Chapter 110 Ping An Button (fourth update)

Jiang Wan specially chose a silver fox cloak when he went out, which matched the silver fox cloak on Zhao Xing especially.

The candlelight in the lantern under the ancient locust tree swayed through the red gauze, shining on Jiang Wan's eyebrows. Her eyes were always the clearest. Like a star next to the moon, a little bright.

Zhao Yi keenly caught the loss in her eyes.

Such a discovery made his heart flutter, and then he realized that not only Jiang Wan's eyes were faintly disappointed, but even her whole body was shrouded in an inexplicable depression.

She crossed her hands, gathered her cloak, trimmed with silver fox fur, and her porcelain-white face was piled up, her vermilion lips opened and closed, and asked Zhao Yi in a warm voice: "What does your highness want to say to me?"

Zhao Yi's heart tightened, and he tentatively called her: "Zhuzhu, I haven't apologized to you seriously yet."

Jiang Wan felt nauseous in his heart, but there was nothing on his face.

She has suffered too much from Zhao Yi's methods.

At this moment, she took two steps back, her eyes were shocked, she glanced at her, and immediately shook her head: "Don't call me that again, I told you very clearly, the official family intends to grant a marriage, and my aunt has already written a letter to Youzhou, Aye didn't write back to refuse, and the matter became a foregone conclusion, and there was no room for change.

Third Highness, let's forget all about the past.

We still grew up together, you... You should be more polite in the future. "

After all, it's not what it used to be.

He went to the gate of the county prince's mansion to block her several times, and only those two times he saw her face to face.

Once stopped by the eldest princess, once Zhao Xing sent him back to the palace, and then he was restrained by his father.

Those two times when Jiang Wan saw him, if he encountered a fierce beast, he would avoid it.

She was terrified and couldn't hide her sadness. She didn't make trouble, but she kept crying.

It's much calmer today.

This is a good sign.

Zhao Yi thought to himself, Han Peizhao said that his many thoughts in the past years were all in vain.

Now it seems that it is not.

At least not in vain.

At least the time and energy he spent on Jiang Wan was rewarded.

Zhao Yi lowered his eyes, his voice was deep, and it was easy for people to hear the suppressed pain: "I know, I know everything. After all, I am sorry for you... But there is another story about this matter, I... one I didn't do anything to offend you, but I was framed by someone."

When he said this, he bit his voice suddenly, and because Zhao Xing and the others were not standing very far away, he didn't dare to raise his voice for fear of being heard.

Zhao Yi followed Jiang Wan very much at the moment, changed his tone, and only called Awan: "If you are willing to listen to me, I will come to you some other day and tell you the whole story of the matter slowly. Awan, don't Remember to hate me, I can't help myself... You know that I left the palace since I was a child, and after I returned to Beijing at the age of ten, I was not as beautiful as outsiders saw.

They don't know, but you know, so Awan, I... After all, I don't have the ability, nor the blessing, so I can't keep you. "

As Zhao Yi said, he took out something from his sleeve pocket.

Jiang Wan kept her brows down the whole time, and when she saw him make a move, she raised her eyelids and looked at his hands.

In the palm of Zhao Yi's hand lies a safety button, which is not much bigger than a fingernail. The suet white jade is warm and moist, but this jade white is mixed with a little red color, which is very rare because of its natural beauty.

She also knew what it was.

The previous life finally fell into Zheng's hands.

Zhao Yi turned slightly, and handed over the safety buckle: "The safety buckle my grandmother begged for me has protected me for 15 years, and it has saved me from disasters to good luck, and from disasters to prosperity.

A Wan, you accept it.

In the future, I will not be able to protect you like before. I hope it can replace me and keep you safe and healthy throughout your life.

The second brother, he... the side of the second brother is not a pure land.

For the sake of the Duke's Mansion, he dare not do anything to you, but after all, I am worried. "

This is the year when Zhao Yi was sent to Zheng's family, the grand lady of the Zheng family in Xingyang worked tirelessly to go to Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou, where she worshiped in front of the Buddha for 49 days, seeking the universal light of Buddha for Zhao Yi.

When she was sent to Tongque Terrace, Mrs. Zheng came to see her not long after. She made a small safety buckle into a pendant and hung it around her waist.

Mrs. Zheng said that on the night of the palace change, she was guarding the palace alone. She was frightened and fell seriously ill.

Zheng also said, Jiang Wan, you should also wake up, who is the official's favorite, don't you understand?

At that time, Jiang Wan's heart was ashamed.

She planned the layout for Zhao Yi in the inner court, cooperating with him inside and outside, how dangerous it was, Zhao Yi never thought of giving her this thing.

Although she doesn't believe in the theory of protecting against evil spirits, it is really a sincere heart.

Now, this thing is in front of her eyes.

Jiang Wan frowned, his eyes were covered with a layer of mist, and he shook his head lightly, softly refusing: "It's too expensive, I can't take it."

"It's not precious, nothing is precious to you."

Zhao Yi persisted, refused to take back his hand, and did not force Jiang Wan's hand into it, as if he was afraid of offending her: "Awan, you understand, right? You are still willing to talk to me, so quiet Quiet, I'm so happy."

But there was infinite regret in his tone.

Jiang Wan covered her face, as if she was crying, but she couldn't bear it anymore, so she could only cover her face, lest Zhao Yi see the clue.

It took a while for her to calm down: "You know everything, but I can't say anything more. Third Highness, many people in this world are destined to miss it. Many things are pre-determined. Third Highness and I, It probably corresponds to the sentence that there is no fate.

I really can't..."

As a result, her voice suddenly stopped, as if recalling something, shock flashed in her eyes, and then turbulent waves surged, and she looked straight at Zhao Yi: "You said that Yuhua Building was framed by someone, and you said that the second brother was also very close. Pure Land, could it be... Could it be that..."

Who knows that she didn't finish asking, Zhao Yi showed a flustered face, and quickly made a silent gesture for her: "Awan, stop talking!"

With his look, it is easy to make people feel anxious together.

I was terrified and pitied him.

They are obviously the same person, but they behave cautiously, for fear that they will make mistakes and be tolerated by their elder brother.

Zhao Yi clasped Ping An in front of her again and gave it to her: "So you accept it, so that I can feel at ease."

Jiang Wan bit her lower lip, wanting to cry: "Third Highness..."

"Don't cry, I will feel bad when I see it."

When Jiang Wan's eyelids drooped, he covered up the disgust in his eyes, and then discussed with him in a soft voice: "But I took such a valuable thing from you, I can't hide it from the Second Highness..."

Zhao Yi took a heavy breath, and gritted his teeth: "It's okay, Ah Wan, it's okay if he knows it, didn't you say it too, after all, we still have a relationship to grow up together, so let me make you an apology, two Brother can't say anything."

Only then did Jiang Wan say hello with her long eyelashes trembling, raised her hand to take the safety buckle, and was very careful not to touch Zhao Yi's palm.

"Go, Awan, go, I'm going back to the palace too."

(End of this chapter)

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