Chapter 111 Great Use (Fifth Watch)

Zhao Xing accompanied Jiang Wan at the end, and even dragged some distance from Zhao Ran and the others.

They also ignored it, and Zhao Yi's sudden appearance did not cause any waves in the hearts of everyone. Even Zhou Wanning, who wanted to ask at first, was dispelled by Pei Qingyuan's inadvertent obstruction several times later.

Zhao Xing's cloak was suddenly ripped off lightly, he looked down at Jiang Wan: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Wan pouted, and took out the safety button from his cuff to show him: "Why didn't you ask me?"

"You told me before, so I don't have anything to ask. What you do and say, you have a method and a sense of proportion. If you want to say it, you will definitely tell me. If you don't want to say it, there are reasons for you. I I won't ask."

Zhao Xing explained in a warm voice before looking at the small safety buckle.

Under the bright and clear moonlight, the suet white jade lay flat in the little girl's white and tender palm, and it was even more moist, and there were three or five spots of crimson red, which also turned into hot clusters of fire.

He scoffed and asked, "He said he asked you to keep this thing for safety?"

Jiang Wan nodded: "He insists on giving it. If I don't accept it, he will definitely come to give it to me again. I will accept it if I think about it. Maybe it will be of great use in the future."

Zhao Xing's face was heavy: "Grandmother went to Lingyin Temple to ask for it, and the Buddha will not protect others. It's not that whoever holds this thing can get the protection of the Buddha. It's of no use to you."

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows slightly, carefully observing Jiang Wan's expression: "If you like this kind of thing, I will accompany you to Hangzhou when you are free later."

She is not interested.

And since Abbot Jueming said those words, Jiang Wan felt a little awe of Buddhism in his heart. Although he still didn't believe in Buddhism, was quite scary.

For a person like her who changed her life against the sky and regained her life, she should not go to Buddhist temples, lest the Buddha would not understand her and take her away.

So Jiang Wan shook his head: "It's not about that, if you want to talk about asking for the blessing of the Buddha, you still need him? You don't need to go to Lingyin Temple, I think Abbot Jueming likes me very much, maybe he thinks I am very close to Buddha .”

"Nonsense again."

Zhao Xing nodded at her with a helpless smile, and his mood improved a lot: "Then keep it. Although this kind of thing is useless, it's not too bad. If you want to report it, you can report it to Aunt Huang. If you don't want to report it, you can let it go Well, anyway, he won’t go around telling people that he gave this thing to you.”

After all, it was grandma's wish, Zhao Yi had a heart, and he would not offend the Zheng family, so naturally he would not easily chill the old lady's heart.

As for talking about giving and receiving privately, he didn't say anything, let alone others.

Jiang Wan smiled and took Ping An back into her purse: "I didn't plan to tell my aunt, it's better that everyone doesn't know that Zhao Yi gave this thing to me.

As I said, it might come in handy in the future. "

Zhao Xing's eyes darkened slightly, and only then did he understand what she meant. He wanted to persuade her to say a few words, but after thinking about it, he gave up and just let her go: "It's up to you. But it can also be seen that he spared no effort to win back your heart Otherwise, how could such a thing be given away so easily."

If one gets it wrong, it's all a trick.

Personal and precious things are always well kept.

Jiang Wan said not necessarily: "Maybe it's because I think I'm a fool, harmless, and don't have any intention of harming others. Even if I was given such a thing, I wouldn't make a big fuss about it, what do you think?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said nothing.

It's still too determined for her, otherwise she will turn against her one day and focus on herself. The little girl doesn't have those kindness, but he does. How can Zhao Yi not guard against it?

That's why Zhuzhu herself was stubborn, always saying that she never really admired Zhao Yi.

In fact, none of them, including Zhao Yi himself, could tell that she loved her to the core.

For the New Year's Eve, Zhao Xing didn't want to make her unhappy, so he didn't say any more.

Seeing her put away the safety buckle, her eyebrows twitched: "I see you often use this purse."

She said yes, and asked Zhao Xing if she didn't know, "Don't you know? My mother made it herself before I returned to Beijing."

Zhao Xing knows all the things that are commonly used around her, and it is inexplicable that he popped out such a sentence.

When Jiang Wan was about to ask him what he meant again, his eyes lit up first, and he rolled his eyes with a smile, took out the safety buckle that was just installed, and handed it to Zhao Xing with two fingers: "You keep it for me, Send me home later, then give it to me, I will go back and find a small box, put it in the warehouse, even if I need to use it in the future, I will only find a small lotus package that is not used, is this okay?"

Zhao Xing's eyes widened, and he took the safety buckle confidently, threw it into his sleeve pocket, said hello, and said nothing more.

Earlier, Zhou Wanning saw the two of them talking for a long time, and felt that it was time to finish, so she trotted over and pulled Jiang Wan to leave: "I found a stall, there is something interesting, you are not trying to trick sister Qingyuan Is it a good thing? Come and see!"

Jiang Wan was moved by her figure, so she had to step quickly to follow Zhou Wanning's figure, and turned around to call Zhao Xing: "Second brother, come quickly."

Zhou Wanning curled her lips and pinched her wrist.

Zhao Xing has long legs, one step can reach the little girl's house by two steps, and he is quick to keep up.

What Zhou Wanning was talking about was a ring stall.

The stall owner was a man in his forties with a round face and kind eyes. There was a five or six-year-old girl sitting beside him. She was fat and cute.

Zhou Wanning pointed it out to Jiang Wan: "That little tiger, did you see it? Isn't the pink porcelain one very delicate and cute? You can wear that one, sister Qingyuan belongs to the tiger, that's the most suitable one!"

The things on the ring stalls in the West Market will not be too cheap, after all, most of the noble ladies here come to shop, and the things that are too cheap are really not eye-catching, and they are not even interested in playing.

Jiang Wan roughly scanned and got a rough idea.

Red coral bracelets, tourmaline rosary beads, red gold gemstone hairpins, small ornaments of white clam and turquoise, larger objects include porcelain vases, and bonsai that can fit around the mouth.

And behind these things, in the last two rows of the stall, are lying beasts.

Pixiu made of pottery, white porcelain basalt, celadon unicorn... In the middle is the pink porcelain tiger that Zhou Wanning pointed out to her.

The king of beasts, nestled in a crowd of beasts, plus it is made of powder porcelain, is really cute.

And only the size of the palm of your hand.

It's really suitable for little girls.

Jiang Wan fell in love with it immediately, and made ten circles with the stall owner, held it in his hand, and called Pei Qingyuan: "Do you like that, cousin? I'll get you one!"

Pei Qingyuan smiled and said yes, and touched the top of her hair: "Can you get ten circles?"

She teased and teased, Jiang Wan was taken aback, a thin layer of pink immediately appeared on her cheeks, and she stomped angrily: "I'll definitely catch you!"

But it doesn't say how many circles to use.

When the time comes, don't worry, and tell Zhao Xing and Jiang Yuanzhan with a tiger face: "This is what I want to send to my cousin, and none of you are allowed to help me!"

(End of this chapter)

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