The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 115 I Will Remember

Chapter 115 I Will Remember (Part [-])
The night was quiet, and the noisy voices were gradually left behind.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Wan raised the corners of her lips and curved her lips: "I guess he doesn't want me, my cousin and Aning to hear this, why are you angry with him instead?"

How could Zhao Xing not know?

He also just felt that what he said to Jiang Yuanzhan earlier was all in vain and a waste of time.

The breath was held in his chest, he couldn't move up or down.

If it were someone else, he wouldn't even take a second look.

It happened to be the Jiang family, and it happened to be Jiang Yuanzhan.

Jiang Wan saw that he was a little loose, and continued to persuade him even more: "Second brother has been familiar with the art of war since he was a child. If you think about it carefully, soldiers are cunning. Will he really suffer at the hands of people like Han Peizhao? I think so." If you really make him anxious, you are asking for trouble.

He never told his aunt what he wanted to do, but he didn't tell us.

The second brother doesn't want us to share the burden for him. He has been in the army for a year and has done everything by himself. He is probably used to it. Don't get angry with him because of this, otherwise I will be caught in the middle, wouldn't it be a dilemma? "

Jiang Wan has three older brothers, and they all have a very good relationship, but they must be distinguished, and if the best one is chosen, it will be Jiang Yuanzhan.

Jiang Yuanyao is the eldest son, there are more older ones, and he is always thinking about supporting the family in the future, propping up the family business of the Duke of Peiguo, and he will think twice before moving, and hold the eight characters high above his head. Sun dared not let go, so he was more restrained.

As for Jiang Yuanhui, he and Jiang Yuanzhan are twins, but I don't know if Jiang Yuanzhan is so domineering that he has learned how to bully his younger brother in the womb. Two children were born, one is white and fat, and the other is thin and thin Small.

The thin and frail one is of course Jiang Yuanhui.

He was raised until he was five or six years old, but he still got sick from time to time.

He was weak and sick when he was young, so he seldom played with them together.

Every time Jiang Wan was afraid that he might be ill, she always told him not to go out.

As time went by, among the three elder brothers, Jiang Yuanzhan naturally had the best relationship with him.

Zhao Xing lowered his eyes, and said after a while: "I was just afraid that you would be unhappy, and felt that he did everything without telling you. You have said so, and I have nothing to do."

After he finished speaking, he raised his eyes to look at Jiang Wan, with a hidden smile in his eyes: "I won't get angry with him because of these in the future."

The Zhou Mansion is farther away from the West Market, going north out of the long street, and after crossing two streets, there are two vertical streets.

The farther you go to the north, the fewer people there are, away from the hustle and bustle of the West Market.

Zhou Wanning had a peaceful face, walking shoulder to shoulder with Jiang Yuanzhan, looking sideways at him from time to time.

When she didn't know how many times she looked sideways, Jiang Yuanzhan finally couldn't help asking her: "You looked at me all the way, what are you looking at?"

Zhou Wanning said nothing: "It's just that you seem to be very irritable tonight. You first directed at Zhao Lin and Zhao Ce, and then almost got into an argument with the Second Highness when you left the inn. Are you in a bad mood? Because I said you gave people two taels of silver too much. ?”

Of course she knew it wasn't for this.

Anyway, she was the most unscrupulous with Jiang Yuanzhan since she was a child.

No matter how Zhao Xing tolerated this smile, Jiang Yuanzhan treated her just as well.

The difference is nothing more than that Zhao Xing loves Wanwan, Jiang Yuanzhan...was scared of crying by her when she was young.

But so what, the result is always the same.

Jiang Yuanzhan sighed silently: "I have some things to do, you girls don't know, I have my own opinions about Han Peizhao and Xue Chan, and I have also reported it to my aunt. Second Highness——"

When mentioning Zhao Xing, he dragged his voice, his expression still serious: "He is probably for Zhuzhu, and always wants to meddle in my affairs."

He obeys discipline, but also divides people.

Zhou Wanning knew this well.

Except for the elders, Jiang Yuanyao and Zhao Yu were willing to listen to him when he raised a few words. Jiang Yuanzhan was the most impatient if the rest wanted to lecture and discipline him.

Words of persuasion are only useful for her and Wanwan.

Zhou Wanning's footsteps slowed down more and more: "Brother Yuan Zhan, you said you have your own opinions. At least the girl doesn't know it. You are planning to use your own way to punish her. Use Han Peizhao to plot against you. on him?"

Jiang Yuanzhan really didn't think that she would guess it, and she guessed it so accurately.

Looking up suddenly, Zhou Wanning's eyes were bright and her smile was light. She looked up at him and her eyes became clearer: "We are not children anymore, not to mention that we have read a few military books when we were young, so of course we will be in front of you." If you don't read enough, you say that you were ignorant when you were a child, and you peeked at those scripts and dramas outside, and you can guess what you are saying now, of course."

In the book of wit and beauty, there are always those monsters and goblins who come out to make troubles and try to break up people's marriages. Sometimes you can see various methods, such as drugging and destroying people's innocence.

It's no wonder that the elders always say that it's not a serious book. They write these frequently, or they elope, and they definitely shouldn't be read by noble ladies.

That's precisely because the elders refused to let them see it, the more they wanted to see it. She and Wanwan really ordered people to buy it secretly, and then gathered together to watch it secretly.

In the past few years, she has also read it, and she will discuss it with Wanwan when she encounters those that are well written.

But this cannot be said in front of Jiang Yuanzhan, otherwise she and Wanwan will be in bad luck.

Jiang Yuanzhan has been the strictest control over them since he was a child.

Zhao Xingdu was better, even if he was really caught and Wanwan went to act coquettishly, it would probably be fine.

She and Guanwan were eleven or twelve years old when Jiang Yuanzhan discovered these books, and Jiang Yuanzhan punished them for copying the books. Huaqiang, how tired you are.

After the punishment is over, buy a few more cakes and send some ointments, and then forget about it.

Zhou Wanning's thoughts stopped abruptly, and she still had that bright and bright smiling face: "So it's useless to say you hide it like this, it's better to just say it."

She thought of Zhao Xinglai again: "I don't think the Second Highness really wants to be angry with you, it's probably because of Wanwan's sake, he's just afraid that you won't say anything, Wanwan doesn't mention it, but he puts it all in his heart .

This suffocating thing is going to make you sick, and you are depressed all day long, and all you think about is you.

That's why the Second Highness is not happy. "

She put her hands behind her back, bent her waist slightly, and looked at Jiang Yuanzhan with twinkling long eyelashes: "Brother Yuanzhan, you said that you are the same, either you do it impeccably, and don't let us know a little bit, or you can explain it directly, and everyone can help you." Let's come up with ideas together, why isn't it better than now?

But you are not defensive to us, you always have to show the beginning and the end of your actions, and at the same time you want to hide it from us girls, making everyone embarrassed. "

When she said this, embarrassment flashed across Jiang Yuanzhan's face, and when her words fell, he turned his face away and covered his lips to cough: "I didn't know you even..."

As he spoke, he frowned again: "Every little girl has no taboos."

Zhou Wanning sneered: "What's the taboo? It's Han Peizhao who is shameless and uses such things to plot people. He has done everything, but he didn't ask us to tell. What is the reason for this?
You are awkward and stubborn, and you refuse to listen to what you say. "

She snorted: "Then take it as nothing I said."

Jiang Yuanzhan moved his mind slightly, pursed his lips, and finally replied in a low voice after a long time: "I see, I will remember it later."

 Second brother: you can't blablablabla
  Brother [-]: You are talking nonsense.

  Ning Ning: You can't blablabla
  Second brother: OK, I will change it.

  ps Today is Jiang Double Standard Wife Says Everything Yuan Zhan

(End of this chapter)

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