Chapter 434

"Oh? Really? That's great! I'm going to the headquarters of the Demon Realm now!" Peng Jiang said excitedly.

Peng Jiang flew all the way to the northwest, and stopped after flying out of the Demon Realm.

"You are the headquarters of the Demon Realm? Who is the Demon King of the Demon Realm?" Peng Jiang said.

"The Demon King of the Demon Realm is of course His Majesty the Demon Emperor. Among the demon clan, only His Majesty the Demon Emperor is the ruler of the Demon Realm! How can you, a small demon clan, know the deeds of the Demon Emperor!" the Demon Lord laughed.

"So that's how it is." Peng Jiang nodded and said, "In this case, take me to the Demon Emperor's headquarters."

"No, His Majesty the Demon Emperor has already retreated, and no one will be seen. If you want to go, go see His Majesty the Demon Emperor." The Demon Lord shook his head and said.

"Retreat?" Peng Jiang frowned, thinking: "No wonder they didn't find the headquarters of the Demon Realm. It turns out that the Demon Emperor has retreated. Then I will go to some demon clan headquarters first, and then find the headquarters of the Demon Realm!"

"Well, I'm going to the headquarters of the Demon Realm. My name is Peng Jiang. We will meet again soon!" Peng Jiang said.

"Okay, just wait for a while, and you can leave when the headquarters of the Demon Realm appears in sight," said the Demon Monarch.

Peng Jiang nodded.

Peng Jiang stood in the void, quietly waiting for the so-called headquarters of the Demon Realm to appear in the Demon King's mouth.

"Hoo hoo."

Suddenly, Peng Jiang's eyes opened.

Behind Peng Jiang, a huge black castle slowly floated up.

Peng Jiang's eyes widened, and he looked at the black castle behind him in horror, his mind was in chaos.

This. This. What's going on here?
This black castle actually floated into mid-air.

Peng Jiang's heart was beating non-stop.

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, what are you doing? Why are you floating this in the air?" Peng Jiang asked.

"The headquarters of the Demon Realm has appeared!" The Demon Lord's face was full of fanaticism.

Peng Jiang was taken aback, and asked, "What? The headquarters of the Demon Realm? Did you say this is the headquarters of the Demon Realm?"

"Well, that's right, it's the headquarters of the Demon Realm. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a miraculous event, and it would allow me to meet such a great fortune." The Demon Lord said: "This is a place in ancient times. The statue of the great strong man, it is said that the great strong man came from the ancient gods."

After listening to the explanation of the demon king, Peng Jiang realized it.

It turns out that this giant castle is a statue of an ancient strong man, no wonder it is floating in the air.

The Demon King continued: "Now His Majesty the Demon Emperor has left the kingdom of the Demon Realm, and I will take care of everything in the Demon Realm, while the Lord Demon Emperor is practicing in seclusion. He wants to challenge the realm of the Demon Lord, and then he can ascend to the heavenly realm." !"

When Peng Jiang heard this, he couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

"So, you are now the cultivation level of the Demon Lord?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Well, it is now, but it is still far from reaching the peak." Mojun nodded, he is a very proud person.

"Then you still dare to provoke me here? Do you think your life is too long?" Peng Jiang asked.

"What are you talking about? How am I provoking you? I just want to form an alliance with you. You are now the disciple of the demon general. With your strength, it should not be difficult to kill the demon general. I want you Help me get rid of the Demon General!" said the Demon Lord.

"Hmph, do you think I'm someone who would casually agree to others' help without any reward?" Peng Jiang said.

"Of course not, how much do you want to pay?" the Demon Lord asked.

Peng Jiang thought for a while and said, "I need a map of the headquarters of the demons. I need to know all the information about the demons, some important things about the demons, including all kinds of treasures, elixir, and pills in the demon world."

"Okay, no problem, I will definitely fulfill your wish! Let's go to the palace of His Majesty the Demon Emperor now!" said the Demon Lord.

"Okay, let's go now!" Peng Jiang said.

The Demon Lord and Peng Jiang flew to where the Demon Emperor was.

Inside the palace of the Demon Emperor, Peng Jiang was taken to a spacious hall.

In the hall, there are many devils dressed in luxurious clothes, handsome in appearance, cold in face, and extraordinary in temperament.

"There are so many demons, are they all demons?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Yes, they are all demons! They are all the guards of His Majesty the Demon Emperor!" the Demon Lord replied.

"Guards!" Peng Jiang's face changed slightly.

"Peng Jiang, let me introduce you. This is my righteous brother, the third son of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, and the Emperor of the Demon Race. His name is Mo Long. You can call him Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor." The Demon Lord laughed road.

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor!" Peng Jiang saluted the Dragon Emperor.

"Hahaha, hello, Peng Jiang, you are also a figure in our demon clan, I hope you will not let us down!" The Dragon Emperor said with a smile.

Peng Jiang nodded, thinking to himself: "This devil emperor looks very gentle."

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, Peng Jiang is Peng Jiang, and I am Peng Jiang's disciple. I am the Demon Emperor sent by the Demon Clan Headquarters to the Demon Realm." Demon Lord introduced.

"It turned out to be the demon king sent by the headquarters of the demon clan. Welcome to our demon world." The Dragon Emperor stretched out his right hand and said, "Peng Jiang, from now on, you will be a member of the headquarters of the demon world. The Demon Realm dedicates your strength!"

"Your Majesty the Dragon Emperor, thank you, I will definitely do my best!" Peng Jiang held the Dragon Emperor's hand.

The Demon Lord introduced the other Demon Emperors to Peng Jiang.

The Demon Lord is a very calm and introverted person. Peng Jiang feels that his master Peng Hai is far behind the Demon Lord in front of him. He deserves to be sent by the headquarters of the Demon Race. Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord at the Demon Clan Headquarters is also one of His Majesty's most beloved children. His cultivation has already surpassed Peng Hai and reached the peak state of His Majesty the Demon Emperor.

At this time, a demon ran in from outside.

"Report to His Majesty the Demon Emperor, just now, someone put a sentence on the city wall called 'Peng Jiang, do you dare to bet with me'?" said the demon.

"What!" Hearing this, Peng Jiang couldn't help being furious.

This is a great challenge to him!
"Who let it go?" Dragon Emperor asked.

"He said." The devil was about to answer.

"Peng Jiang, tell me! Who dares to challenge your majesty?" said the devil.

"It's a kid named Peng Jiang! He said that if you don't come out to compete with him, he will break into the headquarters of the Demon Realm and snatch all the treasures of the Demon Clan!" Peng Jiang said angrily.

"Oh, he's so arrogant! Come, get him!" Hearing this, the Demon Emperor was furious, and ordered the Demon Army to go out and arrest Peng Jiang and arrest him.

Soon, Peng Jiang was captured by the magic army.

"Say, how am I going to punish you?" the Demon Emperor asked.

"I said I lost, I lost!" Peng Jiang said.

The Demon Emperor sneered, and said: "Okay, since you admit defeat, I will spare your life for now, but if you let me know that you lied to me, you must bear my anger!"

Hearing the words of the Demon Emperor, Peng Jiang couldn't help but secretly said: "I am the grandson of the Demon Emperor, and I have a noble status, so I don't bother to use tricks to deceive such a despicable villain!"

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, don't worry, I, Peng Jiang, absolutely disdain to use any means to deceive you, I, Peng Jiang, promise a thousand dollars!" Peng Jiang promised.

"Okay, you go down first!" said the Demon Emperor.

"Yes!" Peng Jiang turned and left.

The moment he walked out of the hall, he felt a burst of relief.

Although he knows that he will not be in danger now, but the power of the Demon Clan Headquarters is too large, and Peng Jiang is also very worried that something will happen. After all, His Majesty the Demon Emperor is also very afraid of his son, if he really does something wrong , I will definitely die, so Peng Jiang still dare not take it lightly.

The headquarters of the Demon Clan is a very large force. His Majesty the Demon Emperor has many high-level magic weapons, which is why the headquarters of the Demon Clan is so powerful.

"Father, you are really amazing. Your son, Peng Jiang, has now become a deputy hall master in our demon headquarters." Demon Lord said with a smile.

"Peng Jiang, he has such a violent personality, how can he be a hall master?" said the Demon Emperor.

"Peng Jiang's cultivation aptitude is very strong, and he is your only grandson, His Majesty the Demon Emperor, so he will be able to integrate into the headquarters soon, and he will not cause us any trouble, so don't worry !” Said the Demon Monarch.

"Well, well, if that's the case, then I'll believe your words for the time being, but I hope you can educate him well and don't let him be like his mother who only cares about his own interests and doesn't care about the safety of others! "The Demon Emperor said seriously to the Demon Lord.

"Yes, I know." Demon Lord said.

Peng Jiang was imprisoned in a remote palace, under the care of several maids sent by the Demon Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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