Chapter 437

Peng Jiang quickly took out the mirror from the storage bag, and then carefully observed his appearance. It seemed that there was nothing special about him, so Peng Jiang had to put away the mirror and looked around.

Peng Jiang found that the room he was in was very simple. There was only a broken table, a wooden bed, and a wooden stool, nothing else.

Peng Jiang walked to the wooden table, picked up the cup on the wooden table, and found that the cup was incomplete, and couldn't help frowning: "What material is this cup made of? It looks so broken!"

At this time, a man in black walked up to Peng Jiang and asked coldly, "Did you go to the creek just now?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Peng Jiang asked.

"Where are you going? Are you going to escape?" the man in black asked coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm the only one here, where can I go?" Peng Jiang stared at the man in black.

The man in black continued to sneer, and then said, "So you went to take a shower?"

"You mean I went to take a shower?" Peng Jiang's expression froze instantly.

The man in black said coldly: "It seems that you are not stupid, you know to take a bath by yourself, but if someone finds you in the bath, it will be troublesome, this village does not welcome outsiders, and you, a sinner, will definitely be killed Lose."

"Who are you guys? Why did you kill me? I don't seem to have done anything wrong?" Peng Jiang's tone softened.

"Nothing wrong? You killed the son of the Demon Emperor. Even if the son of the Demon Emperor committed any crime, it is not your turn to punish him! Our Demon Emperor is a very benevolent Demon King. Our Majesty the Demon Emperor He is a good man, so don't worry! As long as you don't run away, you will be able to leave safely!" The man in black turned and left the room after speaking.

Hearing this, Peng Jiang was stunned. The son of the Demon Emperor, the son of the Demon Emperor, is the Demon Emperor?

Demon Emperor?The Demon Emperor is Peng Jiang's father. The Demon Emperor is a very powerful character. Peng Jiang has never seen the Demon Emperor, but he has only heard about the Demon Emperor's majestic deeds from his father Peng Jiang.

The Demon Emperor is an extremely terrifying person. His strength is unfathomable. He ranks among the top three in the entire Mingyue Continent. His son is also a very terrifying character.

Peng Jiang's mind was running fast, and he thought of his father, Peng Jiang's father whom Peng Jiang had admired since he was a child.

Peng Jiang's father is called Peng Jiang's father Peng Jiang. Peng Jiang also asked his mother about this surname, but unfortunately, Peng Jiang's mother did not give him a satisfactory answer. Therefore, Peng Jiang has always been concerned about Peng Jiang's father. With a sense of awe.

Peng Jiang's father is the idol that Peng Jiang worships, and also the idol that Peng Jiang worships. Peng Jiang has always thought that his father is the greatest figure in the entire Mingyue Continent.

Peng Jiang's father has always been a legend, and he has always followed his father as an example, so Peng Jiang respects his father very much.

When Peng Jiang thought of his father, he couldn't help but think of his father's son, the Demon Emperor. These men in black were all here to assassinate the Demon Emperor.

A terrible idea suddenly popped up in Peng Jiang's mind, could it be the son of the Demon Emperor, the son of the Demon Emperor, who came to seek revenge on him?

Thinking of this possibility, Peng Jiang couldn't help trembling violently.

Although Peng Jiang is only a child, he is an adult and knows what to ask and what not to ask.

Peng Jiang didn't dare to think about it anymore, because he didn't want to bear that kind of ending.

Peng Jiang quickly put the cup in his hand back to its original position, then quickly took off the torn cotton jacket on the bed, and changed into the white clothes he usually wears.

After doing all this, Peng Jiang quickly walked to the window, opened the curtains, looked out of the window, and looked at the mountains and rivers in the distance, his heart gradually settled.

He knew that now he had no way out, perhaps the only way out was to hide in the village and wait for rescue.

Peng Jiang went to another door of the house, pushed it lightly, and found that the door was locked. Peng Jiang quickly twisted it with his hands a few times, but found that the door could not be opened.

Peng Jiang couldn't help being furious, thinking: "These bastards have locked me here. These bastards are too hateful. I, Peng Jiang, will never give in."

Just when Peng Jiang was angry, a gust of wind suddenly blew by.

Peng Jiang groaned in his heart, and quickly turned around to look around, but he didn't find anyone suspicious.

"Could it be that I scare myself from these people?" Peng Jiang shook his head and continued to look out of the window, but he found that the window was still closed, and there was a stone on the window, and a rope behind the stone. The defense is really tight!

"The guards here are also very strict. It seems that I have to find a way to escape from here, or find a way to escape from the village!" Peng Jiang thought.

Suddenly, Peng Jiang's eyeballs rolled and he took a thought, then walked to the table, picked up a chair, moved it to the window, jumped from the window to the window sill, and then took out a bamboo whistle from his arms, Blow hard.

When Peng Jiang was blowing the whistle, he found that the bamboo whistle made a crisp sound, which was particularly abrupt at night.

After Peng Jiang blew the bamboo whistle, two people suddenly emerged from a corner of the house, both wearing bamboo hats and half masks on their faces.

The two walked to Peng Jiang's side, clasped their fists and saluted Peng Jiang: "Master."

Peng Jiang nodded, then pointed to the note on the ground, and said, "Go and help me deliver these things to the village chief's house, and then give this note to Mr. Wu!"

One of them picked up the note and looked at it, then respectfully said: "Yes!"

"In addition, you take my things away too! I'm going home now!" Peng Jiang said to the two people.

"Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

After finishing speaking, the two lifted the note and quickly walked out of the village.

The speed of these two people was very fast, and they disappeared outside the village after a while.

Peng Jiang kept praying in his heart, praying that the two of them would deliver the note to his father as soon as possible.

Peng Jiang's prayer was soon fulfilled.

Not long after, the two shadows turned back again.

When Peng Jiang saw the two of them, he couldn't help being surprised, because, just now, he had put all his things into the backpack, why did the two of them return?Could it be that they took all their things away?

"Who are you?" Peng Jiang looked at them vigilantly and said loudly.

"Master Peng Jiang, have you forgotten who we are?" One of the men in black wearing a bamboo hat asked.

Peng Jiang thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized that they were the guards beside the Demon Emperor. He had been following the Demon Emperor to fight in all directions before, and had dealt with them several times.

"You are the people around the Demon Emperor, right? What are you doing here?" Peng Jiang asked vigilantly.

One of the men in black said: "We are ordered to protect Mr. Peng Jiang!"

"Oh, that's right, thank you."

Peng Jiang thanked him, then took out a elixir from his sleeve and handed it to the man in black, "You guys help me take this pill, it's a detoxification pill. Take one pill each, it should be able to withstand it for a while! "

The two men in black took the pills from Peng Jiang's hand and took them separately.

Peng Jiang said: "Okay, we can set off now, and I hope we can still meet the Demon Emperor's subordinates."

"Yes, master!"

The two raised their heads to look at Peng Jiang, then turned and left.

At this time, Peng Jiang's stomach suddenly growled, Peng Jiang smiled awkwardly, thinking, what should I do if I am hungry at this time?
Peng Jiang thought about it and decided to go to the kitchen to get some food, so he went to the kitchen and prepared to cook.

"Hey, do you know how to cook?" Peng Jiang couldn't help being surprised when he saw that there were only two large pots and two stoves in the kitchen. asked.

The two chefs in the kitchen were taken aback when they heard Peng Jiang's words.

They looked at each other, and then one of them said: "I don't know, master, we can only cook and cook, but we don't know how to cook!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter whether you can cook or not. I'm here to study anyway. Let's cook quickly, or my stomach will protest again. How about you cook some gruel for me first." Peng Jiang He said to the two with a smile.

"Yes, master!"

So the two of them got busy.

Peng Jiang stood aside and watched their actions, feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

From Peng Jiang's point of view, both of them are relatively powerful masters. Why do they do these ordinary jobs?It stands to reason that the subordinates of the Demon Emperor, no matter which country they are from, are very prestigious people. They should be either rich or expensive, and it is impossible for them to be reduced to the point of doing these menial jobs, unless they have some reason to fall on the Demon Emperor. hands to do these things.

Although Peng Jiang was curious, he didn't say anything.

After the two finished cooking, Peng Jiang sat down to eat.

This meal, Peng Jiang ate very sweet, he hadn't eaten for many days.

(End of this chapter)

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