Chapter 453

At this time, the old man was already approaching Zi Yan, Zi Yan didn't dare to neglect, the dagger in his hand drew a series of cold lights, and kept attacking the old man.

The old man's cultivation was higher than hers, so she had no choice but to delay as much as possible.

"Hmph! You are not worthy of letting me use my full strength!" Seeing Ziyan's distressed look, the old man sneered and said, "Little girl, now, it's the old man's turn to get serious!"


The old man rushed towards Zi Yan quickly, grabbed Zi Yan's collar, and Zi Yan lost his balance immediately, and was caught by the old man.

Zi Yan's face was pale.

"Are you a monster?" There was panic in Zi Yan's voice.

The monster is in the dragon forest and can easily kill her, because the monster is not afraid of sunlight or any poison.But this monster can kill itself with poison, which shows that the level of this monster is very high, even higher than her strength!
"Jie Jie is right, I am a monster. In this world, apart from our demon race, there is no other creature that can transform into a human being. I am the king of the demon dragon forest." The demon dragon grinned.

"Then why do you still help humans?" Zi Yan's tone was full of surprise.

"Haha, I helped humans at the beginning because of you. If you humans hadn't practiced evil magic and made humans the food of monsters, how could we monsters have enmity with humans? The evil magic practiced by humans has made the dragon forest become The decay has made the Demon Dragon Forest unbearable, and put our monsters in a desperate situation, so I will completely wipe out you humans!" The Demon Dragon said angrily: "You are a refiner? I can I hand over my treasure to you, as long as you restore it to its original appearance, you can get out alive."

"I don't need it!" Zi Yan shook her head and refused.

There are many precious materials in the Dragon Forest. If you restore these precious materials, you can improve your strength and improve your strength again. However, Zi Yan does not want to violate the rules in the Dragon Forest.

There are too many powerful forces in the Demon Dragon Forest, at this moment, Zi Yan dare not provoke them at all.

"Don't think I don't know. You don't want to follow humans because you are worried about being controlled by humans. However, I can tell you that your choice is correct. I can guarantee that you will not be harmed." The magic dragon said faintly Said.

Zi Yan's face changed slightly when she heard this, she didn't know which sentence she should believe.

This old man's strength is too strong, and she is not the old man's opponent. If she really agrees to the old man's conditions, maybe she can really survive.

Zi Yan fell silent and did not speak.

The old man continued to persuade: "If you agree to my conditions, I can spare you and let you go out safe and sound."

"Why do you think that I will believe your nonsense? You are not me, how do you know what I am thinking? "

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me, I will prove with my actions that my words are true!" The old man snorted coldly, then grabbed Zi Yan, and disappeared in place in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared in Zi Yan's body. in sight.

This scene made Ziyan's eyes widen, and she looked at the old man in disbelief.

"Is this space? It's too powerful." Zi Yan muttered to herself. At this moment, she seemed to have a deeper understanding of the power of space.

Zi Yan was taken away by the old man, but her soul is still there, and her soul can still perceive the scene outside.

The old man took her through the dragon forest, through trees, grass, flowers, and through the mountains, running wildly all the way at an extremely fast speed.

"Where are you taking me?" Zi Yan asked in surprise.

"You will know soon." There was a cold smile on the corner of the old man's mouth.

Zi Yan frowned, this old man is really too cunning, I don't know what he wants to do with himself.

The old man has been carrying purple smoke, shuttling through the woods, passing through a mountain peak, and entering a cave. The entrance of this cave is actually leading to the edge of a cliff. Outside the cave, there is a transparent protective cover that covers the valley. , surrounding it, forming a small enchantment.

"Here?" Zi Yan looked around in surprise.

"This is the restricted area of ​​my Demon Dragon Forest." The old man said lightly.

Zi Yan frowned and asked, "Why did you bring me here? I don't know you."

"Hehe, you will know me." The old man sneered, then, with a wave of his arm, he took Zi Yan's soul into the space.

"Bang!" A muffled sound came from the bottom of the cliff, and Zi Yan's soul was thrown under the cliff.

"Here?" As soon as Zi Yan's soul landed, she found that her soul was being sucked into the cliff, as if there was a suction force pulling her soul.

The abyss of this cliff seems to be a passage leading to hell. It is so dark that you can't see your fingers.

Zi Yan felt a chill, her body began to shiver, and she curled up involuntarily.

"Ah!!!"Suddenly, she felt a bone-piercing chill, her body was frozen, her legs were paralyzed, and she couldn't even stand up. However, Zi Yan still insisted, her will was very strong , Gritting his teeth, moving his body with difficulty, wanting to climb from the bottom of the cliff to the top of the mountain and leave here.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the depths of the cave, as if something rolled and hit the mountain wall from a certain direction in the cave.

The loud noise made the entire cave tremble, and some gravel and mud splashed up and danced in the cave.

"Boom!" Loud noises sounded in the cave, as if something huge was hitting the cave wall.

A strong fire element floats in the depths of the cave.

Ziyan's heart trembled, this is a place of fire attribute, and her soul is of water attribute, fire and water are complementary, and she can cultivate in a fire attribute environment.

"Boom!!!" With one sound after another, the cave trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any moment, Zi Yan's soul was shaken by this vibration, and his body was even more dizzy from the impact.


Suddenly, Ziyan felt that her body was slowly softening, and she found that her consciousness was also gradually losing consciousness, as if she was about to pass out.

"How could my soul be so weak?" Zi Yan exclaimed, she had cultivated her soul for thousands of years, yet her consciousness was so easily broken.

"It can only be blamed on your bad luck. When you met me, your fate is destined to be controlled by me. I will make you submit to my feet and become my puppet!" A cold woman's voice, in Ziyan's It sounded in my mind, that woman is the dragon queen that the old man said.

"No!!! You kill me, I would rather die than succumb to your majesty, you don't want me to succumb to you." Ziyan's soul said stubbornly, she could not become the old man's slave .

"Then don't blame me!" The Demon Dragon Queen shouted coldly, and then her body erupted with terrifying coercion. Zi Yan felt that her whole body was restrained, she couldn't move, and she didn't dare to move at all.


The Demon Dragon Queen punched Ziyan's chest. This punch contained unparalleled power, and Ziyan's soul was blown away by the punch.

The soul was shattered, and Zi Yan's soul also disappeared. All of this was just a momentary effort, and there was no time to resist.

After Ziyan disappeared, the rocks in the cave continued to collapse, and gravel and dust kept flying.

In the cave, there is nothing but rocks and gravel.

The Dragon Queen snorted coldly, and then took out a white card from the storage ring, on which was engraved a huge dragon.


With a swipe of the Dragon Queen's finger, the card flew out, turned into a cloud of black mist, and burrowed into the rock.

The Demon Dragon Queen turned around, looked towards the entrance of the cave, and then walked towards the distance.

The Dragon Queen is gone.


On the wall of the cave, a faint fluorescent light flickered, and Zi Yan's figure appeared, she was wet and in a mess.

Zi Yan lowered her head, staring blankly at the pile of ruins in front of her.

"The Demon Dragon Queen in the Demon Dragon Forest is so powerful." Zi Yan was talking to herself, with a look of despair on her face.

She knew that she was definitely not the opponent of the dragon queen. If the other party wanted to deal with her, then she would have no room to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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