Chapter 102 Endurance of punishment (three chapters)
Xue Chan was alert and refused to move, she gritted her teeth and asked, "What?"

Yuan Fu lowered his eyes and pointed to the front left direction.

Of course Xue Chan saw it, she had already seen it when she first came down!
There is a door there, which is closed tightly. I don't know what is behind the door, let alone what is inside.

That's why she said it was like a dungeon.

Because Xie's other courtyard has a place like this.

It's dark and cold, and there are all kinds of torture instruments, which are most suitable for torture.

"My lord... what is that place?"

Jiang Yuanzhan looked at her with a smile: "Why do you have so many questions? Didn't you swear before that even if I sold you, would you believe me? Go in."

In the end, of course, Chang Feng twisted Xue Chan's arm and pushed her into the room.

Behind the door is not so much a room as it is more like a dungeon.

There is only a little space outside, for people to breathe a little.

There are many cages on the ground, some big and some small, the smaller ones can only hold a rabbit at most, but the bigger ones... at least can fit Xue Chan into it.

The instruments of torture were not seen, but Xue Chan was still terrified from the bottom of her heart.

There were only two chairs in the whole room, Jiang Yuanzhan sat on one, and the box in Yuan Fu's hand occupied the other.

Xue Chan still had a dull pain in her left shoulder, she couldn't figure it out.

She almost cried: "My lord, did I do something wrong to make you unhappy?"

Changfeng came up to twist her just now, and pushed her in with her left arm, it was just a gesture from Jiang Yuanzhan's eyes.

But originally everything was fine, and it should be fine!
Xue Chan's mind was spinning quickly, and suddenly realized something, her beautiful eyes widened in horror, she covered her mouth, and looked at Jiang Yuanzhan in disbelief: "My lord, you came to my house early in the morning to pick me up, you are so kind and gentle, you have never You have a good attitude, and you personally accompanied me to the government office of the Ministry of Households to set up a female household, just... just to let me put down my guard and trick trick me here?"

She cried anxiously, tears falling down: "If you want something, please tell me, I am grateful to you, there is no objection, but what do you mean by this, sir? You scared me..."

"Xue Chan."

Jiang Yuanzhan crossed Erlang's legs, kicked the hem of his purple robe once and for all with the toe of his shoes, and suddenly interrupted: "Have you done enough of your play?"

Xue Chan's scalp tightened, and then all emotions exploded quickly.

There was panic in her eyes, more doubts, and she suppressed it, trying to make her voice sound less nervous: "My lord, I don't understand...I am to you..."

"You are grateful to me, I have heard enough of this, and you don't need to say any more."

Jiang Yuanzhan raised his eyelids and glanced over, his expression indifferent: "You don't understand, I can remind you. You live in Xie's other courtyard every year, what's the matter? Can you understand now?"

Xue Chan's heart sank, secretly thought it was bad!

But how could Jiang Yuanzhan...

He obviously couldn't see her posturing at all.

Is it Jiang Wan, or Zhao Xing?

"My lord, I don't..."

"Long wind."

As soon as Jiang Yuanzhan waved his hand, he naturally didn't want to listen to her sophistry.

Changfeng followed his words and quickly walked over again, twisting Xue Chan and pressing it down.

Xue Chan instinctively wanted to resist, but the more she struggled, the harder the arm was twisted by the wind, almost breaking it.

She didn't care about being weak or not, but in the end there was a little luck: "My lord, even if I keep it from you, it's my private matter, and I don't want others to know the most secret thing, you can find it out and ask carefully." I, I am not necessarily unwilling to say it, but how can an adult treat me like this?"

She was still confident, Jiang Yuanzhan smiled angrily, pointed to the largest cage under the west wall, and raised an eyebrow at Xue Chan: "I asked Chang Falcon to bring it here yesterday night, specially prepared for you."

Xue Chan's pupils trembled, and Chang Falcon then saw Chang Falcon go to open the cage door, and because she couldn't resist, she was shoved into the cage by Chang Feng!

The cage was actually only half the height of a person, and there was room for a thin Xue Chan, but the height was not enough.

Therefore, Xue Chan could only be forced to curl up in the cage in a humiliating and unbearable posture.

"My lord!" Her voice became sharp, "What do you mean, my lord? Are you planning to use lynching? Where did I offend you, and you want to humiliate me like this?"

"You really don't cry until you see the coffin."

Jiang Yuanzhan clicked his tongue and glanced at Yuan Fu: "You go."

Seeing Yuan Fu approaching step by step, Xue Chan shrank subconsciously, but only encountered the cold iron cage, which made her shiver.

Yuan Fu bowed his waist and looked down at her: "Miss Xue, the slave is a servant in the palace since he was a child. I'm afraid I haven't heard of some tricks outside. Since my lady refuses to be honest, I will open my eyes to my lady today."

He didn't know when there was an extra knife in his hand.

It is different from those knives sold outside.

The edge of the blade was cold, and Xue Chan couldn't bear it to the point where she wasn't afraid of a knife.

Her voice trembled: "What... are you going to do! Do you really dare to use lynching?"

"There is a kind of long-term punishment in the palace. After the slave is done, the lady will not see other hairs except her hair. If Mrs. Xue has the face to take this kind of punishment outside, it can be said that the slave used lynching. punish you."

This cage was indeed specially made by Long Falcon.

Directly above can also be opened.

Yuan Fu started to open the cage, and Chang Feng had already brought a bundle of ropes very cooperatively, to tie Xue Chan up and facilitate Yuan Fu's posture.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"

Xue Chan struggled in the cage, but her body was unstable, her knees flung forward, and she knelt on the ground instead.

Jiang Yuanzhan frowned when he heard what Yuan Fu said about enduring punishment.

When he really wanted to make a move, he got up and prepared to go out.

It was indeed the first time he had heard of this kind of punishment. It had to be said that there were endless methods of torture in the palace, especially for girls.

But he wasn't interested in watching.

Xue Chan noticed with sharp eyes that Jiang Yuanzhan was about to leave, but Changfeng had already lifted her out of the cage, her arms were cut behind her back, and the binding action never stopped for a moment.

She panicked: "Master, Mr. Jiang! I say, I say everything!"

Jiang Yuanzhan stopped.

Yuan Fu also retreated a few steps to the side.

However, Chang Feng still tied the person tightly, and then pressed Xue Chan's head, stuffed her back into the cage, and then closed the cage door that was opened above her head. She couldn't support her hands, and lost her balance even more. I couldn't even kneel properly, and after a while, my whole body turned crooked, and I fell to the ground lying on my side.

Jiang Yuanzhan snorted: "I want to hear if what you said is the truth. Xue Chan, this is the first time I've heard of the methods in the palace, or you really want to give me this opportunity to see more palace methods. That set."

He raised his eyebrows again: "Chang Feng and Chang Falcon have been in the army for a year, the punishment for men in the barracks is tougher, or if you want to try punishment in the army, that's fine too."

 ps This "enduring punishment" is indeed an act of depilation of the whole body except the hair. For ancient women, it was a double blow both physically and psychologically.

(End of this chapter)

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