Chapter 113 Hesitation (Part [-])
There were more people in the group, and Zhou Wanning finished all the ten circles in his hand, and got a white rabbit exactly like Jiang Wan, a pair of red coral bracelets, a green jade hairpin, and an Suzhou embroidered palace fan.

There are a lot of sets, and she has good eyesight, so she picks out the best sets on the stall.

The stall owner not only took advantage of Jiang Wan, but also suffered a big loss from Zhou Wanning, so he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Fortunately, before everyone left, Jiang Yuanzhan gave the stall owner two taels of silver, not too much, just to give him psychological comfort.

There were many people on the street, and several people discussed finding a tea house to drink tea and talk for a while.

It is about a stone's throw away from the ring stall and walk to the front right, but the business of the three-and-a-half-story teahouse is not good.

Pedestrians are all joining in the fun at various stalls, and few people sit down and have a cup of tea.

After going upstairs and entering the private room to sit down, Xiaoer got orders to leave and prepare tea and snacks, and closed the door by the way, Zhou Wanning asked Jiang Yuanzhan with his chin: "I gave him the money, what are you doing?" Give him two taels?

Is it possible that he only allows others to be inaccurate, and he earns other people's money for nothing, but he is not allowed to be inaccurate, so he suffers some losses? "

While talking, she thought for a while, put down her hands, and spread out the wrapped things in the condom just now.

The hairpin and palace fan were given to Pei Qingyuan together, she kept one of the bracelets, and put the other on Jiang Wan's hand.

In fact, she didn't set so many things in previous years.

Because Jiang Wan couldn't afford to play with her.

She couldn't set it right, and she was angry with herself.

But she couldn't get it right, and others got it right, it seemed that she was worthless, and she was even angrier.

Zhou Wanning was willing to spoil her, so he just played with her.

Today, I saw that there were a few good things on the stall, and they were celebrating the Chinese New Year. It was a festive occasion. It was rare for Pei Qingyuan to stay in Shengjing for the New Year. At that time, she stood in front of the stall and glanced over, thinking that the hairpin And that palace fan perfectly complements Pei Qingyuan.

Red Coral is safe, since they are a couple, it happens that she and Zhuzhu are alone.

As for the fat white porcelain rabbit, it was also because Zhuzhu accidentally hit and snatched away one. Both she and Zhuzhu belonged to the rabbit, so she also lured the other one away.

To show off her skills and strength, she originally thought about coaxing people with these things, but Zhao Ce bumped in, which gave her a lot of convenience.

Then she saw that Jiang Yuanzhan had given an extra two taels of silver before leaving.

The more Zhou Wanning thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable: "These two fat rabbits are worthless in the first place, they are just playthings. I gave him five taels for the collar, and I counted him two taels for the pair of coral bracelets. The appearance is good, I think it matches the temperament of sister Qingyuan, but it’s really hard to buy it outside, five taels of silver is more than enough.”

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Jiang Wan: "In the ten circles of Zhuzhu, there is a fat rabbit and a little tiger. The pink porcelain is more expensive, let's count it as one or two. If it is calculated together, he still earns us money." What about two taels, you still want to give him two taels, why?"

"It's also a small business. It's rare to set up a stall all year round. The money I earn in this month is probably enough to support the family for a whole year. If you calculate it so carefully, no one else will go to play."

Jiang Yuanzhan was helpless, poured her a glass of water, and coaxed her: "How can he meet a few people who are so good at stretching and so accurate? We don't need these two taels of silver, Why make things difficult for others?"

Zhou Wanning curled her lips, took a sip of tea from the teacup, and said nothing.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuanzhan breathed a sigh of relief: "Can't you two just have fun? Besides, he just gave away five circles of beads to play with. Of course, it's his business, so give the two more money." Two silver coins, is it worth your anger?"

Zhou Wanning is not a penny-pinching person, let alone the two taels of silver.

It just doesn't feel like that's how it works.

She gave Jiang Yuanzhan a sideways look.

It seems that he is a military general who marches and fights. He is decisive and resolute when he leads the army to kill the enemy. But when he returns to the capital, he is the most soft-hearted little man. He is willing to think about the difficulties of others when he sees everyone.

As for Xue Chan's matter, she will not learn to learn from a pitfall and gain a wisdom.

"If I had known you thought so, I might as well have stopped playing."

Her voice was low, but Jiang Yuanzhan heard it clearly, his heart sank, and his face changed slightly: "Then I will accompany you down, and I will take him six laps. Anyway, ten will cost five taels, and six will count as his two taels." No loss, you can set six more."

Zhou Wanning was slightly surprised, looked up at him, her ears blushed for no reason: "I won't go."

She quickly looked away, holding the teacup to warm her palms, but the warmth went all the way to the bottom of her heart.

Zhao Xing sat next to him and just poured tea and water for Jiang Wan, Zhao Ran and Zhao Ze both saw some clues, and no one said anything.

However, Zhao Ce is the most worthless person, and he called out with a teasing smile, "Why are the tips of your ears red?"

Jiang Wan kicked him under the table.

He was in pain, curled his lips to look at Jiang Wan: "You kick..."

"I've never seen Saburo so weak before. I'm afraid the doctors outside are unreliable. He's sick and uncomfortable. It's outrageous for you to let Shiro live in an inn."

Zhao Ran stopped Zhao Ce's words in a deep voice, preventing him from talking nonsense.

After teaching his younger brother a lesson, he has the aura of being a brother.

Zhao Ze shook his head: "It's Saburo who is used to him. If I say it's okay, it's just a headache. I checked it, and it's true that he doesn't have a fever. I originally persuaded him to go home, but he just indulged Shiro. Did I tie him back?"

He didn't want to be scolded either, so he turned his head to look at Jiang Yuanzhan: "I just came back and heard that you went to serve in the army and horse department, and now you are promising, but what about the beautiful little lady that was rumored outside? "

Jiang Wan thought to himself that he really didn't open any pot and carried it.

Come out to play well, don't mention those people and things that spoil the fun.

Sure enough, Jiang Yuanzhan ignored him, and just clicked his tongue: "Let's talk about this matter after my cousin comes home. My aunt left me to live in the county prince's mansion, and didn't let me move back to the Duke's mansion. The day of the talk."

Zhao Ze raised his eyebrows and didn't ask any further questions, as if he didn't pay much attention to it.

As a result, Zhao Ce was restless, seeing his second brother ask about Jiang Yuanzhan and Xue Chan, he wanted to ask Jiang Wan about Zhao Yi.

After returning to Beijing for half an hour, I picked up the young man at the inn and asked about it, only then did I know that so many things happened in Beijing.

Those who divorced divorced, and those who were convicted were convicted.

He traveled with his brothers for half a year, and really missed a lot of excitement.

With such thoughts in his heart, he really dared to ask: "Sister, what happened to you and third cousin..."


The Ru kiln celadon cup in Zhao Xing's hand was placed heavily on the table, almost as if it was smashed down with all strength, making a muffled sound.

Zhao Ce's scalp was numb, and he looked sideways, facing Zhao Xing's obscure eyes, and then heard Zhao Xing ask him coldly: "When I travel abroad, I see splendid rivers and mountains, and step on famous mountains and great rivers. Let me ask you, Mr. Qi Chi, what should you do?" How can we stand in the world so that we can live up to our parents' upbringing?"

He tightened his throat and cast his eyes on Zhao Ran for help.

Zhao Ran didn't speak well of him.

He couldn't help it, so he pulled Zhao Ze's cuff again.

Zhao Ze also pulled his hands out.

Zhao Xing shook his head and sighed, as if he was disappointed: "After going out for half a year, he didn't make any progress, and it's just not proper to pester your cousin to ask some lively gossip."

(End of this chapter)

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