The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 114 He's Annoying

Chapter 114 He's Annoying (Part [-])
When a group of people came out of the teahouse, it was already dark, but the street was still very lively, with a constant flow of people coming and going, and the juggling troupe had just started.

The inn where the three brothers Zhao Ze lived was not far away, it was just on this street, and they arrived in less than a cup of tea after walking east from the teahouse.

At the end of the new year, the business of the inn is considered to be poor, travelers return home early, and few people stay in the inn at this time.

Therefore, when Zhao Ze and the others returned to the city, they could afford to rent the entire second floor of the inn.

The room where Zhao Lin lived was at the corner of the second floor. When everyone entered the door, they walked lightly, fearing that he would be asleep and disturb him.

The three girls stayed in the corridor and didn't enter the door. Not long after, they heard voices inside, so Jiang Wan poked his head halfway to look into the room.

Zhao Xing happened to see her, sighed helplessly, and simply beckoned to her: "Come in, he's not asleep."

Not only did Zhao Lin not sleep, but he was also very neatly dressed, as if he was about to go out.

In the end, they were blocked by Zhao Xing and the others.

Zhao Ran's face was the ugliest, and he walked back and forth for several steps with his hands behind his back, before he asked Zhao Lin, "Aren't you sick? Where are you going with this appearance?"

Zhao Lin sighed, since he was caught straight, lying was useless, so he was honest, but he didn't dare to look at Zhao Ran when he replied: "As soon as I entered the city, I heard that Zhuzhu and my cousin had divorced one after another. , I was really not feeling well just now, I squinted for a while, and now I feel much better, anyway, the second brother and Shiro went out for a stroll, and I was bored staying in the inn, so I wanted to ask Han Peizhao..."

His voice gradually weakened, obviously lacking confidence.

Jiang Yuanzhan was the first to lose face.

What Zhao Lin said about asking was really just asking, not intending to settle any accounts with Han Peizhao.

Among them, Zhao Lin had the best personal relationship with Zhao Yi.

When Zhao Yi returned to Beijing, Zhao Lin happened to be living in the palace. Zhao Yu was ill for three months, and Zhao Yu didn't visit Tizhen Hall as many times as Zhao Lin.

Ten-year-old Zhao Yi can be regarded as No. 1 if he is not good enough. It seems to be a matter of aptitude. Mrs. Zheng has also taken great pains to teach him, but he is not good at high or low, and he is completely incomparable with them.

Coincidentally, Zhao Lin is also like this.

Zhao Lin was nine years old that year, and Zhao Ce just passed his seventh birthday. He was a little too young. The king of Changping County didn't let the child out to practice riding and archery. He only went to school to read some books. They are more competitive than Zhao Lin.

So before Zhao Yi returned to Beijing, Zhao Lin was at the bottom, and naturally he was the one who received the most scolding.

Even Jiang Hu scolded Zhao Lin because he couldn't get used to Zhao Lin's inability to even hold his gun steadily, and the way he needed someone to help him get on a horse.

Xu is another kind of sympathy for each other, which caused the two brothers' feelings to heat up quickly.

Later, when they were older and practiced more, the two of them were more together, because their foundation was too poor to keep up with the progress of the brothers, but they were able to get together and asked their master to guide them individually.

In the early years, Han Peizhao chose Zhao Yi to accompany him to read, and even Zhao Yi dared to bully Zhao Lin, and Zhao Lin went too far for Zhao Yi.

Afterwards, Han Peizhao and Zhao Yi became friends, and the three of them got along well, walked around a lot, and had a good time.

I can go home tomorrow, what can't I ask my sisters clearly?I had to ask Han Peizhao at this time.

Jiang Yuanzhan clenched his fist, and Zhao Xing's expression was dull.

Zhao Lin faintly saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere, and his throat tightened: "What... what's wrong?"

Zhao Ran sighed silently, tugged him, suppressed his voice, and probably told him the cause and effect.

The matter of Zhao Xing, Han Peizhao's calculations, and even the matter of the official marriage to Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan next year were also mentioned.

As for Han Peizhao's resignation, Zhao Ranshen thought that there was nothing to say, and if he had to say it, he would only have three big characters.

After hearing this, Zhao Lin took a deep breath: "I don't know... Is there something in it..."

The word misunderstanding didn't come out, Zhao Ze had already thrown a slap in the face, and then told him to shut up: "We left the capital for half a year, so many things happened."

He frowned, intending to comfort Jiang Wan first, but seeing that the little girl didn't care about it at all, and although he didn't understand how the object of marriage suddenly became Zhao Xing, it was obvious that the official's Both the saint and the sage had asked Zhao Xing himself, and Zhao Xing nodded, so that things could be done.

So Zhao Ze stopped, licked his lower lip, and simply asked Jiang Yuanzhan: "The matter about Han Peizhao..."

"I have my own opinion." Jiang Yuanzhan frowned and replied to him, his black eyes rolled, apparently having other thoughts, he turned to Zhao Lin, and asked him coldly, "Who are you brothers with? "

Zhao Lin was stunned at first, but immediately realized Jiang Yuanzhan's meaning, his expression changed, and he categorically called his cousin: "We are blood relatives, and he can only be regarded as a good friend. If he really acts like this, it's hard for me Unexpectedly, it was unclear, did the elbow really turn outward?

Not to mention Han Peizhao, but the third cousin—”

He suddenly stopped talking, and secretly glanced at Zhao Xing: "Anyway, I know what you mean, and I won't face him!"

Jiang Yuanzhan's expression turned pale, and he said he understood, but he didn't ask any other questions.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Ran told his younger brothers a few more words, and then he left and went back to the county palace.

Going out from the inn, Zhao Xing still kept pace.

Jiang Yuanzhan paused and asked him, "You're not going back..."

Before he finished the question, his face turned black.

At this time, the gate of the palace was closed.

Knocking on the palace gate at night is tantamount to conspiracy.

So Zhao Xingda never planned to return to the palace from the very beginning.

He stopped, but Zhao Xing smiled instead: "What do you want Zhao Lin to do for you? Aren't you just afraid that I will ask you this?"

Jiang Wan's eyelids twitched, and Zhao Ran hurriedly helped smooth things over: "What is this for? If you have anything to say, let's go home and talk slowly. When Ming'er Erlang and the others return home, let's sit down and talk slowly, don't quarrel."

Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Xing didn't know where their tempers came from, they were so partial.

Zhou Wanning rolled his eyes, took half a step forward, raised his face and called Jiang Yuanzhan: "It's getting late, take me home."

Only then did Jiang Yuanzhan restrain himself, and stepped aside to get out of the way. After Zhou Wanning had parted ways with Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan, he accompanied her to the Zhou Mansion, his figure gradually disappearing into the night.

Here, Zhao Ran looked at Zhao Xing, then at Jiang Wan, and finally exchanged glances with Pei Qingyuan, understanding, the two walked forward with a tacit understanding, leaving the position behind Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan not to mention.

After opening a distance, Jiang Wan curled his lips and asked Zhao Xing: "Why were you angry with my second brother just now? At the inn, I saw that after he asked Cousin Lin what he said, your expression was not quite right. "

Zhao Xing squeezed his eyebrows, and when he returned to her, his tone was quite kind: "It's just annoying him to sting, the more he hides and hides, the more annoying I am."

(End of this chapter)

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