looked at Shangguan Yao gently and said.


"There's nothing to worry about, Yaoyao, you don't have to feel guilty, I'm much better now, let's go back!"

"Oh!" Shangguan Yao replied.

"Yaoyao, I want to drink porridge, I want to drink the porridge you made." Peng Jiang said coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll do it later!" Shangguan Yao said.

"I'm going to help Yaoyao cook too!"


Shangguan Yao took Peng Jiang to the kitchen, while Xiao Xue went to prepare the ingredients.

"Xiaoxue, wash the dishes!" Shangguan Yao ordered.

"Oh!" Xiaoxue replied.

"Yaoyao, can you cook?" Peng Jiang looked at Shangguan Yao and said.

"Of course! I have been practicing cooking since I was a child, so cooking is not a problem for me!" Shangguan Yao said.

"Oh! That's good!" Peng Jiang smiled.

"What's wrong with you? Is something on your mind? Are you sorry that I didn't protect you well?"

"Yaoyao, I really envy you. Although your family is poor, your parents are healthy! Moreover, you have two very sensible and lovely friends, and your master loves you so much. You are so lucky!" Peng Jiang looked at Shangguan Yao said.

"Yes! I am really happy now!" Shangguan Yao showed a sweet smile.

"Aren't you very well now, I think your mood seems to be much better!"

"Hehe, I just need to recuperate properly now!" Shangguan Yao said with a smile.

"Well, then let's work hard to practice together! When my injury is healed, I will take you to visit the mountains and rivers, okay?" Peng Jiang said.

"Well, okay, Brother Peng Jiang, don't mention the wound anymore, it hurts so much!" Shangguan Yao said worriedly.

"I see, I will pay attention to the wound, let's cook first! You are starving!" Peng Jiang changed the subject.

"Well, then I'll wash the vegetables first!" Shangguan Yao nodded and walked towards the well. After seeing her beautiful figure disappear, Peng Jiang's mouth raised a smile, his Yaoyao became more and more beautiful , attracting him more and more.

"Wow, it smells so good! I can already smell the fragrance." Shangguan Yao walked out of the well after washing the dishes, and ran to the table excitedly.

"Hehe! You came here before dinner." Peng Jiang said with a smile.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten for a long time, I'm almost starved to death!" Shangguan Yao pouted and said aggrievedly.

"Okay, okay, eat later, you go and rest first, the meal will be ready soon!"

"Well, I'm going to lie down for a while now, hurry up!" Shangguan Yao said coquettishly.

"Okay, it will be ready soon, you can lie down quickly, and I will call you later!"

Shangguan Yao nodded, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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