Chapter 103
Xue Chan trembled even more when she heard the words: "No... I don't want to. I will know everything you want to hear, and I will never dare to lie to you!"

Jiang Yuanzhan sat back on the official hat chair, cast his appraising eyes over him, and said nothing.

Xue Chan knew it well. After struggling and hesitating for a moment, she bit her lower lip and said, "I haven't had a hard life these past few years. As you know, I live in Xie's other courtyard every year. In fact... ... I was raised by noble people in Beijing, and the things my uncle sold off are not worth mentioning to me at all."

She paused and pursed her lips: "The neighbors all know that I will be away from home for a period of time every year, but they only think that I have accumulated money and go outside to relax. No one knows about the incident in the other courtyard, so after so many years , I can live in peace and quiet.”

Xue Chan's voice stopped abruptly, and Jiang Yuanzhan understood.

"It seems that you are not very honest."

When Yuan Fu heard this, he stepped forward and wanted to go there again.

Xue Chan's face turned pale with fright: "It's the truth, what I said is the truth—"

She quickly realized what went wrong, and with a face full of disbelief, she asked Jiang Yuanzhan in a trembling voice, "My lord knows that Xie's other courtyard is... who owns the property?"

Jiang Yuanzhan looked gloomy and didn't answer her.

Xue Chan was not sure, but after having such a vague guess in her heart, she became even more afraid.

She didn't even know how Jiang Yuanzhan found out about Xie's other courtyard.

How much does he know?
What did you find?
None of this is known.

And she lied and concealed, he probably knew it well.

Whether it's Yuan Fu's method or the punishment in the army, a delicate girl like her can't stand it all.

Who is Jiang Yuanzhan?

Today is to kill her here, will Han Peizhao tear himself apart with Jiang Yuanzhan for her?

There is no hard evidence...

Xue Chan was terrified, and quickly made a decision, shaking her heart: "It is the private property of Mr. Han Xiaogong of Chengguo's mansion, but it is only listed under the name of Xie's family. He has raised me for so many years."

Jiang Yuanzhan glanced at her again, and raised his voice to call Changfeng.

Xue Chan watched Chang Feng step forward to open the cage, and then she was lifted out. At least she was free for a while, and she didn't have to curl up in the cage, and she knew it in her heart.

She guessed right.

But she didn't dare to ask again, how did Jiang Yuanzhan find out.

Xue Chan's face was pale, and she no longer dared to show Jiang Yuanzhan that tone of voice.

Jiang Yuanzhan's expression was always cold and serious, and his eyes were icy: "It shouldn't be an accident that I saved you when I patrolled the streets that day, right?"

Xue Chan nodded again and again: "Mr. Han ordered me..."

He only asked such a sentence, and did not speak again.

Xue Chan lowered her head, her nose suddenly felt sour, and she took the initiative to explain to him: "My lord, as early as three years ago, I was no longer perfect.

It was me, Aye, who had just passed away, and I was alone in taking care of Aye's affairs. It was by chance that I met the young man.

At first he was very kind, gave me money, arranged manpower, and took care of those things for me.

I thought, he was a good man... At that time, I really thought, he was a good man! "

She has hatred in her heart.

These years, Han Peizhao just treated her as a plaything.

She didn't love Han Peizhao, not because of love.

Xue Chan's long eyelashes were filled with tears: "In the second month of my acquaintance with him, he took me to Xie's other courtyard, prepared a table of good wine and food, and said that I worked hard for Aye's funeral, so he took me Put aside the rules of keeping filial piety, eat something good, make up for it, and then... right there, forced me."

Jiang Yuanzhan raised his eyebrows.

At that time, Xue Chan was still warm and filial.

Xue Chan looked at him, seemed to understand the emotion in his eyes, smiled wryly and said: "A person like me, whose body is like duckweed and whose life is like grass, am I qualified to say no? Or can I go to the yamen to sue the Duke?" The young master of the mansion?"

She shook her head, the brilliance in her previously clear eyes was extinguished, and she was depressed: "Because I can't do anything, I can only be played by him in the applause.

Three years—fortunately, he didn't come to humiliate me every day, and it was only a few months every year. I gritted my teeth and could always bear it. "

She said that humiliation was not easy in Han Peizhao's hands.

Jiang Yuanzhan was not very interested in knowing those details.

He asked Xue Chan coldly: "Han Peizhao treats you like this, but you obeyed his orders and came to plot against me, and the beauty tricked me?"

"He said that he would give me a sum of money when things are done, and let me go. From now on, the sky will be high and the sea will be wide, and I will have nothing to do with him!"

Xue Chan hastily explained: "I don't want to harm your lord...Although I have approached you with purpose these days, I can see the benefits of your lord. My lord keeps himself clean and can't bear to hurt me. You think I'm completely sincere, I really want to repay my gratitude...

You have a clear mind, so you can't see my methods and tricks, you are a good person. "

After she finished speaking, she noticed that Jiang Yuanzhan's unattractive face was getting colder and colder, and realized that she had said something wrong, so she hurriedly made amends: "Ms. Jiang is a girl, and it's not surprising that she sees through me at a glance. of.

The Second Highness is because Mrs. Jiang doesn't like me, so she doesn't follow my set.

I don't dare to say that the relationship between His Highness the Second Highness and Mrs. Jiang is not good, but... In short, Your Excellency is an excellent person. "

How ridiculous is that?

Jiang Yuanzhan clicked his tongue: "I am an excellent person, but you are still deliberately approaching and calculating for the sake of freedom."

As he spoke, he shook his head: "Xue Chan, a person like you—"

A person like her has nothing to do with him.

Jiang Yuanzhan suppressed the disgust in his heart, looked away, and seemed to be disgusted by looking at her more than once, but asked her: "Han Peizhao asked you to approach me, what is the ultimate purpose? I won't be like Liu Minghua, spreading rumors, relying on A period of so-called romantic youth is going to ruin my reputation, right?"

"Of course not!"

Xue Chan saw the disgust in his eyes clearly, her heart sank to the bottom, and her eyes became darker: "He asked me to get close to my lord, to win his favor, and when the time is right, I will find a suitable opportunity to coax you to be with me. I'm here.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room, my lord is an upright gentleman, of course he won't do anything to me, but I'm not perfect, relying on my lord, even if I find someone to come for a physical examination, because no one has done anything about me and him in the past three years I know, my lord, you are also indisputable.

It's nothing more than... framing you to force a good family..."

Jiang Yuanzhan's eyelids twitched fiercely: "Is it because of this that you insist on opening a female household?"

Xue Chan nodded heavily, and the voice of the reply became lower and lower: "Young master said that if I set up a female household, I am free. At that time, I can't be my master.

As long as I firmly insist on taking you to court, there is nothing you can do, and you will have no future to speak of. "

(End of this chapter)

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