The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 105 2 Your Highness Can't

Chapter 105 The Second Highness Can't Do It (Part [-])
When Jiang Yuanzhan walked back to the county palace, the outside world changed.

The north wind suddenly blew up and howling coldly, he brought the cold air into the mansion, and then into Jiang's courtyard.

There was no one around, only Mrs. Jiang was sitting on the Arhat's bed alone.

The boards on three sides were removed, and the round of Shuanglu on the red sandalwood table was only half finished.

The ground dragon was already burning in the house, but it was not enough, so a charcoal stove was placed next to Luohan's bed, very close.

Jiang Yuanzhan looked at the situation in the house, and frowned slightly: "Did Zhuzhu just leave?"

Mrs. Jiang hummed and asked him to sit down: "She said that you don't want others to know what you do, so you went back and forth with me alone last night, and you will go out early this morning, and when you return home at this time, you think everything has been handled properly, and you want to come to my place After talking back and forth, she pulled Ah Yuan and left."

Jiang Yuanzhan's heart was warm and warm, not because of being warmed by the earth dragon.

He doesn't like to play Shuanglu, so Jiang didn't ask him to finish the game for Jiang Wan, but instead pushed the chessboard with his fingertips, which was an attitude of closing.

Jiang Yuanzhan didn't get on the arhat bed, but just sat in the officer's hat chair next to him.

fair enough.

Anyway, he didn't intend to let Zhuzhu know about those shitty things.

"Erlang didn't go back to the palace when he woke up early. I urged him several times, but he said he couldn't go back."

Jiang looked at him with a smile: "You borrowed Yuan Fu, what did you do?"

Jiang Yuanzhan gritted his teeth upon hearing this.

Zhao Xing did it on purpose.

He could go back to the palace by himself, but Yuan Fu didn't follow, the palace asked, saying that he was doing business outside, and he just brushed it off casually.

Why can't he go back, maybe he doesn't want to go back at all.

"My aunt knows me, she has a straight temper, and she doesn't bother to play tricks on others, she's a fool."

Jiang Yuanzhan pressed his fingertips on his eyelids, please press it: "Tell me to go and make friends with Xue Chanxu, and I can't do it if you come out with the usual words."

Mrs. Jiang understood, and said in a low voice: "Those methods in the palace to deal with the little lady are really perfect. It's hard for you, but there are times when you are so cruel."

She ran out, Jiang Yuanzhan paused, and helplessness flashed across his eyes: "Auntie, I really know I was wrong."

Jiang Shi just rolled his eyes at him, and after a pause, he asked him again: "Have you asked clearly?"

Jiang Yuanzhan told Jiang Shi about Xue Chan's ins and outs, and Han Peizhao's plan: "I let him go back, and I don't intend to hide it from you. I will treat him in the same way. The happiest way."

"Aren't you afraid that Xue Chan pretended to be subdued, turned around and turned back, or helped Han Peizhao plot against you?"

"Whatever she wants." Jiang Yuanzhan was really not afraid of this, and thought very carefully. He was afraid that Mrs. Jiang would tell him about him, so he slowly replied, "I have her signed testimony in my hand, and I followed her to Xie's other place." I already sent someone to watch over the man in the courtyard last night.

And this morning Changfeng came back to me, the Xie family moved to Hejian Mansion in the past, I also ordered people to rush to Hejian Mansion to prevent any accidents from happening to the Xie family.

If there is a change in the capital, send the letter to the past, hurry up, and bring people back to the capital to testify in two days.

The other courtyard has long been under the name of Han Peizhao, and Xue Chan is not perfect and goes in and out of Xie's other courtyard every year. The two of them have an affair. This is an indisputable fact. Coupled with Xue Chan's confession, I don't even need to go to Jingzhao Mansion to sue. He, with these things and those people, went to the Palace of Funing to sue the imperial court.

It is Han Peizhao and Xue Chan who should be afraid, not me. "

After Jiang shi heard these words, there was a smile between her brows and eyes.

Jiang Yuanzhan understood everything when he saw it.

He was slightly surprised: "My aunt is afraid that I won't be able to deal with these matters, that I won't be thorough enough, and if I get overwhelmed, there will be some omissions, so she asks this?"

"Don't think I don't believe in your ability." Jiang Shi first coaxed him, "From childhood to adulthood, when it comes to riding and shooting martial arts, you are better than everyone else, and only Dalang can slightly surpass you. Although the etiquette is not bad, you can't be considered top-notch.

You don't have a lot of eyes, you are an elm head who is not enlightened, and you used to be the most soft-hearted. The little girl pestered you and cried a few times. You don't care about it.

Although you are getting older, but you have just returned to Beijing, and you have encountered such an incident with Xue Chan. At first, even Zhuzhu could tell that she did it on purpose, but you are a fool, so you can't see it at all.

Last night you said that you had to deal with it yourself, and I had 1 concerns.

But now, hearing you say this, I feel relieved.

It turns out that you are just not enlightened about those things, and you are not as stupid as a cow. "

Jiang Yuanzhan felt speechless.

My aunt said that if the little girl cried twice at home, he would have to leave. How many years ago did that happen?

He was 11 years old then.

Nine-year-old Zhou Wanning insisted on practicing martial arts with him and Zhuzhu. She lived in Pei Guogong's mansion for half a month, but ended up fishing for three days and drying the net for two days. Lecturer.

Later, when he caught her and carried her back to Zhou's house, she started crying.

From wanting to cry, to sobbing softly, seeing him indifferent, and finally crying loudly.

He had no choice but to let go of her, said whatever you want, and walked away with a dark face.

The elders talked about this matter, and joked that he would not see the little ladies cry.

He is soft-hearted, and feels that the girl's family is no better than the husband's, even if it is a fight, it doesn't matter.

The gold that the little lady should raise is not only a girl from a noble family, but also an ordinary family.

But he wasn't going to get dizzy when he saw a girl and blindly hold her high.

There is nothing wrong with him!
"Don't always use this to run on me. To put it this way, Aning also acted like this when she was young. She pretended to make trouble for me. She was deliberately playing a rascal."

Jiang frowned immediately: "What is Ah Ning's identity, and what is Xue Chan, do you dare to say such a thing?"

Jiang Yuanzhan slapped his forehead and said hi: "I didn't mean that, Xue Chan is not worthy to be compared with her, I just told you not to... Forget it, you won't listen to me."

Even though he changed his words, Jiang still wanted to give him two punches, and then sighed helplessly: "I thought you should be more or less enlightened after this incident."

It's just that the voice of what he said was very low, so low that Jiang Yuanzhan could hardly hear it clearly.

He followed up with a question, but Mrs. Jiang stopped talking and told him instead: "Since you have made up your mind, I don't care about it. If there is anything wrong, you can figure it out yourself, or you can go with your uncle." If you need someone, or ask your uncle to ask someone, there will always be someone who can help you, or else, Erlang has always come to discuss with him these days, he is a man of success..."


When she mentioned Zhao Xing, Jiang Yuanzhan made a solemn appearance, but in fact, he just interrupted Jiang's words.

Jiang Shi snorted: "What?"

"Second Highness can't."

Jiang Yuanzhan spoke seriously, rubbing the space between his brows: "I suspect that this matter has a lot to do with His Highness the Third Highness, so don't talk to him for now."

 ps Today is still Jiang·Steel straight man·Haven’t realized yet·Offended wife with one sentence·Yuan Zhan
(End of this chapter)

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