Chapter 429

Peng Jiang went outside, and found a young man in green clothes waiting quietly outside, and the boy in blue clothes was Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, long time no see." Peng Jiang cupped his hands towards Lin Feng and said lightly.

Lin Feng also nodded slightly, and said: "Long time no see, Peng Jiang, let's find a place to sit down, chat, and catch up on the past."

"Alright, I just have something to talk to you about." Peng Jiang nodded and said.

The two walked into the house.

The inside of the room is not big. There are eight stone tables and one stone bench. There is another stone table on top of the two stone benches, and eight stone benches on top of the two stone benches.

This house is not big, but it is very luxuriously furnished.

"Sit down, sit down and talk." Peng Jiang said lightly, then walked to a stone chair beside him and sat down, then looked up and looked around, seeing that there was no outsider in the room, Peng Jiang asked Said: "Lin Feng, how did you come here?"

"I found a teleportation array of the demon world in an underground world, and then I came to the demon world through the teleportation array, and came to the magic palace. I found out that there are many teleportation arrays of the demons here, and then I found you in one of the teleportation arrays of the demons, and then we came to the demon palace together." Lin Feng briefly told Peng the purpose of coming here. Jiang didn't hide anything.

"So that's it. It seems that the teleportation array is somewhere in the Demon Realm. I guess there is one in the Demon Palace."

"Well, that's right."

Peng Jiang continued to ask: "Lin Feng, you just said that you found the teleportation array of the demon clan outside the demon palace, what's going on?"

"It's like this. After I discovered these demonic teleportation arrays, I wanted to destroy the demonic teleportation arrays, but found that the demonic teleportation arrays were equipped with defensive formations. I couldn't break them at all, so I planned to use them to destroy them. The brute force directly smashed these formations, and then completely destroyed the teleportation formation."

"But these teleportation arrays are very strong, even I can't break through them, so I gave up this plan."

"I searched outside for a while, but I couldn't find the transmission array of the Demon Race. However, I found a large ore vein outside the Demon Palace. The ore vein contains a lot of ore, and there are many crystal nuclei inside, so I I am going to dig out the crystal nucleus and use the crystal nucleus to cultivate."

"The price of the crystal nucleus is very expensive. It took me a lot of time to find this vein, and when I was digging, I also attracted a group of monsters, so it took a lot of effort. Fortunately, the monsters were killed by me. so I'm safe."

"The demon world is huge, and I don't know how far I have gone. In short, I am constantly going deep into the demon world. I have encountered many powerful monsters along the way, and the deeper I go into the demon world, the stronger the strength of the demon race. The number of demon race The more there are, the higher the level of the demons will be."

"I found that in the depths of the demon world, there is a temple. That temple is made of special materials, and there should be many demons sealed inside."

While speaking, Lin Feng took out a magic core from his arms and handed it to Peng Jiang.

"I found that the magic core can increase the cultivation base of the demon clan. The magic core contains a huge amount of magic energy. As long as the magic core is swallowed, the cultivation base of the demon clan will increase very quickly."

Peng Jiang took the magic core and carefully observed the magic core. His face became more and more dignified. There was a strong magic energy exuding from the magic core. He was very familiar with this magic energy.

"Are you talking about the most miraculous demon core in the demon world?" Peng Jiang suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

"Well, it is the most powerful demon core in the demon world. It is called the demon essence stone. The most powerful demon cores in the demon world are said to be protected by some strong demons. Except for those of us who have the blood of the demons Use this magic element stone."

"The bloodlines with demonic energy in our demon clan are very low, not many, and people with demonic energy are relatively weak in body, so the demonic energy is insufficient, so we can only use demonic essence stones."

"But people with magic energy can quickly replenish the consumption of demons by using magic stones, so the value of magic stones is relatively expensive."

"It is said that the magic element in the magic element stone is composed of a very precious element essence in the devil world. It is the most precious element essence in the devil world. Only the devil king or the devil emperor is eligible to enjoy it."

"The thinner the magic energy in the demon world, the higher the quality of the magic stone."

"The more elemental essence contained in the magic essence stone, the more elemental essence stored in the magic essence stone, but the consumption of the magic essence stone is also very large."

"Demon Essence Stone is a very rare elemental essence in the Demon Realm. It works very well. It is one of the top elemental essences in the Demon Realm. It can quickly restore the demonic energy consumed by the demon race."

Lin Feng paused at this point.

"Lin Feng, if the magic energy is contained in the magic essence stone, isn't the value of the magic essence stone very expensive?" Hearing this, Peng Jiang couldn't help but gasped.

"Of course, the value of the magic essence stone is very expensive, but it is not a big problem for me. After all, my identity is the devil emperor, and the devil emperor's property is very terrifying. The money in my property is more expensive than any The emperor has a lot of money, gold coins, silver tickets, jade pendants, gems, jewelry, as well as precious medicinal herbs, elixir, weapons in the devil world, and even the corpses of the devil king and the devil king. These are all my wealth, so For me, the magic element stone is really just a drop in the bucket."

"Lin Feng, you are so rich, you are a local tyrant in the devil world!" Peng Jiang sighed looking at the devil core in his hand.

Lin Feng smiled: "Brother Peng Jiang, do you know who the Demon King and Demon Lord, Demon Lord, Demon Lord, Demon Emperor, Demon Emperor, Demon Emperor, Demon Emperor, and the emperor of the Demon Race are?"

"This... I don't know, but these are rumored characters. I don't know the specific situation, but the deterrent power of the devil must be very terrifying." Peng Jiang shook his head and said.

"Well, the devil king is the most powerful existence in the devil world, second only to God in the devil world, and the devil king is also the strongest in the devil world. It is said that the realm of the devil king has surpassed gods, but I'm not sure he is Not a real god, because no god is that powerful." Lin Feng said.

"What, you said that the devil has already surpassed the gods? Isn't that right? Although the devil is the strongest in the devil world, the god is the supreme god in our world. God can easily kill the devil." Peng Jiang couldn't believe it .

"Well, yes, the demon king in the demon world is only at the level of the god king, and the demon king is only the number one powerhouse in the demon world." Lin Feng nodded, "And I heard that the god king of the god world, the god king of the demon world They are already extremely strong in the God Realm. At least the God King I met now is very strong. I don’t know how many times stronger than my current strength. I guess, the world we are in now has been ruled by God. The king was conquered, so the demon king of the demon world will occupy our current world, expand the power of the demon world to the entire heaven world, and become the overlord of the heaven world, so we are now invaded by the overlord of the demon world."

When Peng Jiang heard Lin Feng's analysis, he couldn't help frowning.

"If these are true, then we are in trouble, we cannot survive in this world."

Lin Feng smiled lightly: "You don't need to worry, we can go to the mine of the magic element stone. I have set up a defensive formation at the bottom of the mine. As long as the miners in the mine of the magic element stone are close, they will will be attacked.”

Peng Jiang couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard Lin Feng's words. He was really afraid that Lin Feng would let him take them into the Moyuan Stone Mine.

Peng Jiang chatted with Lin Feng for a while, surrounded by a group of girls.

"Peng Jiang, should we leave here? After so long, my parents should be anxious." Lin Yuxin said anxiously.

Lin Feng didn't know where the Moyuan Stone Mine was, so he could only ask Peng Jiang to help him lead these people into the mine through the passage of the Demon Realm.

Peng Jiang thought for a while and said, "Let's leave here first. The environment here is too harsh. If this continues, you will be infected by the virus sooner or later."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Lin Yuxin nodded.

Immediately, everyone left the valley and walked towards the mine.

Near the Moyuan Stone Mine, there are two exits, one in the south and one in the north.

The entrance and exit of the Demon Realm are very large, with 36 mines. Ordinary miners cannot reach the mines at all, because the mines are very dangerous and may be demonized.

Peng Jiang took Lin Yuxin and the others out from the northwest entrance, crossed a rugged mountain road, and came to the Moyuan Stone Mine.

(End of this chapter)

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