The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 101 It Looks Like a Dungeon

Chapter 101 Seems Like a Dungeon (Part [-])
Early the next morning, Jiang Yuanzhan took Chang Feng Chang Falcon and Yuan Fu to Xue Chan's house.

Shangyifang is considered the largest one in Nancheng.

Changguang Street, where Xue Chan lives, is closest to the South Gate, so there are many pedestrians in the morning.

Fragrant chariots and canopies are rare in Nancheng. The carriages of Duke Peiguo's mansion look extraordinarily luxurious, and the carriages and horses move slowly, causing pedestrians to stop one after another.

When he stopped at the door of Xue Chan's house, Jiang Yuanzhan, who was sitting in the car, could vaguely hear the people around talking and whispering.

He ordered Changfeng to call the door, and slowly got out of the car.

As soon as Xue Chan went out, she saw him standing tall and tall, with his hands behind his back, standing beside the carriage, with his back facing the direction of the courtyard gate.

She had joyful eyes, and called out to you in a sweet voice, and her feet became lighter and lighter.

Jiang Yuanzhan turned around to look at her. She was walking towards him in small steps with a peach pink skirt, her eyes were full of smiles, and there was a little bit of surprise.

So he also raised the corners of his lips, as if to respond to Xue Chan's really gentle smile: "I'll pick you up to set up a female household."

Xue Chan groaned, and stopped abruptly: "My lord, Mrs. Jiang...isn't she here?"

"It's enough for me to help you manage your affairs. What is she here for?"

Xue Chan bit the tender flesh on the inside of her cheek, seemingly lost in thought.

But it took only a moment for her eyebrows and eyes to open again, and she only thought that Jiang Yuanzhan had investigated her so-called miserable life experience, so she felt pity for her, and her attitude changed drastically today.

Left and right this person seems to be the coldest young gentleman in the world, but he is born with a soft heart, the most shameful person to endure hardship, let alone a little lady wiping tears.

Especially a pretty harmless little lady like her.

Xue Chan lowered her eyes and glanced at the carriage: "I'm riding with you, so it's not good for you."

"It's okay, you get in the car, I won't go in and sit."

Then he leaned sideways beside the horse stool, with slightly bent eyebrows, motioning for Xue Chan to get on the carriage.

Xue Chan didn't expect him to really sit in with her, so without delay, she lifted her skirt and got into the car.

It is not too much trouble to set up a female household registration. With Jiang Yuanzhan escorting her, the head of the household registration department who is in charge of household registration today is even more polite. He just went through the motions and asked Xue Chan about the situation at home before signing a contract with her. Set up female households and issue yellow books.

There is not even time for a stick of incense.

When Jiang Yuanzhan accompanied Xue Chan out of the official office, the subordinates gathered together and speculated: "Is that the little lady that the adults are talking about?"

"No wonder even someone like Jiang Erlang would pester her endlessly."

"I saw that Jiang Erlang is really gentle and gentle. He set up a female household and even made a special trip to accompany him to the yamen."

"I heard that it was because the uncle in this little lady's family didn't live up to her expectations and bullied her. That's why Jiang Erlang begged our head for favors and brought him directly to the household department to set up a female household."

"Then Jiang Erlang wants to be with her..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and when everyone looked at each other, they all looked ambiguous. As for what they really wanted, no one continued to say anything.

And that Jiang Yuanzhan took Xue Chan out and then boarded the carriage. Xue Chan sat in the carriage and softly called Jiang Yuanzhan: "Thank you, sir, for running around for me like this. I will never forget such kindness forever. Today is really hard work." My lord, you don't need to send me back, I can go home by myself.

Now that I have established a female household, I am not afraid that my uncle will bully me. You don't have to think about supporting me, I can handle it by myself. "

Outside the carriage, Jiang Yuanzhan's expression was cold, and only his voice was warm when he spoke: "It's still early, come with me to a place, I'll take you to have a good meal at noon, even if you celebrate your opening of a female household, get out of the sea of ​​suffering .”

Xue Chan seemed very embarrassed when she heard the words: "It's right for me to invite an adult, but I want an adult to spend money."

She hesitated and asked Jiang Yuanzhan, "Where are you going?"

Jiang Yuanzhan asked her jokingly: "Afraid I'll sell you?"

Xue Chan was stunned, then smiled and said: "Your Excellency is a good person, even if you sell me, you will sell me to a very good place, I believe in your Excellency!"

There is a lot of trust in the soft voice.

Even if it wasn't sincere, if those ignorant gentlemen outside heard such words and such tone of voice, I'm afraid they would be willing to die for her.

Jiang Yuanzhan put his fingertips between his eyebrows.

Han Peizhao really thinks highly of him.

In Jixiang Lane, which is only three streets away from the Household Department Office, there are one or two small courtyards.

You can't see any difference from the outside, except for the word elegant.

Jixiang Lane is a relatively remote alley in the north of the city. There are not many people living in it, let alone many shops. At this moment, it is very clean.

The carriage stopped at the back corner door of the courtyard, Chang Feng and Chang Falcon went to open the door first and entered the courtyard, Xue Chan got out of the carriage slowly, looked at the courtyard in front of him, was slightly surprised, and then teased Jiang Yuanzhan: "Master, do you really want to sell me?" For the rich in the city?"

Jiang Yuanzhan smiled without saying a word, and stepped into the door.

Xue Chan hurriedly followed.

There are caves in the courtyard.

The rockery is rugged, with carved beams and painted buildings. Entering from the back corner door, you can go to the Chaoshou verandah.

A string of silver bells hangs under the corridor, and the wind blows the bells, which are crisp and pleasant.

But there was no one in the house, it was like an empty house.

The more Xue Chan walked in, the more strange she felt: "My lord, what kind of place is this?"

Jiang Yuanzhan kept his hands behind his back and walked ahead, striding forward, not even willing to wait for her.

She almost trotted to keep up.

I'm a little out of breath right now.

She felt weird because Jiang Yuanzhan took her all the way from Chaoshou corridor to the inner courtyard, but there were long steps at the end of the corridor, which went underground.

Although the wax is lit, it is not impossible to see everything, but the further you go down, the dimmer the light will be.

Xue Chan felt uneasy, and asked again: "My lord, what is this place?"

Jiang Yuanzhan asked her back with a half-smile, "Are you scared?"

Xue Chan's heart skipped a beat: "'s just that this place looks like a's eerie."

Jiang Yuanzhan tapped his fingertips on the back of his hand, and he had already walked to the bottom of the steps while speaking.

The weak candlelight was not enough to illuminate the darkness of the underground, so the owner hung a lamp on the wall, and there was a Changxin Palace Lantern half a person's height in the corner, which barely illuminated it.

Xue Chan's scalp was numb, and the smile on her face gradually stiffened.

Jiang Yuanzhan took a deep breath, stopped and turned around, completing all his movements in one go.

His probing eyes fixed on Xue Chan, and his voice was low and cold: "This is my other courtyard, don't you want to visit one or two?"

Xue Chan raised her eyes suddenly, and was slamming into Jiang Yuanzhan's gloomy eyes. She was taken aback, and took two steps back: "My lord... Your lord scared me."

Jiang Yuanzhan narrowed his eyes, stopped looking at her, and called Yuan Fu in a deep voice.

Xue Chan followed the trend and saw a small mahogany box in Yuan Fu's hands. He hugged it in his arms, glanced at Xue Chan inexplicably, then approached Xue Chan's direction, and called her with a cold face: "Mrs. ,please."

(End of this chapter)

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