The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 120 I want to sue the official

Chapter 120 I Want to Sue the Officials (Third Watch)
Han Peizhao doesn't even remember how it started and how it ended.

All he knew was that the moment the door was pushed open, he was already dead.

Jiang Yuanzhan was scolding him, and Zhao Lin also scolded him angrily.

He also listened to what Jiang Yuanzhan said, cleaned up for Xue Chan, put on her clothes, and even carried her to the Zen chair.

Xue Chan's face turned pale, and she leaned on the chair before Dr. Hu was brought into the room to diagnose her pulse.

"The girl is weak and can't bear it. She was frightened and sad at the same time. It doesn't matter. She will wake up in a while."

Jiang Yuanzhan had a sullen face: "You can leave after you make a prescription, Doctor Hu, you have also been sitting in the Huichun Hall for more than ten years, you'd better not go out and talk nonsense."

Dr. Hu was sweating profusely from his temples.

You must know that you will encounter such a thing, even if you kill him, he will not come.

He hurried to prescribe the prescription, and said yes again and again, his voice trembling: "Don't worry, just don't worry, I will definitely not say anything."

The corner of Han Peizhao's mouth twitched, as if he wanted to ask something, but when he reached his mouth, he finally retracted it.

Xue Chan's child is a disaster.

Since she was weak, he moved a lot just now and didn't pay attention to her at all. At that moment, he thought, if he just gave birth, wouldn't it just be a matter of concern, and it would be a good thing?

So there is no more scruples.

He really wanted to ask Dr. Hu how the child in Xue Chan's belly was doing.

But can't say.

Han Peizhao clenched his hand hanging by his side into a fist.

If Jiang Yuanzhan knew about his relationship with Xue Chan...Jiang Yuanzhan was not Zhao Lin, and what happened was the final reason, and he would be able to react immediately.

Right now, Jiang Yuanzhan just feels sorry for Xue Chan, and after spending so much time on that matter, I'm afraid it won't work.

But what happens next is still up for discussion.

If it breaks out, there is no room for negotiation.

He, Xue Chan, and Jiang Yuanzhan will not let them go.

"I was confused about this matter today..."

Han Peizhao's face was full of remorse, and his voice was low: "I will take responsibility."

This is different from the previous time in the palace,
He was plotted against that time,, Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Lin really broke through, and he did such a thing, if he tried to refute it now, Jiang Yuanzhan's temperament would only get more angry.

Zhao Lin pretended to scold him: "Are you crazy? What is this place? It's a restaurant! There are people coming and going, so how dare you... Who is this? Do you recognize her?"

Jiang Yuanzhan took the words from the side, "Her surname is Xue, and she is the girl I rescued a few days ago."

Zhao Lin gasped: "Then she..."

"I asked her to come to Fengke to eat morning food. She is a very nice person, a gentle and kind little lady."

Jiang Yuanzhan's face was livid, and when he said this, he suddenly struck Han Peizhao hard in the face.

How could Han Peizhao be Jiang Yuanzhan's opponent, and in this matter, he seemed to be in the wrong, and he couldn't even fight back.

Jiang Yuanzhan used all the strength in that punch, and Han Peizhao retreated several steps, his body was unstable, and he still supported the table before barely standing still: "I didn't know she was yours..."

"She is her, I am me, you don't need to put a hat on me in a hurry."

Jiang Yuanzhan didn't let him say those disgusting people's words: "Miss Xue and I are innocent, and we have nothing to say to others. But you——last time in the palace, you said you were framed by others, so you returned After the capital, I tried my best to divorce my cousin. If I remember correctly, my aunt told me that when Mrs. Guo came to the door to talk, she just said that you are as calm as water and don’t want to get close to the little lady. I’m afraid you haven’t married in the past two or three years. I'm thinking about it!"

He bit his voice again: "Okay, you want to cancel my cousin's marriage for no reason. It's good to find a high-sounding excuse. Turn your face away and do such nonsense outside, trampling on an innocent little lady!"

While talking, Xue Chan woke up leisurely.

When she saw Han Peizhao, the first thing in her eyes was still panic.

But she was too scared to even cry.

Zhao Lin watched from the side, feeling startled.

Really good acting skills, good means.

Not to mention the second cousin, even if it is him, if he really meets such a scheming little lady, he will most likely fall into her hands.

"grown ups……"

Xue Chan's eyes were red and she just called him an adult.

Jiang Yuanzhan did not approach her, but responded in a deep voice: "I am here."

Seeing this, Han Peizhao was wrong, especially Xue Chan's expression, and the despair on her face, it was all wrong!

His heart tightened: "Miss, today is offensive and abrupt, you probably know me, when I get married in the future, I will definitely give my wife one..."

"I do not want!"

Unexpectedly, before Han Peizhao finished speaking, Xue Chan screamed as if stimulated: "I don't want to be a concubine! I don't want to follow you either!"

That heart-piercing voice, sharp and piercing, pierced everyone's heart.

Han Peizhao's complexion changed suddenly, and his heart was broken.

Sure enough, Xue Chan had already struggled to get up, and knelt down in front of Jiang Yuanzhan again with a plop, raised her hand and only dared to grab the bottom of Jiang Yuanzhan's gown and put it out: "My lord, I want to sue the officials, I want to report to the officials! My lord, please help me!" Me, save me!"


"He is a beast, I am afraid, my lord, please save me!"

The gate of Jingzhao Mansion's official office is closed, and no one knows what is going on in the mansion's office that makes the mansion Yin Huang Weisong frightened.

Standing in the hall, one is the son of the county prince's mansion, and two are the sons of the prince's mansion. Han Peizhao is still the son of the prince, and he will inherit the title and family business in the future.

Now he has become the defendant, and what he is suing is still such a shameless thing.

Huang Weisong raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his temples, and asked Xue Chan, "What evidence do you have for what you reported?"

He felt guilty when he asked this question.

Kneeling in the hall is Xue Chan, if it was in the past, he would never have heard of such a person.

But not now.

In the past half a month, Jiang Yuanzhan has saved her again, and she has sent food to the military and horse bureau every day. I heard that even the Second Highness and Miss Jiang have met, and Jiang Yuanzhan went to the Ministry of Households to ask for her For a favor, he accompanied her to the household department to open a women's household.

No one dared to speculate what this meant.

After all, Princess Changping County and Master Gu all turned a blind eye and didn't care about it at all.

Even though the lintels are not equal, a girl like Xue Chan might be a bit embarrassed to be a concubine in the Duke's mansion, but what if Jiang Yuanzhan really likes her and convinces the elders in the family?
It's unknown that this girl Baobuqi ascended to the sky in one step, transformed herself into a dignified daughter-in-law of the Duke's family.

As a result, this kind of thing happened.

And Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Lin are still with...

He wants a certificate, so what kind of certificate can he have?
The best witness is standing in the hall.

Sure enough, he just finished asking, Jiang Yuanzhan sneered back and asked: "I and Zhao Lin are both witnesses, and even Han Peizhao's own servant has seen it with his own eyes. What kind of evidence does Huangfu Yin want? He wants to find someone to give it to Xue." Can't Chan pass the body test?"

(End of this chapter)

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