Chapter 119 Sir, Save Me (Part [-])
Xue Chan's actions are too dazzling.

How could Han Peizhao have not seen through the personnel affairs early?
His heart sank immediately, and his face became gloomy: "What do you mean?"

The voice is also cold, without temperature, let alone emotion.

Xue Chan sneered in her heart, but she didn't raise her head, she just squeezed her stomach tighter and almost cried softly, "I...I don't know what to do..."

That's it!

There was nothing to talk about in the private room that Zhao Lin had chosen, after all, he might go back at any time.

Han Peizhao pulled Xue Chan over and asked for another vacant private room next door.

After entering the door, his face was agitated, and he even felt an indescribable tightness in his chest.

He paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and then he kicked heavily on the round pier, the stool fell down in response, rolled several times on the ground, and rolled to Xue Chan's feet.

Xue Chan was as if frightened, she shrank her shoulders and stepped back to the side.

Han Peizhao caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, and his face darkened: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"No... not!"

Xue Chan raised her eyes abruptly, responded to him in a panic, with a sad face, then gritted her teeth, boldly approaching Han Peizhao.

She raised one hand to hold Han Peizhao's left arm, tugged tightly, and leaned half of her body on Han Peizhao: "How dare I... You know that I am not good, and the trust date is usually inaccurate. It's been more than a month since I returned, and I didn't care much.

A few days ago, my stomach hurt, so I went to see the doctor, and it turned out..."

As soon as she approached, Han Peizhao's nose lingered, and her body was extremely soft, especially her chest.

Han Peizhao's mind fluttered for a while, but he quickly suppressed those thoughts, pulled out his arm suddenly, and glanced coldly at Xue Chan: "How long has it been?"

"Less than two months..." Xue Chan's voice was very low, her voice was soft and coquettish, "It was just in the other courtyard last time..."

"Didn't you drink the medicine? Didn't the doctor tell you that it was difficult for you to conceive?"

Xue Chan's eyelids were pressed down, and her heart was gloomy.

How dare he mention this!

She is only ten years old.

How is he different from animals?

Torturing her all these years, how many tricks have been used on her, every time she thinks about it, she feels that she is worse than a brothel woman.

And Han Peizhao did not allow her to conceive a child.

In the three years, although there were only a few months in each year, or when he occasionally came to be interested, apart from those few months, he would also find her to get close.

But every time she drank the avoid soup.

That kind of thing hurts the body very much, the damage is fundamental, and it can't be repaired at all.

When Han Peizhao was making out with her two years ago, she suddenly saw blood, and her stomach hurt unbearably. Han Peizhao hurriedly sent for a doctor. At that time, he knew that she could not drink Bizitang anymore, otherwise it would be very difficult for her to drink again in this life. conceived.

But he turned a deaf ear and continued to go his own way afterwards.

In fact, Xue Chan asked in private.

At the beginning, the doctor probably thought that she was Han Peizhao's outer room, and he didn't dare to answer so clearly, so he just said that it was difficult to conceive and she needed to be taken care of. After all, she was still young, and she would be fine in the future.

Afterwards, she went to another doctor to see her, and only then did she know that she had lost her qualifications to be a mother.

In addition to the reasons for avoiding Zitang, it is also related to the methods Han Peizhao used on her.

All in all, it's all because of him!
Hatred flashed in Xue Chan's eyes, suppressed the disgust in her heart, and stuck to Han Peizhao again: "I drank it every time, and you watched me drink it with your own eyes, and I can't play tricks or tricks. This child... ...just an accident.

But I asked the doctor before, and the doctor said that if I take medicine to force the abortion at this time, my body may not be able to bear it.

I really have no idea in my heart, and I want to ask you to find a way.

I don't want to die... You promised me that after this matter is over, you will let me go.

The days to come are still so long, I don't want to lose my life. "

Is it difficult to give birth without aborting the fetus?
"Is it possible that you still want to be born?"

Xue Chan even shook her head again and again: "I dare not, and I have never thought about it. But I really have no choice..."

She didn't know what kind of fragrance she put on her body today, probably to seduce Jiang Yuanzhan.

She was born well, but she looks even better when she dresses up.

Jiang Yuanzhan treated her well, at least her attire was much better than before, and the incense she used was also famous. Although Han Peizhao couldn't smell what it was at the moment, he knew it must be very valuable.

At this time, Xue Chan kept sticking to him, and his thoughts became more and more mobilized, and he could hardly restrain himself.

But this is not the place to do things, let alone the time to do things.

The veins on Han Peizhao's temples twitched, and he wanted to pull back: "I've taken this matter to heart, and I'll talk to you later. You go first, Jiang Yuanzhan will be here soon."

Xue Chan's tears fell down: "You will really think of a way, right?"

The way she cried was the most touching.

Han Peizhao couldn't hold it back.

Xue Chan has been with him for three years, of course she knows how to seduce him the most.

She seemed to be terribly frightened, her eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her eyes were full of panic.

Seeing Han Peizhao retreating again and again, his face showed horror, he gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind, took two steps forward, opened his jade arms, wrapped around Han Peizhao's waist, tapped his toes, and pressed his soft red lips forward : "Lang Jun, I'm afraid."

The delicate voice can pinch water.

Han Peizhao only felt that his brain was hot, and all the next actions were no longer under his control——

When the door was suddenly pushed open, Xue Chan's clothes were half-backed, revealing her fair and round shoulders.

Xue Chan was facing the direction of the door, lying on the round table.

Han Peizhao is behind her.

He was neatly dressed, only the hem of his robe was pinned to his waist.

Xue Chan's skirt was completely lifted by him, but people outside the room couldn't see it clearly, they could only vaguely see the pair of long, thin and tender legs hanging under the table.

All Han Peizhao's actions came to an abrupt end.

And Xue Chan's face was ashen, with despair on his face and eyes.

Outside the house, Jiang Yuanzhan's face was livid, and Zhao Lin, who came in a hurry, just happened to see this scene, took a breath, and was the first to exclaim: "You...Pei Zhao, why are sky and white sun, what a shame!"

Jiang Yuanzhan gritted his teeth, and the veins on his temples twitched.

After an unknown amount of time, amidst everyone's shock and Han Peizhao's bewilderment, a very thin voice was heard: "My me."

Then Xue Chan's eyes darkened and she passed out.

The servant next to Han Peizhao had just come back from Doctor Hu in Huichun Hall, and caught up with such a scene.

They are all men, Xue Chan's clothes are disheveled, how can she get into the house?

Jiang Yuanzhan clenched his fist and thumped heavily on the door frame: "Aren't you going to get out? Clean it up for her too!"

 Han Peizhao: I am not, I am not, I was calculated

  Xue Chan: Heh, beast.

  Everyone: You deserve it, you bastard.

(End of this chapter)

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