Chapter 116
In the early morning of the next day, the morning fog had not dissipated, the sky was gray, and when it was just turning gray, Zhao Ze took his two younger brothers back to the county palace.

When the three brothers got off the car outside the gate of Wangfu, the Jiang family in the mansion had already got up and dressed, and called Pei Qingyuan and Jiang Wan to have dinner together.

The little girl opened the curtain and walked in quickly, with the word "joy" written all over her face. Mrs. Jiang didn't blame her for being unruly, but asked her with a smile: "What's the matter with being so happy in the early morning? I rushed into the room happily." ?”

Although the maidservant is young, she has been serving Jiang Shi for more than three years. Knowing that Jiang Shi is the most kind master, she knelt down and bowed with her hands tucked in at this moment: "Princess, the young masters are back, Erlang is leading the Saburo and Shiro are here!"

The silver chopsticks in Jiang's hand paused: "Already entered the mansion?"

Counting the days, it is indeed time to come back from Yangzhou.

After going out for more than half a year, I can't even go back to Beijing for the New Year.

A while ago, she sent two letters by flying pigeons, urging Erlang to take his brothers home as soon as possible, and don't rush to come back on New Year's Eve.

Later, Erlang wrote back, saying that he was going to leave Yangzhou, but he never sent her any news.

The Jiang family has always raised these children, gold and jade are true, but she never keeps the children by her side, and Erlang is a little older, he always has a sense of proportion, and he will not delay returning until later in the year Beijing, so I didn't ask any more questions, and let them go.

Why did it come back all of a sudden without making a sound?

Jiang Shi put down the chopsticks, and Shu Er caught a glimpse of the indifferent expressions of the niece and niece, neither very happy nor surprised.

She felt something was wrong, she raised her brows together, clicked her tongue, and only asked Jiang Wan: "Do you know that your cousin has returned to Beijing?"

Jiang Wan smiled and said yes, but took Pei Qingyuan's arm and said nothing further.

Seeing that Mrs. Jiang wanted to ask again, Jiang Wan said in a nasty voice, "Don't you know everything when you see your cousin?"

While they were talking, the three brothers Zhao Ze had already entered the door.

The luggage will naturally be packed by the servants below, and they don't need to take care of it.

After meeting Jiang Shi here, Zhao Ce smiled and went to Luohan's bed, making a gesture to lean closer to Jiang Shi.

Mrs. Jiang pushed him away with a wave of her hand: "Don't be so busy trying to please me, I wrote to your second brother earlier, urging you to return to Beijing quickly, so that you don't miss the New Year, your second brother wrote back and said he knew, and he will take you The two of you have already left, why didn’t you tell me when you returned to Beijing at this time, and didn’t send someone into the city to tell you when you came back?”

She thought that they probably didn't come back today, otherwise, where would Zhuzhu and A Yuan go to meet them?
Then his face darkened again: "When did you come back?"

Zhao Ce is young, and Jiang Shi has always been the thick-skinned one in front of Jiang Shi. The more Jiang Shi doesn't let him get closer, the more he wants to get closer.

After insisting on sitting down beside Jiang Shi, she held Jiang Shi's arm and refused to let go, and she called A Niang in the most flattering tone: "I told my second brother that I wanted to give you a surprise.

It wasn't very early either, I just returned to the city when it was almost dusk yesterday.

Originally, the second brother did take us away after receiving your letter from Feige, but there was a big storm on the canal, which delayed some time and slowed down the journey, so we dragged it back to Beijing until now.

I was bored at the inn last night, I really couldn't stay, I took my second brother to go shopping, just happened to meet my elder sister and the others in the circle, the eldest brother and elder sister knew that we had returned to Beijing.

The eldest brother really insisted on taking us home, so he allowed us to spend the night in an inn outside because of my hard work.

Isn't A Niang surprised when she sees us back suddenly?Don't you feel happy? "

Jiang Shi just stared at him with supercilious eyes, then snorted, and immediately raised his hand to push him away, then looked up at Zhao Ze: "You, Aye, have entered the palace, and you probably won't leave the palace until noon, don't you?" Go out, wait for you Aye to come back, go and talk to him."

Zhao Ze was obedient, she agreed with everything she said, then glanced at Jiang Wan, pursed her lips, thought for a while, and then asked, "Is Yuan Zhan going to the government office to be on duty?"

Mrs. Jiang hummed: "However, if you don't go for the rest of the day, you will go all morning. You won't have to be on duty until the next year. He did a good job for his colleagues a while ago, and he has to pay him back. And there are other things to deal with.”

When she said something else, Zhao Lin's eyebrows twitched, thinking that it was probably the matter between Han Peizhao and Xue Chan.

Jiang Shi naturally saw it, and frowned, "Do you all know about Yuan Zhan?"

Zhao Ze glanced sideways at his younger brother, frowned almost imperceptibly, and then nodded slightly: "Yuan Zhan told us all about it last night."

Jiang Shi narrowed her eyes again, and turned to Zhao Lin, "What do you say?"

Zhao Lin groaned, and immediately understood what she was asking, and quickly replied: "I told my cousin yesterday that we are blood relatives, and I won't do stupid things, don't worry, mother!"

When Jiang heard what he said, she didn't say anything. Later, she didn't even eat a few bites, and sent them to rest, leaving Zhao Ze alone in the room to talk.

When Zhao Lin led his younger brothers and sisters out, he looked back into the room every step of the way.

Jiang Wan tugged at his cuff: "My aunt probably has other things to do. Didn't she say that she brought a lot of interesting things from Yangzhou? Take us to have a look. If there are any particularly good ones, we'll pick them out too. At the end of the new year, go back and prepare a new year gift to send to others."

Only then did Zhao Lin hum, indifferently, and couldn't see any emotional changes on his face.

Just after leaving the Moon Cave Gate, Zhao Ran came towards him from the northwest.

Seeing them come out, only Zhao Ze was not there, he paused for a moment: "Ah Niang left Erlang to talk?"

Zhao Lin nodded: "I'm afraid I'm not going to scold the second brother."

Zhao Ran frowned and said no: "It's good to be back, you were uncomfortable last night, have you reported it to Aunt?"

Zhao Lin said no: "It's not a serious illness, just tell Auntie and tell her to worry about it, I'm fine now, brother, don't tell Auntie either."

Zhao Ran clicked his tongue: "If you don't pay attention when you are young, you will know the seriousness when you suffer from injuries later."

While talking, he couldn't help shaking his head: "When everything is settled, I'll go tell Auntie, at least I'll have to invite the imperial doctor to come to the house to give you a pulse, so I can rest assured."

Zhao Linxin said that there is really no need to make such a fuss. His seven-foot-tall gentleman is not a delicate little lady.

But he had something on his mind, and seeing Zhao Ran's unquestionable expression, he didn't say any more refusal words when he came to his lips. Instead, he said with a heavy hum: "Brother has the final say."

(End of this chapter)

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