The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 117 Can't escape

Chapter 117 Can't Dodge (Part [-])

Jiang Shi left Zhao Ze behind, but he didn't say a word for a long time.

Zhao Ze was restless.

It's reasonable to say that it doesn't matter much to take the two younger brothers to stay overnight outside. Anyway, they didn't cause any trouble, let alone bring trouble to the family.

Besides, if A Niang had something to say about this, she wouldn't just leave him here to be scolded.

Zhao Ze rubbed his fingertips, rolled his throat twice, and tentatively called A Niang: "You left me, do you have anything else you want to ask me?"

Only then did Jiang look across, and asked him coldly: "Tell me honestly, did San Lang and Yuan Zhan have a dispute when they met your elder brother last night?"

Zhao Ze suddenly realized, his face was soothed, and he breathed a long sigh of relief: "That's why you? You didn't say anything for a long time, and it scared me so much. I still think it's annoyed you. You want to stay and scold me I have two meals."

"Don't be so talkative!"

Jiang Shihu stared at him with a straight face: "On weekdays, you don't speak seriously, but usually you don't mind it. I asked you about serious things, and you also smiled with me?"

Most of the smile on Zhao Ze's face disappeared as soon as possible, and then he shook his head: "Sanlang was indeed going to find Han Peizhao, but he just didn't understand what happened to Zhuzhu and A Yuan's successive divorces. I can't see him in the palace, so can I ask Han Peizhao?
As a result, he was caught by us before he had time to go out.

At first Yuan Zhan didn't mention it, but when he heard that he was going to see Han Peizhao, his expression changed on the spot.

Seeing that something was wrong, the eldest brother was probably afraid that he would be out of breath, so he hurriedly told us the whole story.

It's not what you think.

Yuan Zhan has also grown up and knows how to measure. Although Sanlang is younger, he has a sense of proportion since he was a child. It's not Shiro. You still have to worry about these things? "

Hearing what he said, Jiang finally felt relieved.

But it was only for a moment, and then he asked him again: "Did Yuan Zhan tell you anything else?"

Zhao Ze shook his head, but the topic changed: "However, I reckon, he didn't let Han Peizhao's temperament go easily, the question he asked Sanlang seemed to be out of his head, but in fact... A Niang, are you right?" know something?"

Jiang shi hummed: "What do you think?"

Zhao Ze laughed out loud: "Do you really think I'm ignorant? Anyway, I have been tortured by my master for so many years in school, and I have traveled abroad with Saburo Shiro for more than half a year."

Seeing his mother's unkind expression, he didn't dare to joke around anymore. He coughed and said seriously, "The best way to do this kind of thing is to treat the person in the same way. Yuan Zhan's temperament has always been the worst." Directly, he probably thought so.

As for the question about Sanlang, I reckoned that he saw that Sanlang had returned to the capital, and he had a relationship with Han Peizhao, who could take advantage of it, but he was afraid that Sanlang would not do it and would not help him, so he asked that question. One sound. "

Jiang shi sighed inwardly.

Just such a small matter, she really doesn't know what Yuan Zhan is hiding from that child, and who can he hide from?

No one is a fool, even if Zhuzhu is enlightened in many things now, she sees that Zhao Xing does not intend to keep Zhuzhu in the inner house and boudoir, there are many things outside, even if Zhuzhu is not clear, I am afraid Zhao Xing rushed to teach her.

It's boring.

Jiang Fu raised his forehead: "That's his idea. As for Sanlang...let him talk to Sanlang himself. God knows what he's thinking all day long."

Zhao Ze's eyelids twitched: "What? Didn't Yuan Zhan tell you anything about it?"

"That's not it."

Mrs. Jiang sighed in a low voice: "He said these things have been reported to me, and he can also tell the brothers, but he doesn't want Zhuzhu to know, besides, A Yuan is also living in our house now, the girl's house is still slightly contaminated by these things, and I don't want to let Zhuzhu know about it. It is such a thing, it is best not to listen.

But I see, not to mention Zhuzhu and A Yuan, it is that ghost girl of the Zhou family, and I can probably guess it.

He himself is the stupidest, and he still wants to hide it from others. "

Zhao Ze said ah, smiled comfortably, and comforted Jiang: "Yuan Zhan is a brother, so he thinks more naturally. A Ning has followed him since he was a child. He took two younger sisters with him. He is better than us. Be more thoughtful.

This matter is a change of eldest cousin, which is probably the same as what he thought, as long as he didn't hide it from you or his brothers, what do you care about him so much? "

Jiang Shi was immediately discouraged: "Who are you with?"

Zhao Ze understood it completely, but looked over unexpectedly: "You originally wanted me to persuade Yuan Zhan?"

"I don't think his temperament of looking forward and backward is okay. Is he so timid when he marches and fights? Now that he is transferred back to the capital, he has made such a virtue? When your uncle returns to Beijing, there will be no good fruit for him." .”

Zhao Ze rolled his eyes, shook his head and said yes: "Are you overthinking? This is not the same thing as marching and fighting. Besides, let's talk about the future things slowly. Let him do what he likes, and Zhuzhu doesn't care about it." Challenging isn't it?

And it looks good to me. "

Mrs. Jiang was obviously dissatisfied with this, her brows were tightly furrowed, her eyebrows were cold and cold, and she refused to answer these words.

Zhao Ze was embarrassed, so he could only add a few more words by himself: "He said to Zhuzhu, does Zhuzhu have to tell his second cousin? Han Peizhao is my younger brother's companion, God knows if there is someone else behind him who has come up with a plan Woolen cloth.

Didn't my younger brother get banned for making trouble in the Yuhua Tower earlier, and also divorced?
Turning around, the second cousin got a marriage gift, and the relationship here is very complicated.

One side is a sibling, the other side is the future concubine, it's better to keep it a secret.

Although it is well known, everyone tacitly knows it. Anyway, they didn't tell the truth, so they pretended not to know?
Otherwise, what kind of situation do you want to see?
Is it the second cousin who can ignore Zhuzhu's affairs, or Zhuzhu can ignore Yuanzhan's affairs?
Since it is impossible, after a series of events, the second cousin is afraid that he will be in charge of brother. "

When he said this, his voice paused, his smile faded a lot, and his eyes were also stained with some unfathomable depth: "Aniang, that's not the four words tit for tat, you have to come up with another four words coming."

Jiang's heart sank suddenly.

Whether she or Yuan Zhan, they all doubted Zhao Yi.

In fact, Zhao Yu and Zhao Xing would definitely think so too.

The only difference is that by putting things on the bright side and hiding them under the calm lake, everyone can barely maintain peace and live a peaceful life for a few years.

She didn't know if Yuan Zhan had considered this level.

It's just that he did say that day that it might be related to Zhao Yi, so it's better to hide it from Zhao Xing for the time being.

Later, I told her that since the girl's family was not contaminated, she didn't need to tell Zhuzhu about dealing with Han Peizhao.

Now ask my son to mention this——

Jiang Shi settled down and said in a low voice, "Go back and ask Yuan Zhan for clarification."

Seeing that Zhao Ze had something to say, she stopped him with a cold face: "Let you go, how can you talk so much? If he is really afraid of this—"

In fact, it is best to talk to Zhao Xing.

If that's the case, Zhao Xing will have to make this choice sooner or later, he can't avoid it!

(End of this chapter)

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