Chapter 436

"So that's it, you traitor!" The face of the Lord Demon King turned cold instantly, his eyes were round and round, the eyeballs almost didn't pop out, and a look of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

Lord Demon King slapped Peng Jiang's face fiercely, and Peng Jiang fell to the ground immediately. Peng Jiang was terrified by this sudden scene, for a moment, he even forgot to resist, he covered his cheek , staring blankly at Lord Demon King.

Lord Demon King grabbed Peng Jiang's collar and roared angrily: "How dare you defect to the Demon Race, it is an unforgivable crime!"

Hearing this, Peng Jiang showed a desperate expression on his face. It seemed that he was really doomed this time, and he shouted unwillingly: "Why do you imprison me? You can't treat me like this. I am a demon royal family!" If you dare to imprison me, you must bear the wrath of the Demon Lord!"

"Devil Lord? Huh!" Lord Demon King sneered disdainfully, and said: "What is the identity of our Demon Lord, how can you compare it with you? You are just a child of the royal family. I want to kill you like crushing a cat Ants so easy!"

"I don't accept it. If you don't kill me, I will definitely report you!" Peng Jiang shouted.

"Hehe, then you go!" Lord Demon King said coldly.

When Peng Jiang heard this, his face instantly turned pale. At this moment, he finally understood the gap between himself and Lord Demon King.

Peng Jiang hurriedly begged: "My lord, please spare my life. I am willing to submit to my lord's command and do the work of dogs and horses. I also ask my lord to spare my humble life."

"It's too late, you have already turned your back on the demons, you just wait for your father to deal with you!" Lord Demon King said coldly, and then, with a wave of his hand, he put Peng Jiang into his storage ring Inside.

Afterwards, Lord Demon King searched the whole mansion again. He searched the mansion all over but did not find any clues. He did not know where Peng Jiang's treasure was hidden.

"Well, it seems that I still underestimated Peng Jiang. It seems that I can only go to his parents. I hope they can know what I am looking for. If they are willing to tell me, they may be able to help me." Lord Demon King sighed Tone, thinking silently in my heart.

Lord Demon King left the mansion and came to a manor, which is Peng Jiang's hometown, where Peng Jiang's parents are Peng Jiang's adoptive parents.

"Father, mother, Peng Jiang was imprisoned by the Lord Demon King. Now I am trying to save him. Please tell me the exact location of the treasure room. Peng Jiang is counting on you!" Lord Demon King shouted at the roof After a while, he didn't use his voice, but called his parents in his mind.

Peng Jiang's parents knew about Peng Jiang's defection for a long time, and they were very sad. Peng Jiang was like a son in their minds, but now he defected, which made them feel very sad. Peng Jiang's mother cried by the eaves When he got up, Peng Jiang's adoptive father also had a sad face.

The two pondered for a while before starting to discuss.

They decided to tell the location of the treasure room to the Demon King, but they had to send a few demon soldiers to inquire about the news and confirm that the information was accurate. , and even the war between the two dynasties of the Demon Race and the Demon Realm.

This news cannot be leaked.

Peng Jiang's father and mother were very cautious, and they kept discussing in the room.

"This Peng Jiang is so nonsense. He is so impulsive in how he does things. He has no sense of the overall situation. If he doesn't defect, we can use the strength of the demons to deal with the gods. Now it's good. We are captured by the demons. What should I do?" Peng Jiang's mother said with a distressed expression.

"It's true that Peng Jiang was wrong this time, but what can we do? We can't just watch Peng Jiang die, right?" Peng Jiang's father sighed.

"We can't watch Peng Jiang die, so what should we do? We can't just watch the demon army invade our people?" Peng Jiang's mother continued.

"This matter is indeed difficult, and we have nothing to do. We can only ask those people in the God Realm for help. They should know how to solve this matter!" Peng Jiang's father frowned.

"Well, go ask for help, I'll stay here and wait for news!" Peng Jiang's mother said.

"Why are you staying here, a girl? This is not a joke!" Peng Jiang's father said with some concern.

"Hmph, what's the use of me staying here? The masters of the demon clan are much stronger than me, do you think I can beat them by myself?" Peng Jiang's mother said with an unhappy face.

"Hey, I'm just worried about you. After all, you haven't cultivated to the god level yet, so I don't trust you to stay here." Peng Jiang's father said with some embarrassment.

"I know you're worried about me, but I can't just watch Peng Jiang die." Peng Jiang's mother shook her head resolutely.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll go, take care of yourself!" Peng Jiang's father said, then turned and walked out of the room.

Peng Jiang's mother watched Peng Jiang's father walk away before she slowly sat on the edge of the bed.

Her face was very haggard, her temples had gray hair, and her face was full of sorrow.

These days, she hasn't slept well, and she feels very sad when she thinks of her son.

Although Peng Jiang was stubborn, he was very filial since he was a child. Peng Jiang's parents had great expectations for him, and they loved him very much. This is the first time Peng Jiang has experienced family affection since he was a child living in this world.

This is a rare happiness in Peng Jiang's life.

Unfortunately, Peng Jiang got into big trouble this time.

Peng Jiang's father walked out of the room with a melancholy look on his face. He was trying to save Peng Jiang.

"Peng Jiang, you can't leave your parents alone!"

At this time, Peng Jiang, who was far away in the underworld, suddenly felt itchy and uncomfortable all over. Peng Jiang knew that he could not bear it any longer, so he began to look for water sources everywhere.

Peng Jiang's adoptive parents built this dilapidated small temple in a dilapidated temple, because this small temple is too dilapidated and has no protective measures. Once the demon army attacks, they can directly kill them and they will suffer , so they had to relocate elsewhere.

Peng Jiang came to a valley, looked at the clear lake water, his body twisted a few times like a snake, and then jumped into the lake.

Plop, plop, plop, his body is like a fish, constantly swimming in the water, he enjoys the moisture of this water very much.

After swimming for a certain distance, he found that there was no discomfort in his body, so he surfaced and began to rest.

Just when he was about to lie down and rest, suddenly, he heard some noise not far away.

"Is someone sneaking up on me? This is not good!" Peng Jiang suddenly became vigilant.

Peng Jiang quickly stood up, ready to hide behind the stone to observe the enemy's situation.

Peng Jiang quietly lurked in the past, and through the dilapidated window, he found five men in black standing in the courtyard. inferior to his own father.

Peng Jiang was secretly surprised, Peng Jiang had never encountered such a powerful strength.

These men in black are all wearing a set of black clothes, it seems that they should be from the Demon Palace.

"Who are these guys? Why are they so arrogant? How dare they break into Peng's mansion?" Peng Jiang thought secretly.

After a while, Peng Jiang saw the group of men in black walking towards him.

These men in black were very imposing. They walked to the courtyard wall, jumped up suddenly, and then, holding a sharp sword, slashed towards the roof.

Boom, click, click!

As soon as these sharp swords fell to the ground, they cut several deep sword marks in the yard.

Their target was not Pengjiang, but the beams on the courtyard wall.

Peng Jiang yelled in his heart that it was not good, so he quickly got up from the ground and ran backwards.

However, it was still a step too late, the group of men in black had already split a hole in the courtyard wall, and then these men in black rushed towards the rooms in the courtyard.

Peng Jiang rushed into the room and closed the door.

As soon as the men in black rushed in, they scattered in all directions.

None of them entered the house, and they were all guarding the outside. Peng Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

He saw that these men in black were all wearing black hats and black veils covering their faces, which covered their faces, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

It seems that these men in black are here to kill him, but how do they know that there is Peng Jiang here?This is very strange, Peng Jiang did not reveal his traces, except for his father who knew that he was here, only one person knew, and that person was Peng Jiang's father.

Do these men in black know themselves?

its not right!This doubt flashed in Peng Jiang's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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