Chapter 430

This magic stone mine is a defensive formation arranged by Lin Feng. Only Peng Jiang can enter. Others, including Lin Yuxin, cannot pass through here. People enter the mine.

The magic stone mine is a huge mine. There are many magic crystals around the mine. Each magic spar is the size of a fist. Very precious, it is one of the materials for refining magic spar.

Peng Jiang took Lin Yuxin and others to the exit of the magic spar mine.

"Lin Feng, there is a magic spar at the entrance and exit of this magic stone mine. As long as I break this magic spar, the magic energy of the magic spar will escape, and a whirlwind of magic energy will be formed at that time. We can take advantage of it Come in here." Peng Jiang pointed to a crystal clear magic spar and said.

"Then trouble Brother Peng Jiang to break this magic spar." Lin Feng nodded and said.

Peng Jiang smiled slightly. He stretched out his hand to grab the crystal clear magic spar and squeezed it vigorously. The magic spar suddenly shattered and the magic energy radiated out.

Peng Jiang took the lead into the magic spar mine, and the rest of the girls followed Peng Jiang into the magic spar mine.

Lin Feng also walked in.

In the mine, there are some people guarding. These people have ragged clothes and pale faces, and they are obviously infected with the virus.

"Who are you? How did you get out of the Moyuan Stone mine?" The guards saw Lin Feng and the others, and asked Peng Jiang suspiciously.

"Hehe, brother, I am a human being in this world, and we are here to find your god king." Peng Jiang explained with a smile.

Hearing this, the eyes of these guards lit up: "Are you really human? Tell me quickly, how can you enter the mine. Our clansmen are also infected with the magic energy and have been infected by the virus. We need you now Humanity to save us."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to help you heal your demonic energy." Peng Jiang said with a smile.

These guards also knew that only Lin Feng could help them now, so they had no choice but to agree to Peng Jiang's request.

"Okay, thank you!" The guards saluted Peng Jiang.

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. Although these demon soldiers are descendants of demons, they are not bad. It's just that they live under the conspiracy of demons and are deceived by humans, so they become a little crazy and extreme.

These guards led Lin Feng and Lin Yuxin to the depths of the mine.

There is a deep tunnel here, and there are rows of magic spar walls on both sides of the tunnel, which looks a bit like a sarcophagus.

"Brother Peng Jiang, do you think this magic spar is the original material of this tomb?" Lin Feng asked suddenly.

"That's right, these are mineral deposits dug out from the ground, and there is infinite magic power in them. These mineral deposits can provide us with magical energy for cultivation." Peng Jiang said.

"So, as long as you enter this magic spar mine, you can practice." Lin Feng nodded.

"Yes, in our world, there are other things besides the magic essence stone. What I can tell you is that there are many spiritual herbs in this magic essence stone mine." Peng Jiang nodded.

Lin Feng was stunned when he heard this. It seems that there are still many magic stone mines that he wants to get.

Lin Feng followed Peng Jiang and the others to continue walking towards the depths of the mine.

After walking for a long time, a fork appeared in front of him. On both sides of the fork, there were two guards standing respectively.

"Where does this lead?" Peng Jiang looked at the two guards and asked with a frown.

"This is the magic spar mine, leading to the palace of the devil king."

"What, the devil's bedroom? No wonder I can't feel the devil's energy."

Lin Feng's consciousness scanned the entire Demon Stone Mine, but he couldn't find the Demon King's bedroom.

"Don't act rashly." Peng Jiang said to Lin Feng.

"Yes, I know."

Peng Jiang nodded and was about to go in.

"Brother Peng Jiang, why don't we get rid of these two demon generals first, and then enter the demon king's bedroom." Lin Feng said to Peng Jiang.

"These two demon generals have been infected, and their bodies are unconscious. It is impossible to hurt me. I can easily get rid of them." Peng Jiang shook his head and said.

"Since brother Peng Jiang is so confident, let's try." Lin Feng nodded.

When Peng Jiang heard this, he did not hesitate to use his magic power to raise his realm to the stage of Dzogchen.

As soon as Peng Jiang's realm was raised to the Dzogchen stage, the two demon generals moved.

"Peng Jiang, go to hell."

As soon as Peng Jiang stepped into the entrance of the magic spar mine, he bumped into an arm head-on. The owner of the arm was a man covered in pitch black with scales on his face. Jiang assassinated.

Peng Jiang had been on guard for a long time, he stepped on the gossip step, and dodged. The magic knife in his hand swung a knife flower, and hit the man's wrist. He heard a click, and the man's wrist was broken.

Peng Jiang's knife cut off the man's wrist, and then slashed at his head. The man's reaction was extremely fast, and he dodged quickly, but his wrist had been lost, and only one arm was left. It was much slower, and escaped the attack, but it was also in a panic.

The magic knife in Peng Jiang's hand pierced his chest directly, piercing a hole in his chest, blood sprayed out, splashed on the wall behind him, and splashed red flowers one after another.

The man fell to the ground.

Peng Jiang pulled out the knife and threw his body aside.

"My sword skills are much better than before." Peng Jiang said excitedly.

"Your strength has increased, but they are still infected by the demonic energy. We must get rid of them as soon as possible." Lin Feng nodded and said to Peng Jiang.

"Well, then I will take you in now." Peng Jiang took Lin Feng and Peng Jiang's daughter into the tunnel of the magic spar mine.

On both sides of the tunnel, a lot of magma flowed down, forming hot springs.

On both sides of the tunnel, there are many pools, and there are many monsters swimming in the pools, and the swimming speed is very fast.

"The speed of this monster is very fast. If it is an ordinary monster, it is no match for these monsters." Peng Jiang looked at the swimming monsters and said to Lin Feng.

"This kind of monster is indeed very powerful, but it is not enough to deal with the devil. We should hurry up and get rid of these guards before entering the devil's bedroom." Lin Feng said.

"Alright, I'll take you to the devil's bedroom." Peng Jiang nodded, leading Lin Feng and Lin Qianqian towards the devil's bedroom.

In the magic element stone mine, several monsters soon discovered them, and they rushed towards them one after another.

Demonic flames gushed out from Lin Feng's body, blasting a monster with one punch.

The power of the magic fire caused the group of monsters to flee one after another.

Their magic energy has no effect on the flame.

With the help of Peng Jiang, Lin Feng's strength has been restored to the peak level of a true demon.

Lin Feng now has three real magic beads, and he can now perform three moves of real magic magic.

The three moves of the real devil are extremely powerful.

Lin Feng used three moves.

The demonic flames are raging, the fire is burning the sky, the wind is raging, and the storm is raging.

Peng Jiang's strength, even under Lin Feng's three moves of true demon magic, is also difficult to resist. Fortunately, the magic armor on Peng Jiang resisted these flames.

Peng Jiang was also a ruthless character. He persisted in Lin Feng's three moves for ten seconds, and finally rushed to the demon king's palace against the flames.

Lin Feng's magic flame can only burn ordinary monsters, but Peng Jiang's magic armor can defend against these magic flames.

"Brother Peng Jiang, you really deserve to be the existence of the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian." Lin Feng glanced at Peng Jiang.

"That's right." Peng Jiang smiled, "If it weren't for these magic generals, I wouldn't be able to beat you, haha."

"En." Lin Feng nodded, followed Peng Jiang, and rushed to the devil's bedroom.

The devil's bedroom is located on a huge altar, and there is a huge coffin in the center of the altar. Inside the coffin lies a man of the demon race, which is the devil. Blood is overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and there are hideous scars on his face. It looked like a demon whose leg had been chopped off.

Peng Jiang intercepted Lin Feng and others, and said, "I'll get rid of these demons."

Peng Jiang's devilish energy surged out from the devil's armor, covering the huge altar.

The devil's bedroom was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Peng Jiang's hands quickly formed a seal, and a huge barrier formed over the demon's bedroom, wrapping the entire demon's bedroom inside.

(End of this chapter)

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