Chapter 104 It Has Nothing To Do With Me (Part [-])
Such a painstaking effort to set up a trap is really a big plan!
Han Peizhao was ruthless, even taking into account that Aunt Xue Chan would covet the wealth and honor of the Duke's mansion, he must be ruined!

Forcing a good family, since he can't argue with a hundred words, even if he goes to court, no matter how much Aye wants to defend, he will be helpless.

Even if the matter is settled hastily and his reputation is completely ruined, who would still marry a girl from the noble family?
Even Sheng Jing, he has no face to stay any longer.

Jiang Yuanzhan's clenched hand hit the armrest of the official hat chair heavily.

He didn't know when he had such deep hatred with Han Peizhao!

Or say...

Jiang Yuanzhan frowned: "Have you seen the Third Highness?"

Xue Chan looked at him in surprise, then shook her head: "Never."

Then she doesn't know.

Even if Zhao Yi really set up a trap, Han Peizhao would not tell Xue Chan.

Seeing him silent for a long time, Xue Chan's eyes were scarlet, she clearly had the urge to kill, and asked him tremblingly: "My lord, I told you all the truth, you... of course I deserve to die, but I beg you My lord, please forgive me.

I don't dare to cry with you, but my family and life are in the hands of the little father-in-law. He told me about this matter and asked me to cooperate. Even if I didn't agree, he would kill me to silence me. I really didn't Method. "

Jiang Yuanzhan squinted at her.

There is nothing impossible in this world.

Xue Chan met him under Han Peizhao's design, if she really wanted to repent, she could confess to him early.

She knew so much inside information, he always had a way to protect her.

In the final analysis, Xue Chan just didn't want to.

Her thinking may be simple.

Save some clues, save your life, and prevent Han Peizhao from settling accounts later, and still want to kill her to silence her.

After the matter was settled, she got a sum of money from Han Peizhao and went away. The disputes in Shengjing had nothing to do with her anymore.

What Han Peizhao, what Jiang Yuanzhan.

What does it have to do with her to fight with these people?
Everyone is selfish, and she thinks everything for herself, which is understandable.

But this is hateful!
"Han Peizhao told you that I don't know the little lady's pretentious methods, so I'm very easy to deceive. He thinks so in his heart, doesn't he?"

Xue Chan nodded again and again, fearing that this kind of statement would anger him, she swallowed her saliva: "My lord, I didn't say that..."

Jiang Yuanzhan sneered, ignored her, and called Changfeng: "Record what she said, and ask her to sign it as evidence."

Xue Chan was frightened: "My lord, are you going to Jingzhao Mansion to report on the young man? My lord, I really—"

"Xue Chan, people should be punished for doing wrong things. You think you have some good looks, so you can rely on this to plead for mercy. After you have spared no effort to hurt people, do you still want to get out of your body?"

Xue Chan suddenly had nothing to say.

When Jiang Yuanzhan was soft-hearted, he was really soft-hearted, but when he hardened, he was indeed hard-hearted.

She knew it would be useless to talk too much, so she lowered her head sadly, her face ashen.


Jiang Yuanzhan spoke again suddenly, and the subject changed, causing Xue Chan to raise her head suddenly, with hope rekindled in her eyes: "My lord, as long as I can make up for my mistakes, I will do my best for my lord!"

She did her best, but only for herself.

Now that Jiang Yuanzhan has opened his mind, he finds that Xue Chan's methods are really without any cleverness.

Back and forth, nothing more than picking out the ones that people like to hear, the ones that make people feel the most comfortable, talking with you, and doing it with respect.

In fact, he is full of gossip, full of ghosts.

"I'll take you home in a while, just live your life as usual, find a suitable opportunity, and tell Han Peizhao that I have a good impression of you, and you think the time is almost ripe."

Xue Chan was stunned and was very puzzled: "My lord, why is this?"

"What should I do next, I will tell you again, don't ask more questions that you shouldn't ask."

Jiang Yuanzhan had already stood up, and finally told her: "You can also turn against the water, go to him in a while, and tell him that you have exposed your secrets, I am not afraid anyway, but your life depends on whether you have the ability He can beat Han Peizhao."

He stepped out, and Chang Feng walked over to Xue Chan's side and untied her.

Once Xue Chan was free, she trotted a few steps to catch up, but didn't dare to get very close.

Hearing footsteps, Jiang Yuanzhan urged, "Say."

"I will obey my lord's orders. Afterwards, my lord, can you...let me live."

Jiang Yuanzhan narrowed his eyes and looked back at her.

There is no doubt that Xue Chan is graceful and soft, no matter her face or her demeanor.

But now in Jiang Yuanzhan's eyes, she only has a hideous appearance and is ugly.

This kind of people--

"I've never been a soft-hearted person."

Jiang Yuanzhan categorically rejected her: "You can live, but the crime of living is inevitable."

With a decision in his mind, he lightly retracted his gaze: "When the dust settles and everything is settled, I will personally send you to Jingzhao Mansion and imprison you for ten years.

Xue Chan, people have many choices in this life.

At first you were forced to, but later you were willing, so don't tell me whether you are pitiful or not.

You can still choose your own.

As I said, you can tell Han Peizhao everything that happened today.

You have made so many choices, whether it is life or death, it is up to you to choose. "

Xue Chan couldn't even see anger in him, he was too calm, to the point of indifference.

The tone is also gentle, but it has unquestionable strength, and she can't let her discuss a word.

The corners of Xue Chan's mouth twitched, and she really wanted to tell the difference for herself and beg him, but when those words came to her lips, she suddenly found that she lost her voice.

Can't say a word.

Is Jiang Yuanzhan stupid?

Han Peizhao was right.

He is just not enlightened, he has never cared about the love between men and women, let alone be emotional, he is very coaxing, and the methods of girls' families are mostly effective.

But Jiang Yuanzhan is smart, so she has to be careful not to show her feet.

Xue Chan gave up completely: "If I meet you for the first time, and I tell you everything, will you believe me and help me?"

"If what you say is true, I will."

Xue Chan's face turned bitter: "Your Excellency actually knows that I just want to protect myself, so you think I'm hateful?"

Jiang Yuanzhan ignored her again.

Xue Chan flattened the corners of her lips and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I choose ten years in prison, at least ten years later, I can still earn a living for myself.

No matter what adults need me to do, I will cooperate with adults. "

In order to live, it can be regarded as her... atonement to make up for it.

Although Jiang Yuanzhan may not need it, and he doesn't care.

Xue Chan followed Jiang Yuanzhan, and waited until she was about to walk out of the back corner door of the other courtyard. She weakly called him again: "If I said I hesitated, it was because of my lord, will your lord believe me?"

Jiang Yuanzhan looked back at her, his eyes were cold: "It has nothing to do with me."

Then he didn't even want to ride with her, and ordered Changfeng to take Xue Chan home, turned around and walked away, leaving only a cold and determined back.

(End of this chapter)

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