Chapter 454

No, if I want to escape, I must escape. No matter where I go, I can't stay here, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Zi Yan's body swayed and disappeared in place as an afterimage.

"call out!"

Just as Ziyan disappeared, suddenly, behind her, a big black claw grabbed the stone bench that Ziyan was sitting on just now, and then tore the stone bench in half with force.

Zi Yan felt a chill run down her spine, and her heart was beating wildly.

"Don't kill me, I was wrong, I am willing to work for you, to work hard for you, and I just ask you to spare my life." Zi Yan hurriedly begged for mercy.

Only at this time did she really feel afraid. If she hadn't escaped so fast just now, she would have been torn to pieces by now.

"Jie Jie, it's too late for you to say, no one can stop what this deity wants you to do."

Suddenly, a gloomy and hoarse voice sounded, and behind Zi Yan, a pair of huge wings suddenly appeared.


Ziyan was flapped by the huge wings, and her whole body flew into the air, and then, was sucked into the wings. Then, the wings retracted, wrapping Ziyan completely inside, and then, with a wave of the wings, she flew into the sky , flew to the distance.

In the air, with its wings spread, it will be tens of thousands of meters high.

Zi Yan felt dizzy for a while, but she didn't dare to stop, she was afraid that if she stopped, the consequences would be disastrous.

Now she only hopes that her soul can be stronger and able to protect her soul.

Flying in the sky, Zi Yan felt as if she was flying, with a strong wind blowing in her ears, and the scene in front of her eyes changed. After flying for an unknown amount of time, she finally landed.

This is the top of a big mountain, and the surrounding environment is extremely harsh, full of potholes and quagmire, and the wreckage of trees everywhere.

Here is a huge platform. On the platform, corpses are placed one after another. Some of these corpses have rotted, and some are relatively well preserved.

Zi Yan stood on the platform, observing all around.

Suddenly, Ziyan's pupils shrank, because she saw a girl in red, sitting in the center of the platform, above her head, there was a layer of faint black mist covering her face.

"Who killed me?! Who did it?!!!" Ziyan shouted angrily, at this moment she was like a lunatic.

"cluck cluck"

The girl laughed out loud: "Although your strength is very strong, you are still not my opponent. Since you want to find the answer so much, then let me tell you, it was me, it was me who killed you, hahaha" said with a smile.

Hearing the girl's voice, Zi Yan was stunned.

It's her, it's her?
How could it be her?

Peng Jiang, shouldn't she be trapped in the depths of the dragon forest?Could it be.
Zi Yan's eyes suddenly widened, and the eyeballs almost fell out.

"How did you become like this? Why are you here? Who are you? Why were you hunted down by Peng Jiang?!" Zi Yan asked quickly.

"I'm Peng Jiang's daughter! I'm her biological daughter!" The girl said, her voice was a little hoarse, as if she had been hurt a long time ago.

"You said you are Peng Jiang's daughter? How is this possible? How did Peng Jiang's daughter become like this? And, how do you know my existence?" Zi Yan continued to ask, she felt her head It's going to explode.

"Why do I know you? You are a monster in the Demon Dragon Forest, of course I can find you! However, you don't have to worry, I won't kill you. After all, you are her daughter. How can I have the heart to kill you? What I want you to do is just help me and let me return to a normal person, so that I can recognize your parents!"

Hearing this, Zi Yan was completely dumbfounded.

Back to normal?

How could the people in the Dragon Forest become normal people? !This is simply impossible! ! !

No wonder, the people in the Demon Dragon Forest have been chasing and killing him. It turned out that his identity was leaked and let them know his true identity.

"No, it's impossible! How is this possible?" Zi Yan shook her head in disbelief, tears fell instantly, and the tears in the corners of her eyes flowed on the ground, turning into water.

"Don't you believe it! All of this is the truth, you are my prisoner now! If you want to survive, you must cooperate with me honestly!" The girl said, her voice was cold and full of majesty.

"Me, how can I cooperate with you? You are my enemy, why do you want to save me?" Zi Yan asked.

"I was trapped here in the forest, and was bullied by a group of people from the Dragon Forest," the girl said.

"Later, it was your people who helped me lift the seal and rescued me from this hell-like world. Now, they are all dead, and my soul is controlled by a magical force, so , now I am no longer the princess of the Demon Dragon Clan, and I will never return to the Demon Dragon Clan! But, I am your benefactor, so, in this dangerous world, I need your help!" said the girl, her tone It is full of entreaties, as if begging a benefactor.

"What?!!! The Demon Dragon Clan is occupied by you? People in the Demon Dragon Forest are also dead? What about my parents? Are they dead too?" Zi Yan asked hastily.

The Demon Dragon Clan is her only reliance, and now that they are dead, Zi Yan is very anxious.

"Don't worry, they're fine. I'm also a member of the Demon Dragon Clan, so I won't hurt your family. As long as you agree to my terms, your parents will be safe too," the girl said.

"Why should I trust you?" Zi Yan said.

"You have no choice!" the girl said coldly.

"Who are you?" Zi Yan asked.

"My name is Peng Jiang! You just need to remember my name. Now, you have to follow my instructions. If you don't accept it, I will send you to the west now." Peng Jiang said.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" Zi Yan frowned.

"My body has been sealed, only you can undo my seal, and you are a demon dragon, your body contains the sacred dragon blood, what I need is the power of the dragon fire, this is your body The power within, only you can save me, as long as you can save me, all the people of the Dragon Forest will respect you, love you, and will not betray you." Peng Jiang said.

Zi Yan fell silent, the Demon Dragon Clan was her reliance, and now, this reliance was taken away by the Demon Dragon Clan, which made her feel very resentful.

She knows that people in the Demon Dragon Forest are not easy to mess with. If she really agrees to Peng Jiang's conditions, then she will really become Peng Jiang's servant, and she will really become a waste, someone else's slave.

No!Never do this! ! !
The Demon Dragon Clan is not easy to mess with, I can't agree to it!

Thinking of this, Zi Yan felt ruthless, and said: "I will not agree to you, even if you become an ordinary person, but you are the princess of the Demon Dragon Clan, and everyone in the Demon Dragon Clan respects you and will not resist You, however, I will never bow to anyone."

"Hahaha very good!" Peng Jiang let out a burst of arrogant laughter: "The dragon clan is my slave, only you are not, you are a human being, you have the blood of the dragon in your body, you will not surrender For me, but I also have a way to deal with you!"

"What are you going to do to me?" Zi Yan said, an ominous premonition arose in her heart.

"Hahaha I want to integrate you into my flesh and blood, you are my blood! Hahaha, in this way, we will be a family." Peng Jiang said with a smile, revealing the meaning of madness in his tone.

Zi Yan trembled all over, she knew that something bad happened to her.

Peng Jiang wants to devour herself, she can't die here.

She is not reconciled!

I still have a lot of things to do, how can I die here.

"Don't! Don't! Let me go!" Zi Yan cried.

"It's too late! I'm your only salvation now, you have to be obedient, so that you can live longer and your clansmen respect you more, and your parents can also enjoy better treatment "Peng Jiang snorted coldly.

"You, you are committing a crime!" Zi Yan roared angrily.

"I just asked you to do one thing for me. In this world, only the strong can survive, and the weak are destined to be sad. I am the strong, and I am qualified to do this." Peng Jiang said, with a hint of evil flashing across his face. Charm.

Zi Yan knew that she was really controlled by Peng Jiang now.

There was no way she could escape.

(End of this chapter)

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