Chapter 118
On the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, the court took a vacation.

Early in the morning, Zhao Lin asked people to go to Duke Cheng's mansion to send invitations to Han Peizhao.

He himself did not show up.

When Feng Ke came to the private room on the third floor, he had made a reservation and was waiting.

Han Peizhao didn't doubt that he was there, so he left quickly.

When he pushed the door and entered, Zhao Lin was the only one in the room. As soon as he entered the door, Han Peizhao smelled a clear fragrance, but when he wanted to taste it carefully, he couldn't catch it.

Zhao Lin smiled and waved to him: "I went to Yangzhou with my second brother for more than half a year, and as expected, I still miss Feng Ke's morning food the most, and I finally returned to Beijing, so I call you to come out and have a good meal with me today.

At noon, I made a reservation at Wuwei's. I heard that there are many new dishes in his house. You must have tried them all, right? "

Han Peizhao didn't think about where the subtle fragrance came from, he only glanced at the sapphire Boshan furnace leaning on the long table under the east wall, and sat down directly opposite Zhao Lin: "It's okay, it's nothing What's particularly fresh is that his family hired a cook to cook Huai cuisine a few months ago. The dishes in the south are always rarer, and they are the first in Shengjing.

In the past few months, others have followed suit, so it's nothing.

Fengkelai also has those, but the main dishes are not as good as the five flavors. "

The court food was nothing more than that, and Zhao Lin always liked to eat it. Han Peizhao didn't even move his chopsticks, just watched Zhao Lin eat.

Zhao Lin ate a few mouthfuls and looked up at him, seemingly helpless and regretful: "I asked my aunt about your family's divorce, it's really a pity."

Mentioning this matter, Han Peizhao's eyes darkened slightly, and he didn't want Zhao Lin to see the clue, so he sighed: "Speaking of which, I'm sorry for Miss Pei, and I don't have a chance to apologize to her face to face. She didn't want any of the money that went to the shop and farm under her name, and the money that was supplemented to her in private.

A few days ago, my aunt also said that Miss Pei is a gentle person, and I am not that lucky. "

If Zhao Lin didn't know about Xue Chan's incident, he would sincerely regard Han Peizhao as his brother. If he heard these words, he would definitely be comforted.

Now that I know it, I don't know how many times I have scolded Han Peizhao in my heart, and when I listen to it again, I only feel that he is hypocritical and disgusting.

It turned out that when we grew up together, we couldn't see the sinister heart.

Zhao Lin has been studying since he was a child, even though his aptitude is poor, he has learned the phrase "know people, face, but not heart".

At that time, I always thought that what the sages said was not all right.

Those who grew up together are like brothers and sisters, so they are much better than others. He, Han Peizhao, and Zhao Yi will never use this sentence.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, his face was beaten to pieces.

It's not that Han Peizhao doesn't have that blessing, it's that he doesn't deserve it at all.

Cousin Qingyuan is both stunningly beautiful and famous, even if she is worthy of the prince of the Tian family, Han Peizhao, a despicable villain with a rotten heart, should stop humiliating his cousin!

Although he scolded like this in his heart, he didn't show anything on his face.

Zhao Lin picked up another pickled eggplant with chopsticks, and drank a small mouthful of porridge with winter bamboo shoots and cloud legs, and then said it was nothing: "Since it's all over, my cousin doesn't care about it. In the end, I can't blame you. In the future, you With your good marriage, she also has her own future, I just mentioned it casually when I saw you, you don't need to say this yourself, anyway, it has nothing to do with it, and it's meaningless if you keep blaming yourself."

Han Peizhao's eyelids twitched, he raised his eyes to look at him, and said with a smile: "After going out for half a year, I have indeed grown a lot, my heart has broadened, and my horizons have probably broadened a lot, right?"

Zhao Lin said it was: "So I said that I should go out and have a look. Originally, the second brother was going to pull me up, but I didn't want to go. If it wasn't for Aniang who forced me to follow, I would definitely stay at home and would not move. of.

This time I went out for a trip, I just realized how many benefits there are, and I really should go out and travel more in the future. "

While he was talking, his expression suddenly changed, and he let out an ouch.

Han Peizhao was also taken aback.

Seeing Zhao Lin holding his stomach and bending over slightly, Han Peizhao hurriedly stood up to help him: "What's wrong?"

"It's broken, it's broken, I probably won't come back, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

Zhao Lin said that his stomach hurts, it seemed to be in severe pain, he yelled that it was convenient to go, and got up in a hurry to rush out the door.

Han Peizhao was helpless for a while: "What is the acclimatization? You were born in Shengjing and grew up in Shengjing. Go out for a while, and you will be dissatisfied when you return home. Don't eat your stomach!"

He followed and was about to go out. Zhao Lin gritted his teeth and held back to stare back at him: "Then you send someone to invite a doctor for me. I'll go first to make it easier for you to follow me? I'm ashamed! Honestly." Just wait, don't make any noise, or we will break off our friendship!"

Han Peizhao just grinned.

Zhao Lin was a bit of a rascal when he was a child.

So when he bullied Zhao Yi at that time, Zhao Yi pretended to be timid and didn't dare to do anything to him. It was Zhao Lin who was trying to settle accounts with him with the vigor of a market bastard.

This is a fool.

What a fool.

He has the worst qualifications, he is not enlightened, he is not as bright as his brothers, and he is not as good at martial arts as Jiang Yuanzhan.

There is no city in the chest, and if you want to be friends, Zhao Lin is the best.

Just a pity.

He and Zhao Yi are destined not to be friends with Zhao Lin for a lifetime.

The servant next to Zhao Lin naturally followed him. Han Peizhao shook his head and told the servant who went out with him: "Go to Huichun Hall and ask Dr. Hu to come."

The servant didn't say anything else, and was ordered to hurry out to find the doctor.

Han Peizhao looked at the half-eaten meal in front of Zhao Lin, and touched it with his hand. Even the porcelain bowl was only warm, and the porridge was probably a little cold.

He couldn't help shaking his head again.

Since I was a child, I like to eat some cold food. If Zhao Lin doesn't have a stomachache, who will have a stomachache?

Zhao Lin went away for a long time and didn't come back. Han Peizhao thought that his bowl of porridge must be uneatable, and was about to go out and order Xiao Er Duan to go down and reheat it, or get a new bowl.

As a result, when he opened the door, he was stunned for a moment when he saw the well-dressed Xue Chan.

Seeing him, Xue Chan's eyes also flashed surprise: "I just saw the carriage of Cheng Guogong's mansion downstairs, and thought it was the young lady from the mansion who came to eat court food, but it turned out to be you."

Han Peizhao frowned: "Why are you here?"

Xue Chan tucked her hands and took a small half step back, biting her lower lip because of the displeasure between his brows and eyes: "Master Jiang invited me to Fengke for tea, saying that his house has a new kind of cake, eat it It's not bad, I want to take me to taste it.

He still has two cups of tea before he comes, and the appointment is still early, so I came here first. "

Only then did Han Peizhao say oh.

But Xue Chan was hesitant to speak.

Seeing this, Han Peizhao clicked his tongue: "Do you have something to do?"

Xue Chan's black eyes rolled twice: "Can you come with me? I happen to have something to say to you, but I dare not go to the Duke's Mansion to look for you. Today I happened to meet..."

Han Peizhao immediately said no: "Zhao Lin from the county prince's mansion is with me. He is going to do some errands, and he will probably be back soon. If you have anything to say, we can talk about it another day."

Xue Chan's eyes sank, she seemed to be disappointed and regretful, and the corners of her eyes were also red.

She lowered her head, folded her hands, and put them on her lower abdomen: "'s a very important matter."

(End of this chapter)

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